Pirate Family

Chapter 511 Future

"And not only this human woman, your castle and all your followers will be burned tonight."

After doing all this, Thor and his men were just about to leave, as if remembering something, he said to the cat hiding in the shadows.

"By the way, I heard that the cage at the bottom of the giant prison is the pillar of this prison, and it is specially used to detain those who are extremely vicious. Once it is destroyed, the cage of the upper prison will also be affected."

"Just like the shell of an egg, a complete egg is extremely strong, but as long as there is a crack, the whole egg will break instantly."

"It's like this." The cat didn't expect Thor to call him suddenly, and replied subconsciously.

"Hahaha." After getting an affirmative answer, Thor laughed, and then walked up to the prison door, leaving only Loki who was still struggling to break the steel bar, and the cat in a dazed state.

At this time, the cat seemed to suddenly understand something, and turned its head to look at Loki.


At this time, the two steel bars at the front of Loki's cage had already been snapped by him. There was a slight shaking in the entire prison, and the prisoners in the upper prison woke up from their sleep one after another, clutching their cages and shouting.

"Did something happen?"

"Why is there an earthquake?"

A prisoner subconsciously grabbed his own cage, but he was surprised to find that the usually indestructible cage can now be slightly deformed by being pulled.

"What's wrong with the entire prison! The cage has become much more brittle."


A prisoner tried to pull hard on the steel bar of the cage, and broke it alive. Seeing this scene, other prisoners followed his example and took action. The sound of countless steel bars breaking rang out in the prison.

"Don't do this meow!"

The cat yelled at Loki, and then jumped in front of the fire, saving Lola.

At this time, Laura's eyes were blank, staring blankly at the ground, like a corpse.

But it was too late now, the two steel bars in front of Loki had been completely broken, half of his body stretched out from the cage.



"What about these prisoners?" On the spiral staircase of the giant prison, the long-braided giant asked Thor softly when he saw no one behind him, "Are you really going to let them out?"

"Let them go out to destroy my property?" Thor smiled lightly, "The only one who really needs to be released is Wang Zhi."

"The others are just the old, weak, sick and disabled who have been imprisoned for decades, and only hang on their breath."

"Let's wait at the gate of the prison. Any prisoner who dares to step out of this prison will be killed directly."

"Your Majesty is wise!" the long-braided giant complimented. At this time, they had already walked to the gate of the prison. A confidant of Thor in silver armor walked in front of him, and was a little surprised to see the chaotic prison. But without thinking too much, he whispered something in Thor's ear.

"Can you defeat Ulay head-on?"

Thor said in surprise, the giant in silver armor nodded slowly, "This is the news revealed by the old village chief of Warrior Village, he still doesn't know what happened to Kingdom Island, so the accuracy of the news is very high." high."

"Interesting, it seems that the world government still has a big guy." Thor said in a strange voice. Ulay is a well-known warrior in the entire Elbaf, and is known for having only one tendon. Although he did not win the title of "hero", But he was born with a strange force, even he felt a little tricky.

"Do we need to do this?" The long-braided giant wiped his neck at Tolby, with a hint of ferocity in his eyes.

"No need, now the entire Elbaf has fallen into my hands. No matter what the identity of that human male is, as long as he dares to step out of this prison, I will let him die without a burial!"

There was a glint of sternness in Thor's eyes. He looked down on human beings from the bottom of his heart. With the frail body of human beings, why should they rule the sea?

After he integrates Elbaf, he will let the group of humans living in the greenhouse understand what true power is!

"Lorne?" Thor said to himself, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.



"It seems that Thor is moving very fast." The blind old man named Wang Zhi stretched himself and stood up slowly.


His skinny arms were instantly entwined with a pitch-black domineering aura, and an aura of contemptuousness and supremacy appeared on his dry body, and the entire prison was slightly distorted under this aura.

At this time, he is not inferior to any big pirate in the new world in terms of momentum.

"I lost to you and became a criminal. I am convinced." The old man said to himself, "But now that you are dead, there will be no one in this country who can stop me!"

"Then, here I come!"

He raised his arm disturbed by the armed domineering, and then waved forward, the extremely strong cage deformed slightly under this force.

"Break it!"

He roared, and then, the cage that imprisoned him for twenty years instantly turned into a pile of powder.

Wang Zhi walked out of the cage slowly, and every step he took, his aura climbed a step. When he walked out of the cage that had imprisoned him for twenty years, he was no longer that old blind man who was sitting around waiting to die. He is a great pirate who has ruled an era!

"I haven't seen this feeling for a long time." Wang Zhi said slowly. The other prisoners who were escaping from prison stopped their movements after seeing Wang Zhi passing by, lest the beast that had just broken free from the chain notice him and put the I regarded it as his first delicious meal after he was released from prison.

"I've forgotten how to describe this feeling," Wang Zhi lowered his head and thought about it. After a long time, he suddenly realized.

"By the way, isn't that the word that bastard Roger has been talking about all the year round?" Wang Zhi showed a trace of memory on his face,

"Is that what you said?" He said slowly, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.


"Roger, Caesar, Garp and the bastards of the Navy and the Rocks Pirates, you must not die during the years I have been imprisoned, otherwise,"

"I'm going to be bored."

Some other prisoners who had ventured on the great route and had just been imprisoned in this prison for a short time were shocked when they heard the names from the old man's mouth. Who is this old man? How dare he comment on those legends of the sea in such a tone.

"It seems to be too long, that fellow Thor must be a little impatient." The old man didn't care about the shock of the prisoners, and walked out towards the prison gate.

"Just use the head of a giant hero to commemorate my return."

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