Pirate Family

Chapter 622

"Extraordinary, big news!"

The new world, the country of martial arts. A newspaper boy was waving a large handful of newspapers with wet ink, scurrying up and down the long street excitedly.

The news in this newspaper is really too exciting, today will definitely be very fruitful, the newspaper boy thought so, and then one of them didn't pay attention, bumped into a carriage, two snow-white horses stopped, and Yang Tian neighed .


Beside the carriage, a group of heavily armed guards picked up their spears, clamped the newsboy's neck, and asked in a low voice.

In the Kingdom of Martial Arts, someone dared to assassinate the queen of this country in broad daylight?

"Stop!" A woman in a red military uniform with an inviolable temperament like an iceberg poked her head out of the carriage. He ordered his subordinates to stop.

"Your Majesty Xia Lan!" The newspaper boy said tremblingly when he saw the person he bumped into.

The kingdom of martial arts is based on martial arts. Their king may not be the most visionary, or perhaps not the smartest, but he must be the best at fighting. And this woman named Xia Lan is the king of this country. With one person's power, she fights against the pirates in the New World who intend to invade here.

"It's just a newspaper boy, not an assassin."

The woman named Xia Lan stepped out of the carriage, squatted down slightly, and looked at the bewildered newspaper boy with a smile on her iceberg-like face. Then he took out a coin worth 100 Baileys, put it in the newspaper boy's pocket, and took a newspaper.

"Let me see what happened in the open sea."

Ciaran picked up the newspaper and looked at it.

"Is the Bisilan incident over? Many well-known and important people died there? That's good, the sea will be much cleaner soon."

Xia Lan saw the first paragraph in the newspaper, smiled slightly, and then said lightly. These crazy pirates plundered everywhere in the sea of ​​the new world, doing all kinds of evil. Now that they all died in Bisilan, it might not be a good thing for the countries in the New World.

"It's rare for the Navy to do a good thing."

In the carriage, a female general with long brown hair and a silver-white half-armor smiled and said. Her appearance is beautiful, the only fly in the ointment is that there is a cross-shaped scar on her left face, which seems to be left by previous battles, which destroys her overall beauty.

However, in the Kingdom of Martial Arts, no one would underestimate a woman because of the scar on her face, because the one who left the scar was a big pirate with a bounty of more than 500 million, and as the price, the head of that pirate Hanging in the port of the country of martial arts forever, deterring any pirate group who wants to invade the country of martial arts.

His Majesty Xia Lan is not married, because she said that she is going to commit herself to martial arts. There is only one person in the whole country who is qualified to ride in a carriage with her, and that is this female general named An.

"From now on, don't call the navy a wimp anymore." Xia Lan said with a smile.

"But Your Majesty, we have no time to waste. The Whitebeard Pirates are at the port of the Kingdom of War, waiting to discuss with you about forming an alliance. That man is different from the group of soft-legged shrimps in the New World."

The female general frowned and said, if that man was offended, the consequences would be unbearable even for the Kingdom of Martial Arts.

If you can plant the Whitebeard flag on your own country, it is equivalent to having a protective umbrella, and few pirates in the entire new world dare to offend.

After all, it is a living legend.

"Understood." Xia Lan said lightly, and got into the carriage. Order the team to move on.

Facing that man, even Xia Lan didn't dare to take it lightly.

"Let me see which great hero wiped out those arrogant pirates." Xia Lan said curiously as the carriage moved forward slowly.

"It's worth thinking about it. Although Garp is old, his iron fist has not rusted. Although the Warring States Period is conservative, his reputation is not fake. In addition to the new generation who are as strong as monsters, Faced with an incident of this level, he will also take action."

"With them around, it would never be the time for a newcomer to emerge."

The female general named An said lightly, she commented on the high level of the navy all over, and those who were not mentioned by her were not even qualified to be in her eyes.

Xia Lan didn't speak, but read the newspaper on her own, but the smile on her face disappeared and became more and more dignified.

"But there is really a newcomer emerging, right?"

Ann frowned and said.

"No, not a newcomer." Xia Lan turned the newspaper around and found a few big characters engraved on the other side of the newspaper, and then read the big characters one by one.

"Instead, there is a new four emperor who has ascended the throne."


"The folk customs in this place are not bad, at least when facing us, there is no one who is timid."

At the port of Takenori, the chef of the Whitebeard Pirates and the captain of the 4th division, Sage, leaned on the side of the Moby Dick, looking down at the residents of Takenori at the port. Those residents watched with vigilance. Looking at them, holding their weapons tightly in their hands, they are ready to fight at any time.

"After all, there are only a few countries that rely on military force to resist the attacks of pirates from the New World for so long. The strength of this country is not bad."

Behind Sachi, a tall, fat, dark-skinned man with curly black hair tied up in a turban smiled innocently while drinking.

"After forming an alliance with people from this country, can we taste the food of this country?"

"You only know how to eat, Tiki!" Sage said helplessly, "To join the great Whitebeard Pirates, you must have the awareness to stand on top of the sea."

This Tiqi, who smiles all day long, is like a good old man. If this kind of character goes out, he might be slaughtered by someone. As the captain of Tiqi, Saqi is definitely qualified to educate him.

"They're here."

At this time, Marco, who had been sleeping next to him, suddenly opened his eyes, and a carriage appeared at the port of Takenokuni. Feeling the powerful aura in the carriage, Marco couldn't help sighing.

"As expected of a woman called a Valkyrie."

The Moby Dick lowered a staircase, and Ciaran boarded the most legendary pirate ship in the sea step by step. The crew of the Whitebeard Pirates were scattered on both sides of the Moby Dick, as if they were looking at this woman.

At the end, an unusually tall and strong man with hanging bottles on his body was sitting on a chair, facing Xia Lan from afar.

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