Pirate Family

Chapter 546 Confused (2)

"Number 1509-L-0039, infiltrated into the Four Emperor Charlotte Lingling's Sea of ​​Nations, and investigated the details of the cooperation between the Charlotte family and the Vinhill family. When necessary, cut off the link between the two families."

"Mission estimation process: more than three years."

"Mission results: The identity of the spy was suspected to be discovered, and a new force, the Black Sail Pirates, was encountered near the sea of ​​​​all nations. During the battle with it, they met the eighteenth daughter of the Charlotte family, Charlotte Garrett."

"Three parties fought, and finally wiped out the Black Sail Pirates at the cost of losing seven agents, and."

Spandain carefully blocked the report, and after reading the last line, he was stunned. Cold sweat kept streaming from his face,

"Also, Charlotte Garrett was hit hard!"

"According to verification, this information is true, that is to say, the source of the Vinhill family's fury is very likely to be us!" An agent in a black suit said solemnly, CP agents usually work on their own , Sometimes even if they met each other, they didn't know each other.

Therefore, this information was also discovered when they were sorting out the information. Seeing Spandain's expression, he seemed to be completely ignorant of these things. As the highest officer, Spandain was completely unaware of the mission of the undercover agents?

The black suits began to whisper, which made Spandain blush. He coughed a few times.

"Quiet, I arranged these! Don't make a fuss."

"Then, shall we sort out these materials and give them to CP0?" A black suit tentatively asked, judging from his expression, he didn't believe what Spandain said at all.

At this time, Spandain realized that the purpose of their collation of information was to hand over to the CP0, and he was stunned. If the people above knew about these things, even the people behind him would not be able to protect him.

"You go out first, these things, I will hand them over to CP0 later." Spandain thought for a while, and then said slowly.

After all, he is the highest officer of CP9. Although these black suits look down on him from the bottom of their hearts, they still obey his orders. After hearing Spandine's words, he immediately put down his work and left the reference room in an orderly manner.

Obeying orders is the bounden duty of soldiers.

After the black suits left, Spandain hurriedly closed the door of the reference room, and then looked at the "suspicious tasks" sorted out on the table, his face uncertain. After a long time, he made up his mind to take Picked up those materials, and then.

Light these materials with a match.

Flames are everywhere! Spandyne's heart was pounding. As the flame burned, his mood gradually stabilized. He let out a long sigh of relief after these materials were reduced to ashes all over the place.

At this moment, Spandain's back was completely drenched in cold sweat, whether it was because of the temperature of the flames, or because of...fear.


The great route, Osses, the country of oasis.

A gorgeous three-masted sailing ship was docked at the port of Osais, and a woman in a red dress slowly walked ashore from the deck. Behind her, followed by a graceful lady in robes all over her body. And two rows of soldiers who are fully armed and ready to fight!

The elegant lady in a robe was already stunning, but in front of the woman in the red dress, her flaws paled in comparison. The moment the two set foot on Osace, they firmly attracted the attention of the men working in the port.

The men swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but when a group of people walked over, they lowered their heads involuntarily.

It was as if the subjects kowtowed involuntarily after seeing the queen!

The aura of a woman is really too strong, like a rose with thorns, it can only be seen from a distance, but cannot be played with!

"I want to come here to find someone first, and then I will go to the New World and send you to the Red Earth Continent along the way." The woman in the red dress stopped and said to the elegant lady following her with a smile on her face.

"Thank you very much, Queen Agatha." The temperamental lady bowed slightly, and said slowly, "I almost fell into the hands of pirates before, if there is no Queen, I am afraid I will not have any face to return to the family. bingo."

Nobles pay more attention to face. If a female family member of a big noble is caught by pirates, even if nothing happens, as long as she returns to her family safely, there will be rumors instead of blessings.

"The Tulip family will remember your kindness." Lady Tulip said slowly. The Kingdom of Santorand is one of the most powerful countries in the Red Earth Continent and even the entire sea. The kingdom has a pivotal position. So her promise is quite weighty.

After a while, she sighed quietly and said slowly.

"This world is too chaotic, I really don't know when these damned pirates will disappear."

Agatha glanced at Lady Tulip with a strange expression. She wondered how she would feel if she knew that the Vinhill family she belonged to was also regarded as pirates.

"That man's family should live on this island." Agatha stopped and said to a soldier behind her. "Send me a letter of visit to the king of this country, and then,"

"Dig three feet in this country, and find that woman!"

Her tone was understated, as if this Osses was also her territory, but if someone knew her background, she would definitely not doubt her words.

Because in the eyes of the huge Vinhill family, any weak country is a lamb on the chopping board, and there is no room for them to resist!

"I don't know what the Queen of Adela's visit is about." In the palace of Osses, a fat man wiped the sweat from his face, and said flatteringly to Agatha.

Compared with the mighty Adela, Osaith is really too small. Whether it is economic strength, influence, or force, the two are not at the same level, so King Osais is naturally a head shorter in front of Agatha.

"I want to find someone," Agatha handed over a reward list, on which Black Sail Captain Jerome Orlando laughed unrulyly at the camera. This was the first time he offered a reward and was caught by the news Photos captured by birds.

"I want to find out the family of this man." Agatha said without doubt.

"Jerome Orlando?" King Osace recognized the man's name in the photo immediately. After all, Osais is only this big, and it is impossible to hide the appearance of a few famous people.

"However, I'm afraid there is a little problem," King Osace said with a wry smile.

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