Pirate Family

Chapter 607 The Birth of the Emperor (2)

A group of black shadows, under the cover of night, attacked behind Anilu.

Enel, who was shrouded in thunder, frowned slightly. He sensed a great crisis approaching him with his knowledgeable domineering, but he couldn't tell where the crisis came from.

Platinum Hephaestus? melt? Eleanor? Or is it Atley who is like a corpse? Or hiding behind the scenes, the planner of this pirate banquet.

Enilo didn't know, so he simply didn't bother to think about it.


Ai Nilu thundered, and directly blasted through the body of the pirate closest to him. The huge impact directly knocked the pirates behind him into the air, sweeping the battlefield out of an uninhabited area.

This is the combat power of a person with natural abilities, controlling Haohao Tianwei!

At this time, the pirates realized that Enel was not joking, he really wanted to get rid of all the opponents present. So he took out his weapon and launched an offensive against Enilo.

bang bang bang bang!

Countless bullets covered with armed domineering, mixed with shocking slashes, all rushed towards Ai Nilu. But these attacks, when they touched Anilu's body, seemed to hit a cloud of air and passed through Anilu's body.

Armed color is invalid? !

"As expected of the most powerful new generation." Seeing this scene, even Hephaestus couldn't help sighing. He thought that Anilu was the lucky one who got a powerful fruit by chance, but he didn't expect him to be so skillful in training the two-color domineering. Hephaestus noticed that the moment the attack was about to touch Enil, he elementalized his body in advance and moved the deadly parts away. Those attacks covered with domineering only hit Enil It was nothing more than a cloud of thunder created by the road.

"If you are facing a group of weak people, you may be qualified to say such a thing, but it is a pity that you met me."

Hephaestus bent slightly and sneered.

The next moment, his body was like a cannonball, and he rushed directly towards Enilo.


In an instant, Hephaestus passed through a distance of tens of meters, and with the sound barrier constantly bursting, he rushed directly in front of Enilo.

Every strong person in the new world is a master of physical skills. There is no doubt about this, because those who are not strong enough in physical skills have long been swallowed by the tide of this era.

And Hephaestus' ability can strengthen his own ability, and his physical skills are far beyond ordinary people. The supersonic speed that ordinary people can hardly imagine is just his warm-up.

"There are many arrogant natural-type ability users in the new world, but they all fell on the sea. You are a little stronger than them. You know the weaknesses of natural-type ability users, and you have focused on training your own domineering power."

Hephaestus said lightly with afterimages on his body.

"There are two tricks to deal with people with natural abilities like you,"

"The first is a strong enough domineering aura that can suppress you, preventing you from elementalizing your body in advance, and the second is."

Hephaestus thrust his fist covered in platinum armor into Enel's chest.

"My own melee combat ability is strong enough to drag natural-type ability users into bloody melee combat!"

"Unfortunately, I have both!"

Hephaestus felt that his fist touched an entity, and with the help of knowledge and domineering, he captured the entity that Enel hadn't had time to elementalize.


However, it was not Enilo's screams that responded to Hephaestus, but a disdainful voice.


A fist wrapped in lightning collided with a fist covered in platinum, and a huge impact swept the entire battlefield.

Hephaestus felt a crack in the platinum armor on his arm, and his face changed drastically. Before he could react, he felt a huge impact from his fist, and then, his whole body was crushed. Blast away!

"What is it that gave you the illusion that my hand-to-hand combat ability is weak?"

Anilu's fist was pitch black, and the rolling thunder flashed above the fist. Because of Lorne's reminder before, Enilu focused on strengthening his two-color domineering and physical training, and now he is an out-and-out monster with no flaws.

Just accelerated by the explosion of the thunder in his body, Enilo gained huge kinetic energy, which can greatly increase his strength. The only disadvantage is that when using the thunderbolt to explode in one's body, it will put a heavy burden on one's body and cannot be used continuously.

However, this is enough.

This trick was developed by Enilo when he was practicing in the sea. This force is quite huge, until now, Enilo has not encountered an opponent who can counter his instant burst.

At least, for now, Hephaestus can't.

"It's really a savage force. This kind of opponent has the pleasure of hunting." Rong licked his lips, and there was a trace of fighting intent in his eyes.

He has, for a long, long time, not felt this kind of blood-boiling feeling in the face of a powerful enemy. This feeling didn't appear even when facing Adam before, but at this time, it appeared.

"I accept the reward on your head."

Rong pulled out his long knife, and a fire snake appeared on the battlefield.


"Is it you next?" Enilo also noticed the situation here, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He faced Rong from the air, and stretched out his index finger.


A thunder snake about the thickness of a finger slammed towards Rong. Rong lifted the knife and subconsciously wanted to block it.

But the moment Razer rushed in front of him, Enilu's body suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in front of Razer.


He turned into a mighty Lefo, and pressed down on Rong with a blue palm. Rong raised his head, saw the flickering thunder in the sky, gritted his teeth, and raised his long knife.


The overwhelming flames swept the entire battlefield, contending with the Raffle Chamber in the mid-air, thunder and flames intertwined, covering the sky and the sun. But this flame is a rootless fire after all, and the scene of the court's confrontation only appeared for a moment before it was swallowed by the thunder that filled the sky.


There was a big bang between the two. Split the entire field into two sides.

Half of it is coke, like purgatory.

And the other half is also coke, like a thunder pond!

Ai Nilu stood in this thunder pool, strolling in the garden, his face was indifferent, like a god who came down from the nine heavens.

Rong, on the other hand, took a step back. The long knife in his hand seemed to be unable to bear the pressure, and turned into pieces all over the place.

This time, Enel won the confrontation!

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