Pirate Family

Chapter 608: The Birth of the Emperor (3)

The aftermath of the battle between Anilu and Rong completely destroyed the battlefield. The weak were too busy to take care of themselves, and retreated to the edge of the battlefield one after another, looking at the few people in the center with despair on their faces.

It is a hopeless thing to live in a world with such a monster.

It is even more desperate to be in the same era as this kind of monster.

If there is still a choice, they may not choose to become pirates. Because if the opponent is such a monster, living is already a luxury.

"Your bounty shouldn't be so low." Rong threw away the only remaining sword hilt in his hand, coughed twice and said slowly.

I don't know if he is referring to the previous 370 million bounty of Enilo, or the current 980 million.

But no matter which bounty it is, it should not be called low in any sea area.

"Using a bounty to measure a person's strength is a rather stupid thing. As a bounty hunter, you should know this better than me." Ai Nilu said lightly with a thunderball in his hand.

Countless hair-thin lightning wires intertwine and intertwine in the thunderball, like a world full of countless secrets.

"Indeed," Rong rarely recognized other people's views, "Your strength is worthy of your arrogance. However, your arrogance will become the fuse for you to die here."

"What do you mean?" Enilu frowned and said, he didn't understand what Rong was talking about.

"It means that it is quite stupid to rashly declare war on us without knowing what abilities the opponents present are hiding!"

At this time, a heroic voice sounded behind Anilu. Eleanor, the captain of the silver knife, touched the back of Enilu at some point, and raised the silver knife tied to his right hand high, dyed black by the domineering color of the weapon, and slashed towards the back of Enilu.


Enilu turned around, his right hand was also wrapped around the armed domineering, caught Eleanor's sneak attack, and then said disdainfully.

"Attacking an opponent from behind is not what someone with a reputation like you should do."

"Pirate World, only the living are qualified to say such things. Even Roger, who is now well-known, was chased everywhere like a dog back then!"

"But he survived to the end, so he is the One Piece!"

As Eleanor said, his hatred for Roger has not diminished in the slightest because of the passage of time, but has grown stronger. Eleanor clenched his fist with his left hand and blasted at Enilo's chest.

"But, do you have the confidence to live to the end?"

"What's the meaning?"

Enilo blocked Eleanor's attack with his left arm. At this time, his knowledgeable domineering warning frantically, as if sensing something very dangerous approaching, he wanted to elementalize his body away, but found that Eleanor Nuo has locked him firmly, making it impossible for him to leave the battlefield.

"It means, you lost, arrogant rookie!"

A black shadow appeared behind Anilu, and then swallowed him whole.

Eleanor seemed to know what this black shadow was, with a look of dread in her eyes, and she took a few steps back, fearing that she would come into contact with this black shadow.

The black shadow rolled, the thunder became weaker and weaker, and finally completely retracted into Enilo's body.

The black shadow dissipated, revealing Enilu's robust body. He looked at his hands with a gloomy expression.

"I am the cursed person who ate the cursed fruit, and I can manipulate the shadows to cast the most vicious curses on the enemy." A cold voice sounded in the battlefield, and Atley, with a red skull tattooed on his face, walked out of the shadows come out.

"This is my first curse. In this state, all your actions will cost you several times more energy. Can you still maintain the majestic power you had just now?"

Atley looked at Enil, with no concealment of his greed in his eyes, this is the most perfect puppet, with such a powerful puppet, combined with his own ability, even if it is to challenge the few people who are the highest in the sea , is not impossible.

"It's a nasty trick, but it works."

Among the rubble on the battlefield, a pair of arms covered with platinum protruded from it. Hephaestus struggled to get up from the rubble. Enelu's explosive punch, even him, instantly Also unbearable.

However, he is a battle-tested fighter after all, if he couldn't even withstand this punch, it would be a bit too misleading.

"This is the experience taught to you by your predecessors, and the price is your life."

Hephaestus said lightly, today's "banquet" has already lost an Adam, so he doesn't care about adding another Thor.

As for the overwhelmed Vinhill family, no one cares.

"Enel's body belongs to me, and I withdraw from the snatch of the pure gold ring." Atley first stated that he had already got what he wanted, but it's a pity that the previous Adam didn't die in his hands, otherwise, he would This trip will be able to accept two generals.

"That leaves me, Captain Silver Knife Eleanor, and that Rong over there." Hephaestus said lightly, "How about a fair competition between us?"

"Yes." Eleanor nodded, agreeing.

In a short period of time, several big brothers have clearly divided their interests. As for the weak who are still lingering on the battlefield, who cares?

Being able to live is the greatest gift to them.

"Hehehe." At this time, Enilu suddenly sneered, and he looked at the ugly people in front of him, and his eyes flashed with thunder.

"Do you really think that you can eat me?"

Boom boom boom!

Countless thunder burst out from Enilu's body again, and he turned into the Buddha of Thunder. Thunder clouds gathered in mid-air, and then smashed the sky and covered the ground, blasting down towards the battlefield.

"Do you think you can defeat me like this?" Enilu shouted, he felt that his physical energy was rapidly depleting, and he could only maintain this state for ten minutes at most.

In other words, if he couldn't solve these opponents within ten minutes, then he would stay on this island forever.

But at this time, Enilo felt a phone bug ringing in his trouser pocket, and then, a door of void appeared behind him.

A black-haired man with blood on his face and wearing a black cloak slowly walked out from the void gate.

Behind him followed the senior cadres of the Vinhill family.

The man walked up to Anilu, patted him on the shoulder, and said softly, "You've done enough, leave it to me."

Then, he turned his head and roared loudly at the heroes in the battlefield.

"Ready to meet my wrath?"


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