Pirate Family

Chapter 615 Waiting

"You want to be the one behind the scenes?"

Lorne walked towards the center of the battlefield. A man in a suit stood on a high platform, looking at Lorne tremblingly.

His eyes were full of fear, because he saw how the man in front of him had ravaged Rong just now. The man with unrivaled strength brandished two flaming long knives and kept slashing at Lorne.

But he didn't hurt Lorne at all from the beginning to the end! Finally, after being exhausted, he was punched and crushed by Lorne.

"No, I don't want to, you monsters!"

The man in the suit broke down and took out the box containing the pure gold ring. These monsters were beyond his control.

A woman made of dense fog took the box, checked it and nodded slowly to Lorne.

"I used to be far weaker than you are now," Lorne said calmly, looking at the man in the suit who broke down and cried. "In Advance City, any prisoner is stronger than me."

"However, in the end they were able to escape because of me."

The man in the suit felt that his five senses were gradually becoming blurred, the world was getting quieter, and his body was getting colder.

"What is strong is never the strength, but the heart."

This was the last voice the man in the suit heard, and then his world went dark.

This man who wanted to be famous in the sea never had time to say his name from the beginning to the end.

And no one wants to know the Joker's name.

After doing all this, Lorne turned around slowly. He just cut off the man's five senses. At this time, the man was still alive, but he was no different from a living dead.

What Lorne hates the most is the person who betrays his companions, this is the punishment for this man.

"Hello, Lorne is in charge!"

A playful female voice sounded beside Lorne, and Monet waved his arms excitedly to greet Lorne.

"Dover, do you also care about this thing?"

Lorne responded with a smile, the meaning of the girl is very clear, that is, to tell Lorne that even though Lorne has lost his status as Shichibukai, the Don Quixote family is still an ally of the Vinhill family.

After all, Doflamingo is a pirate first and an ally of the World Government second.

Lorne's response also indicated that the cooperation between the two will continue.

"Hohohoho, the young master doesn't care about such boring things as Yongsheng. We came here just to protect those guys."

The tall Torrepol walked up to Lorne with a cane, and then pointed to the lost Lufield, and a man and a woman who were sitting on the VIP seats at the end of the battlefield and witnessed the whole process.

The man nodded slightly towards Lorne's side, saying hello, while the woman showed a charming smile, then turned around and left the place with her entourage.

"I see." Lorne nodded and didn't say anything further. The members of the Don Quixote family greeted each other, followed the footsteps of the people in the underground world, and left this place. Lorne waved his hand, Sanchuan Road, which had been brainwashed and controlled, had opened a void gate, and Lorne was about to pass through the void gate and bring the pure gold ring back to Sidio.

However, at this time, he stopped and looked towards the direction of the port. The sound of explosions continued to be heard from that side, like countless explosives exploding in unison.

At this moment, a trace of solemnity flashed in Lorne's eyes.

"Go back first."

Lorne handed the box containing the pure gold ring to Agatha, and then looked in the direction of the gate of the square.

Agatha wanted to say something, but she didn't say it in the end, she nodded. Then he walked into the gate of the void.

As a family member, they would never question Lorne's decision, and Lorne was always so reassuring.

"Boss, am I with you?"

The one-armed Jody came over and asked tentatively. After losing his right arm, he could no longer make that habitual head-touching movement.

"You go back too. I asked Lola to help you make a mechanical arm. While you still have the senses in your hand, it shouldn't have much impact on it."

As Lorne said, if his avatar of the fruit of the operation had not been destroyed, it would be a very simple matter for him to just lose his arm. But it's meaningless to say these things now, Lorne secretly made up his mind that he would never let Jody's severed arm last long.

"By the way, bring these spoils back, Gage and Vegapunk may be useful with these things."

Lorne said slowly to the corpses of the sea heroes lying on the ground.

The warriors of the Vinhill family dragged these corpses slowly through the void gate. Only Lorne and Enilo were left standing quietly on the battlefield.

As if waiting for something.

The iron gate of the Sdio meeting place has become dilapidated after countless battles. As if the wind blows, it will crash to the ground.

At this time, on the battlefield, the surviving big shots have basically evacuated, and only Lorne, Enel, Diaros and Andariel are left standing in the entire battlefield.

"Why don't you leave, don't you know what you will face later?"

In the rare free time, Lorne looked at the famous newcomer in front of him and said curiously.

Diaros is different from other pirates, he doesn't look like a pirate at all. Because when pirates go to sea, they are all after something, whether it is wealth, or power, or freedom.

But in Diaros, Lorne couldn't see the slightest desire for these things.

"Because I want to see the end." Diaros said, "I want to see the future of this sea."

"What a weirdo."

Lorne shook his head, "You're right about one thing, the future of this sea will indeed change because of what happened tonight."

At this time, footsteps suddenly came from outside the door. Lorne felt the familiar monster-like breath, and then said lightly.

"Here they come."


A lava iron fist blasted open the iron door, and a man wearing a navy cape and a red suit shirt with a resolute face walked in from the outside.

Another tall man with curly black hair and a blindfold followed closely behind him. He let out a breath of cold air, freezing the ashes in the air into grains of ice slag. He didn't speak, but looked at Lorne warily.

Both of them had some tiny scratches on their clothes and a little bit of dust, they looked a bit embarrassed, but they stood here, no one in this sea dared to underestimate them.

Because one of them is named Sakaski, and the other is named Kuzan.

Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Akainu Sakaski, and Aokiji Kuzan!

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