Pirate Family

Chapter 616: The New King

"The two generals of the headquarters are really grand." Lorne sighed, "Where is the Warring States? I can feel his breath, and he should be in this sea area."

"The Marshal of the Warring States Period is suppressing another heinous prisoner, so he can only send us here for the time being." Kuzan said slowly, staring into Lorne's eyes while exhaling from the cold. "However, I didn't expect that in this feast of pirates, the last person standing will be you."

"It seems that you have mastered that man's ability."

In the evening, Lorne only appeared in Mary Gioia. This is the news that the navy just got, so it is impossible for him to appear here now.

Unless he can cross half of the sea in a very short period of time.

It is not a secret among the high command of the navy that Kaido happens to have an ability user who has the ability to cross half of the sea.

Because at the end of the execution war, Kaido used that ability to escape from Marie Gioia.

As for why that man's ability fell into Lorne's hands, Kuzan didn't want to think about it, nor did he want to think about it. All he knew was that Lorne's threat had expanded a bit.

"Obviously you have mastered that convenient ability, but you still don't want to leave this place. Do you want to see us?"

Sakaski stared at the shrinking void gate behind Lorne, and said coldly.

The existence of this man in front of him is the blasphemy of the justice he has always insisted on.

He wants to kill him.

"Because, I want to talk to you about one thing." Lorne paused, then said slowly to Sakaski, "but not with you."


Sakaski was furious, his fist turned into magma and kept rolling. This indicates that his mood is not calm.

The meaning of Lorne's words is very clear, that is what Lorne wants to talk about, and he, Sakaski, has no right to call the shots!

Sakaski swung his right hand vigorously, and a huge lava fist like a small mountain flew towards Lorne, and the dripping magma melted the ground into small pits one after another.


However, this magma punch failed to hit Lorne, because a giant transformed into thunder stood in front of Lorne.

Thunder and magma intertwined, bursting out countless sparks, and finally exploded. Countless gravel after the magma had cooled continued to sway in the air, and the air was filled with the smell of sulfur.

"Troublesome ability." Sakaski said coldly, looking at Enil who stood in front of Lorne. The most difficult enemy for a nature-type ability user is not the unpredictable superhuman type, or the domineering and powerful physique expert, but just another nature-type ability user.

The battle between two nature-type ability users often turns into a physical confrontation, and the winner can only be decided when one of them is exhausted.

At this time, Enilo was obviously not exhausted.

But fortunately, Sakaski was not alone at this time, he said to Kuzan next to him.

"You hold back the man who holds Thunder, and I'll get rid of Lorne myself."

Without Enel's restraint, Lorne would not be his opponent.

This is Sakalski's self-confidence, self-confidence as an executor of justice.

"No," Kuzan shook his head, stopped Sakaski who was about to run away, and then looked at Lorne who stood in the distance without changing his expression. "I want to hear what he wants to say."

This is not because Kuzan's insistence on justice is inferior to that of Sakalski, but that Kuzan is much calmer than the extreme Sakalski.

Lorne obviously has the ability to cross half of the sea, but he still chooses to stay here. Either he is an extremely stupid and blindly confident fanatic of his own strength, or he has something to rely on, even if a fierce battle breaks out between the two. A wise man who leaves calmly.

As for Lorne, although he was a lunatic, he was never stupid.

"The sensible thing to do is just wait for a while." Seeing Aokiji's behavior, Lorne nodded slowly. At this time, Enilo also put away himself like the incarnation of Nine Heavens Raffles, and stood beside Lorne.

After Atley's death, the curse cast on Enilo has dissipated, that is to say, at this time, Enilo is at its peak.

And Enilo, who is at his peak, is not afraid of Sakaski in front of him at all. He looked at Sakaski frantically in his eyes. If Lorne wasn't by his side, he would really like to know one thing.

That is thunder and magma, who is the most powerful fruit of nature.

"He's here." Lorne felt a huge aura approaching here, and finally there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes, and then he said slowly.

A man exuding bronze light, like a giant Buddha, walked into the battlefield step by step.

This great Buddha seemed to have just experienced a fierce battle, and he seemed a little exhausted, but his eyes were shining with determination. It seemed that no matter what monster stood in front of him, it was vulnerable to the justice behind him.

"I didn't expect it to be you, Lorne." Zhan Guo looked at Lorne and said with a complicated expression.

It was he who granted the title of Qiwuhai, King of Lorne, thinking that this would separate Lorne from Caesar and make Lorne a support for the navy. And when Lorne was in the position of Shichibukai under the king, he did very well, and it was difficult for him to pick out any faults.

But unexpectedly, in the end, Lorne stood on the opposite side of justice.

"You should know the strength of the navy, you can't escape." Warring States said.

"As early as when I set foot on the land of Marie Gioia, I knew what kind of consequences this would cause." Lorne shook his head, and then said slowly. "But I don't regret it."

Warring States is silent, of course he knows Lorne's character, in fact, everyone in this sea knows Lorne's character.

Arrogant, reckless, lunatic, the most cherished thing is his family.

These are the labels attached to Lorne.

That's why the group of avengers could accurately grasp Lorne's weakness and lure Lorne to Mary Gioia.

"So, you stay here, do you want to chat with me?"

After the silence, Warring States asked.

"No, it is precisely because I know the consequences of this incident that I stayed here."

Lorne said slowly, "After the Bislan incident, the world government will definitely put pressure on the navy, and then you will organize troops to attack my territory."

Warring States did not answer Lorne. In fact, he had already received the order from above when he ordered to land on the land of Bislan. Deira two small islands. Take away Lorne's base camp in one pot, finally capture Lorne, and publicly execute Lorne in front of the eyes of the whole world.

Just like Roger back then.

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