Pirate Family

Chapter 510: The Past

On the bottom floor of the giant's prison, Loki sat in the cage. The air stank of decay from lack of ventilation, and the stench of some animal waste.

The dark water drops fell in front of Loki, like the prayer of a dead man.

Tick ​​tock tick tock.

"Should be coming soon." Loki suddenly opened his eyes, after understanding everything, he has become indifferent, based on his understanding of his brother. At this time, Thor should soon appear in front of him to show off his might.

"Meow." The cat lay down in front of Loki, licking its own meat pads. For some reason, it always felt uneasy.

There were heavy footsteps upstairs, and a giant in golden armor came to the bottom of the prison.

"How are you doing here, my dear brother." Thor walked to Loki's cage and said in a victorious tone.

"It's far worse than my castle." Loki curled his lips and said lightly.

"Seeing you are so unhappy, I feel very relieved." Thor handed a clenched fist to Loki's face, "But my brother is not a devil, doesn't this take away the human woman you miss so much?" Sent to you."

He stretched out his palm, and a human woman with pink hair curled up in his palm.

Although she was born in the most prominent pirate family in this sea, the Charlotte family, Laura at this time was a girl in her teens after all. After seeing Loki, she let go of all her strength and spoke incoherently. cried.

"Not long after you left, a group of strange giants came to your castle and captured me."

"Even, even Sister Jasmine and Brother Wulai are under control."

"However, I didn't tell them anything." Laura whimpered. After these vicious giants captured her, they even asked about the identity of that human male, that is, his brother-in-law Lorne, but he firmly insisted, He just didn't know Lorne, so he didn't say anything.

"Well done, little Laura." Loki comforted, and then looked into Thor's eyes, "That's enough, Thor, this is between you and me, don't involve other people."

"Implicated?" Thor seemed to think of something, and said sarcastically, "Are you qualified to say the word implicated to me?"

"Father loves you dearly and pretends not to see it, but you don't think I will forget it?"

"Those things you have done all these years!"

"I don't allow you to slander Brother Loki like this!" Lola summoned up her courage and shouted at Thor who was like a god.

"Slander?" Thor didn't expect that this human being like an ant would have the courage to yell at him, but that's okay, his purpose of coming here was to completely anger Thor, with the "help" of this human woman ", you can get twice the result with half the effort.

He lifted Laura in front of him, with a hint of sarcasm in his huge eyes.

"Among you humans, you like to call the dream lover who you fall in love at first sight Prince Charming, but you don't think Loki is your Prince Charming, do you?"

"Enough, it has nothing to do with her!" Loki said coldly, with a trace of uncontrollable anger in his tone.

Seeing Loki like this, Thor did not stop, but continued, "To tell you the truth, you are not the first person he fell in love with at first sight. In the past ten years, the so-called true love of the man behind you has already It's changed three."

"What?" A trace of loneliness flashed in Laura's eyes, could it be that Brother Rocky had always lied to him before.

"If you weren't that woman's daughter, the king wouldn't really care about you and Loki, because we all know that it's impossible for the two of you to be together in the end."

"Enough is enough, Thor!" Loki stood up, grabbed the cage with both hands, and said angrily.

"It has nothing to do with her at all, the person I love deeply now is her!"

"Are you so afraid that I will continue?" Thor chuckled, not stopping his chatterbox. "But I'm going to say it."

Thor stared at Laura, "Actually, it's not uncommon to change a spouse in the Giant Kingdom. Even I have several princesses."

"However, this brother Rocky behind you, all the previous spouses, disappeared without a trace in Elbaf like they had evaporated from the world."

"Do you know why?"

"Why?" Laura asked subconsciously following Thor's chatterbox. At this time, Loki was struggling to grab the iron chain of the cage, trying to break free.

"Stop talking."

"Because..." Thor's mouth squirmed slightly. He had held back these words for many years, and after saying them all at this time, his heart felt much more comfortable.

After he finished speaking, the entire bottom of the prison was silent, only the sound of everyone's breathing remained.

Laura was disdainful at first, then dubious, and finally Ou turned his head in disbelief, and asked Loki blankly behind him.

"Is everything he said true? Brother Rocky."

Loki's hands hang down weakly, he didn't answer Lola's question, but stared at Thor with bloodshot eyes.

After seeing Loki's movements, Laura seemed to lose his soul, standing unsteadily, and fell directly on Thor's palm, with his head down, without any look in his eyes.

The cat on the side retreated subconsciously, just in time to touch a lump of flesh in the darkness. Turning its head, it was a giant rat hiding in a corner, as if it was eavesdropping on something.

"Squeak!" After being discovered by the cat, the mouse put its sharp claws against its mouth very humanely, as if to prevent it from exposing itself.

The cat nodded thoughtfully, and then used its fat body to block the mouse. Lying in the dark.

Seeing the two of them like this, Thor nodded very satisfied, then grabbed Laura and took a few steps back.

"What are you going to do?"

With a feeling of unease in his heart, Loki grabbed the cage and yelled at Thor.

"Of course it's doing what you like to do most," Thor waved to everyone behind him, and a giant holding a torch walked up to him and put his torch on the wet ground.

The fire illuminated the dark ground, and countless bugs hiding in the shadows fled in all directions.

Thor took out a thin thread, bound Lola, and hung it on the torch.

"This thin thread will slowly melt after encountering high temperature, and it will turn into a pile of liquid in just ten minutes." After doing all this, Thor said to Loki with a smile.

"At that time, your little girlfriend will fall into this fire and become your favorite thing."

"You lunatic!" Loki grabbed the cage with all his strength, trying to break free from it. The extremely strong cage, under such a huge force, has already produced a little bending.

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