Pirate Family

Chapter 609: The Birth of the Emperor (4)

Lorne actually came! All the pirates present did not expect it.

After he raided Mary Joya, he crossed thousands of mountains and rivers and came to Bisilan.

In this world, there is only one thing that can never be avoided, and its name is fate. In the world, there is only destiny, which no one can resist.

Today, the fate of these pirates is to die in this place.

At least Lorne thought so.

"You're not very good, Enilu." A bald man said sarcastically when he saw Enilu's embarrassment.

"How did these people make it look like this?"

"You're not much worse." Enilu took a deep breath, forced himself to slow down, then looked at Jody, and said lightly.

At this time, Jody seemed to have experienced a fierce battle, with minor wounds all over his body, and his right arm was bare, as if it had been chopped off by something sharp.

"Is the battlefield over there very tragic?"

Anilu asked, he was not worried about his own safety, in fact, he had never been worried.

Because Lorne gave all the people of the Vinhill family a belief that when they were in danger, Lorne would definitely come to rescue them even if they were in the remotest corners of the world.

There is no other reason, just because he is Lorne, so the people of the Vinhill family believe that he can do all this.

In fact, Enil has never mentioned it to others. The reason why he stayed in the Vinhill family was not because Lorne said before that when Lorne became the emperor, he made Enil become an empty head like a god. The check, but because of the feeling of caring in this family.

This feeling is something that Anilo has never felt since he was a child.

"Well, we met a monster, and we lost." Agatha bandaged Anilu's wound, and said softly, her tone was very flat, as if she was telling a very trivial thing,

"Garette is under a curse, and her lifespan is constantly declining. We need this pure gold ring."

Because, she knew, Lorne would definitely take revenge.

The fruit of invincibility is not worth mentioning in front of the heart of revenge!

Agatha said softly. At this time, she had finished bandaging the wound on Enilu's body, and then walked to Lorne's side, looking calmly at the heroes on the sea in front of her.

These famous "big shots" never made a move from Lorne until Agatha helped Enilo to bandage his wound.

I don't know if I don't want to take advantage of others, or...

Don't dare to take advantage of others!

"With the technology that can travel long distances in an instant, is this the Vernhill family?" Hephaestus said solemnly. This was his first contact with the Vernhill family, but he did not expect that the previous newcomer The power has grown to such a terrifying level.

Among the people brought by Lorne, there are a few monsters who are not necessarily weaker than Enel.

And these monsters all bowed their heads to the black-haired man standing in the front. Is it because the man named Lorne is a more terrifying monster?

That’s right, the world government hasn’t issued a bounty of more than 2 billion for a long time. For pirates with this level of bounty, Haishang prefers to call them,


Facing a legend, Hephaestus felt a rare retreat.

"I said," Hephaestus was about to speak, but found that Lorne was no longer there. The next moment, a black figure appeared in front of him.


Lorne wrapped around Liu Ying's domineering fist, and directly hit Hephaestus' chest. Where the fist touched, there were a few cracks in the thick platinum armor.

Hephaestus spat out two mouthfuls of blood, and was knocked out. He couldn't catch Lorne's movements at all just now, that is to say, Lorne has completely suppressed him in terms of knowledge and color. And the opponents Hephaestus fears most are those opponents who are more domineering than himself, because Hephaestus himself is best at fighting with platinum armor, but when he meets those knowledgeable Against stronger enemies, the defense he was proud of was nothing more than a slightly thicker sandbag.

Style restraint is more difficult to fight than strength restraint.

Therefore, Hephaestus tried his best to exercise his arrogance of knowledge and knowledge. He is extremely confident in his arrogance of knowledge and arrogance. After traveling across the sea for so many years, except for a few legends, other people's arrogance of knowledge and knowledge can suppress his own. There are only so few people.

For example, the monster of the Charlotte family.

For example, the man with the gun in the Red Hair Pirates.

And Lorne was the third person Hephaestus had ever seen who completely suppressed him with his knowledgeable domineering aura!

When Hephaestus flew backwards, Lorne caught up with him directly, and then punched Hephaestus hard in the midair, directly hitting Hephaestus' abdomen.


Hephaestus was smashed to the ground, leaving a deep pit on the charred ground. Hephaestus lay there, struggling to get up.

The platinum armor on his belly has a fist mark on it. The platinum armor around the fist print was cracked inch by inch.

"Terrifying newcomer." Captain Eleanor took a deep breath, and then said solemnly. Many people said before that Lorne has Roger's shadow in him, and he may be one of the most powerful contenders for the position of One Piece.

But now, Eleanor wants to say, Lorne is not the same as Roger at all!

At least Roger wasn't as crazy as Lorne! So unreasonable.

Eleanor felt that what Lorne said was not a threat, he really wanted to kill all the pirates present!

"Joining hands?" Captain Eleanor looked at the man next to him with a red skull tattoo on his face, and said tentatively. "You made a move on Enilo, and he will never let you go, so now you have only one way to join forces with me."

"It's just that, as a price, wait a minute, this pure gold ring belongs to me."

"You sent your men to restrain the people of the Vinhill family, and I took the opportunity to curse Lorne. As long as my curse hits, then this victory belongs to us."

Atley deserves to be a hero. He made a decisive decision, "I will give you the pure gold ring, but I will give you Lorne's body!"

He looked at Lorne in the distance, with fear in his eyes, implying a hint of greed.

If, if, Lorne can be made into his own puppet, then no one in this sea will dare to underestimate her Ateli!

He is about to become a real fear!

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