Pirate Family

Chapter 547 Confused (3)

"Is there a problem?" Agatha frowned, her aura involuntarily exuded, and she said coldly.

"No, there is no problem, but this is a bit tricky." Feeling the suffocating pressure, King Osais was almost out of breath, and quickly explained. "Osais is a small country after all, and the Kingdom Guard has less than a thousand people. It is difficult to deal with an ordinary pirate force, let alone those pirates who can enter the new world."

"Are you afraid of Jerome Orlando's revenge?" Agatha immediately understood the meaning of King Osace's words, and at the same time, her mood became more subtle. How could the king of a majestic country be afraid of his own subjects?

Agatha pondered for a while, then said slowly.

"Then do you know where his family lives? I'll take them there myself."

"Of course I know that. They came out of a small red house at the end of Green Sandalwood Street!" King Osais hurriedly said for fear that Agatha would get angry.

After Agatha got the news she wanted, she directly said goodbye to King Oses, and then walked out of the palace. When she was about to reach the entrance of the main hall, King Osses suddenly stopped her.

"Uh, can I ask, do you have anything to do with Jerome Orlando's family?"

"Revenge." Agatha said without looking back, and then walked out facing the sun.

She was the only one who could express the feeling of elegance in a cold tone. Her voice was very soft, as if she was a celebrity who was getting ready to go to a banquet.

It took King Osaith a while to react. Thinking of the incident he had read in the newspaper, cold sweat continued to flow from his body.

"Don't get Ossais involved!"

King Osais, who never believed in any gods, prayed for an unprecedented time. His figure looked a little lonely above the vast hall.

It seemed a little sad again.

In this era, being without strength is pathetic, being weak is a crime.

Osais deserves to be called the "country of oases". The streets of Osais are full of green trees, even compared with Adela, the country of flowers.

Agatha led two teams of soldiers walking on the Green Sandalwood Street, as if they were inspecting their own territory. The residents all looked sideways, and then silently gave way.

It is already the instinct of the residents of this country to observe the situation.

It is the instinct of the weak to survive in this era.

This aggressive woman is by no means something they can offend.

Agatha led the people and quickly walked to the end of the long street, and indeed saw a small red house.

In front of the small house is a field of flowers, a woman in linen clothes is bending over the field, taking care of these flowers.

"Are you the owner of this house?" Agatha walked up to the woman, raised her finger and pointed to the red house, and asked calmly.

"That's right, who are you?" The woman raised her head. She didn't have any makeup on her face, but she didn't know how much better-looking than Liuying in the red-light district. The long red hair was randomly wrapped around the back of his head. With a strand of purity.

It is hard to imagine that she is already the mother of two children.

No wonder, Captain Black Sail fell in love with her.

"That's right." Agatha nodded and waved to the soldiers behind her.

"Take her down."

Several heavily armed soldiers stepped forward and grabbed the woman's tender arms. The woman didn't know what happened, and yelled as she tried to break free.

"Who are you and what are you going to do!"

"Mother!" Two children, a man and a woman, escaped from the small red house and shouted anxiously when they saw their mother being caught by two soldiers. He went crazy and rushed towards the flower field.

"Xiao'an, Xiaoyi! Run!" The woman shouted when she saw her two children rushing over. But halfway through the rush, the two children were picked up by several other soldiers.

"I warn you, my husband is a famous big pirate in this sea! You hurt us, and he won't let you go!"

At this time, the woman had already realized that this group of people came for her, and said sharply, using the name of Jerome Orlando to frighten them off.

"Two children, a boy and a girl, their identities should be confirmed." Agatha turned a deaf ear to the woman's threat. Said to the soldiers. "Bring her back, I will interrogate her myself later."

"Who the hell are you guys!"

Even her last trump card was useless, and the woman finally despaired.

Agatha walked up to the woman, looked at her with cold eyes, and said softly.

"the Avengers."

Hearing this sentence, the woman seemed to understand something, and finally stopped resisting, letting the soldiers tie her up and walked towards the port.

But no one saw it. The moment she lowered her head, the panic in her eyes disappeared instantly, and turned into...


Agatha's men grabbed Jerome Orlando's family members and swaggered through the city of Osace. The residents hid aside and talked a lot. But no one dared to stop them, whether it was the soldiers of Osseth or the residents who claimed to be righteous.

Without any hindrance, Agatha returned to the port. boarded his ship.


"Have they finally left?" King Osace asked slowly to one of his confidantes. If Agatha and the others stayed in Osais all the time, it would be like a bunch of bombs that could explode at any time, making him restless.

"Yes, the queen of Adela captured Jerome Orlando's family members, searched their residence, and left here with her people." The confidant took a step forward and said respectfully.

Hearing his confidant's words, King Osais finally breathed a sigh of relief. But at this time, a soldier rushed in in a panic.

"What's the matter? Could it be that the people from the Kingdom of Adela are back?"

Osais asked in shock.

"No, it's not, Your Majesty." The soldier knelt down in the hall.

"No, it's fine if it's not." King Osace felt his mood was like a roller coaster, with ups and downs. After hearing the things that weren't what he was most worried about, his heart finally settled down.

"Then what is it that makes you so flustered?"

"We found a corpse in the dense forest to the south."

"What's the fuss about a dead body?" King Osace asked without knowing it. Osais is not big, he is not small, if every one of them dies, he will be stabbed here, won't he be busy all day?

"However, that corpse is a bit weird," the soldier raised his head, with a look of horror on his face.

"That's the body of Jerome Orlando's lover, Miss Luca!"

Thank you book friends who don't know what to know...-...Two monthly tickets that are right! Thanks!

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