Pirate Family

Chapter 614: Behind the scenes

"It's over, Case!" Behind Bislan's backstage, Jiabo said with a smile as he looked at the man in a black cloak standing proudly on the battlefield on the big screen of the projection phone bug.

"I didn't expect that he would win in the end." Case looked at Lorne on the big screen with a complicated expression. "In him, I saw the shadow of that man back then."

He looked at Lorne, as if he saw the little furry boy who was thrown into the infinite hell of Push City about ten years ago.

At that time, no one believed that the child who was as fragile as a sheep would really turn this sea upside down.

Case didn't believe it either, so he made the future his own.

"Caesar? After all, Lorne is Caesar's son." Jiabo said with a smile. He didn't come out of the city, so he didn't know the relationship between these prisoners.

"No," Caesar shook his head,

"It's Roger."

The entire conference room was silent. After a long time, Case stood up, "Lorne will not join us. He has his own pride. This man will never bow down to others."

"So this time, did we lose a pure gold ring for nothing?" Jiabo asked. Although a pure gold ring is not important to them, once it is thrown out, it is enough to make people The world is crazy about it.

It can be seen from Lufeld's performance.

"It's just a pure gold ring, even if you get this, who in this world can truly live forever?" Case said sarcastically, "In the future, we will have a chance to face this little guy. But not now .”

"Notify that man, it's time to leave. After all, the protagonists of today's banquet are not us!"

"Understood, sometimes I really don't know what you think! If you could let your companions know what you think, you wouldn't have lost to Lockes, Case." Jiabo said, and then Looked at another screen.

Gang Gang, a strong man with a bare upper body, punched a piece of lava into pieces, but when he was about to pursue the victory, a piece of ice appeared from nowhere and froze his body.

"It's really shameful, Navy, to plan to bully the few with more."

Jiabo said sarcastically, and then slowly pressed a button in front of him.

"Your real enemy is here!"


"Monster-like stamina, terrifying defense."

"It's really a difficult opponent. Why didn't the Demon Slaughter Order fail to eliminate him?"

Sakaski punched the iron giant covered in pitch-black domineering body with a heavy fist of lava. The high-temperature lava melted a big hole in the iron giant's body, but the iron giant didn't care, and his face showed A weird smile, and then with a wave of his hand, directly sent Sakaski flying. But when he was about to continue moving, his body was gradually frozen, becoming stiff and sluggish.

Kuzan stood not far away, and withdrew his cold hand.

Sakaski's whole body was pumped into lava, and he condensed his body not far away. Then slowly stood up. Because his body had been elementalized in advance, the Iron Giant's attack did not cause much damage to him this time.

But in the same way, Sakasky did not cause much damage to the monster. The monster struggled hard, and the ice that was frozen on his body shattered. He twisted his neck, and then he was full of fear He looked intently at the opponent in front of him.

The melted steel on his chest healed slowly, and almost in the blink of an eye, it returned to its original state. Sakaski's punch didn't have much impact on him.

"Dignified admiral, do you have to join forces to deal with me?"

The monster opened its mouth and said mockingly.

Sakaski's face was gloomy, and he felt that he was as powerful as this monster. Another meaning of equal strength is that no one can do anything to anyone, so if Kuzan, who is at the same level as himself, joins the battle, he can solve this monster.

This is the most sensible approach, and Aokiji did the same.

However, this seemed to indicate his incompetence, which was tantamount to slapping Sakaski hard on the face.

"But it doesn't matter. After all, don't you guys like to use the Demon Slaughter Order when dealing with opponents you can't solve?"

The monster opened its mouth and said sarcastically.

"You can only be rampant now." Sakaski's fist was wrapped in lava, and he was ready to bet his dignity as an admiral.

The monster's face also became solemn, facing two opponents of the same level at the same time, even he couldn't match him, so he had to do his best.

"It really is you." At this time, a deep voice sounded in the monster's ear. A man with golden light shining all over his body, like a giant Buddha, slowly walked towards him.

The moment he saw the man, the innocence in the monster's eyes disappeared, and he was surrounded by hatred instead.

"Warring States!"

The monster roared in a low voice, waved its steel-like body, and rushed towards the man he called Warring States.


The giant steel giant fist of the monster collided with the giant Buddha-like fist of the man, and there was an earth-shattering sound. Countless shock waves burst out from the fist of the Warring States Period, and the steel wrapped around the giant fist of the monster continued to dissipate and disintegrate. Finally split into countless parts.

A muscular man in a light brown military uniform fell out of these parts.

"Give it a go," Zhan Guo said slowly. "You are not our opponent."

"I didn't expect that young man back then to be able to grow up to where he is today."

At this time, a strong man with white hair in a vice-admiral uniform slowly approached, holding a bloody pirate in his hand,

This pirate is the prisoner who escaped from the city of advancement before. It was him just now, and he and the Warring States were delayed for a while, but they faced him and the Warring States at the same time, even if it was a lucky escape from the infinite hell Prisoners can only be caught without a fight.

The man paused, looked at the monster, and slowly said his name.

"I haven't seen you for many years. I remember you were the young man who hid behind Roger. Your name is Douglas, right?"

"I didn't expect you to come too, Garp." The man called Douglas lay on the ground, looking at the enemies in front of him.

The two generals of the navy, the admiral, the hero of the navy.

Facing these opponents at the same time, even the original Roger can only drink hatred.

It's just that the man didn't have the slightest fear in his heart. Defeating these people can even show that he surpassed Roger.

But when he just stood up, news of his companion suddenly came from his clothes, his face changed drastically, and he shouted unwillingly.

"I haven't fought enough! How can I evacuate!"

At this time, the faces of Sengoku and the others also changed drastically. Aokiji seemed to have sensed something, stretched out his hands, and a barrier of ice enveloped the battlefield.

Boom boom boom boom!

Numerous explosives that had been buried at the pier a long time ago exploded in unison. The power of the explosion shattered the ice barrier into pieces, and the smell of gunpowder permeated the air.

When the thick smoke dissipated, everyone found that the figure of the man had long since disappeared. A road stretching for several kilometers stretched from the port to the very center of Bislan, as if welcoming them.

"I have a hunch that something happened there." Karp said, "You go to the Bislan Center first, and I will hunt down Douglas."

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