Pirate Family

Chapter 623 Changes in the Navy

The so-called alliance refers to the binding of interests between the two parties into a whole. The Whitebeard Pirates need a place in the second half of the new world where they can supply their own resources, and the country of martial arts needs an umbrella.

So the two hit it off, and the alliance came together.

"You are the most powerful man I have ever seen."

After signing the last document, the alliance between the two factions was formally completed. Looking at the tall man sitting in front of her, Xia Lan couldn't help but said.

These are not compliments. In fact, Xia Lan, who is the most proud, never likes to say compliments.

She likes to seek truth from facts, and what she got was that the man in front of her, even though she was old and full of bottles, was still as strong as a monster.

"Gululu, but you are not the most powerful little girl I have ever seen."

Whitebeard poured a big gulp of fine wine into his mouth, then said with a smile. "At least, that little girl playing with sand is not weaker than you."

Is Crocodile the sand crocodile, one of the seven seas under the king?

Xia Lan secretly wrote down the name.

"Besides, I'm just an ordinary person. People will always age. My old bones will soon be replaced by people of the new era."

"The times have changed. In front of the tide of the times, you and I are not worth mentioning."

White Beard said lightly, as if he was missing something. It was Rocks who was called the "King of the Sea" who wanted to stop the tide of the times. Later, he failed, and the entire Rocks pirate group disappeared into history.

Now, has the person standing in front of the tide of the times become himself?

"You mean?"

Xia Lan was very curious about who White Beard had taken a fancy to and thought he would be replaced.

The recently famous Shanks, or, at this time, Xia Lan thought of the newspaper he had just read, and asked tentatively.

"Could it be?"

"Yeah, he is the most dazzling man recently. It seems that the whole world revolves around him at the center of these things. Because of him, Dad often says that he is getting old recently."

Beside, Marco said with a smile. Then slowly revealed a person's name.

"The man called the new Four Emperors, Vinhill Lorne."

There was no sarcasm in Marco's tone, as if he was stating a fact.

The entire Moby Dick was silent. A newspaper fell with the wind and onto the deck of the Moby Dick. On the front of the newspaper, there was a line of words written in thick black fonts.

"The new emperor is enthroned! The new four emperors who replaced the golden lion Shiji, Vinhill and Lorne."

"New king, who will be the next challenge? The remaining four emperors? Heroes of the sea? Or... the navy!"

Morgans' tone was as usual, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, but it really aroused everyone's curiosity. The whole sea wanted to know what the ending of the Vinhill family would be.

"This sea is about to become turbulent, and this boring era is finally going to become interesting." White Beard threw away the wine bottle, picked up his own Daguan knife, waved it up casually, and said calmly. "The navy should make some moves soon, and we should also express it, otherwise this little guy who has just become emperor will be jumped off his horse before he can sit still, wouldn't it be very boring."


The clouds and mist in the sky were cut open by this huge slash.

Xia Lan stared blankly at White Beard, at the man who claims to be the most powerful man in the world. For some reason, she couldn't help but think of the man who was standing across the crowd during the World Conference, during Pangle's ball. A dark-haired man in a black cloak.

"Have times changed?" Xia Lan murmured.


"Hey, hey, that guy Lorne really gave me a big surprise." Dressrosa, lovers' avenue, a man wearing a pink flamingo cloak is walking in the sea of ​​flowers all over the sky. Walking in the middle of the day, while listening to the report of his subordinates.

"You mean, after you left, that boy Lorne stayed in Bislan alone, preparing to deal with the swarming navy?"

"That's right, young master." A girl with emerald green hair nodded slightly, and then continued. "Venhill's strength is extraordinary, far exceeding our expectations. Even heroes like Atley and Eleanor were defeated by Lorne and became a force that no one cares about." Corpse."

"Is there really no problem for us to continue to cooperate with him?"

"Hey," Doflamingo squatted down, and a trembling little human stood in front of him. The little human's body was entangled by a circle of invisible silk threads, unable to move, and could only stare blankly. Watching Doflamingo's claws gradually stretching towards him.

"Finally caught you." Doflamingo said slowly with his back to Monet after he caught the little human. "Atley, Eleanor, or people like Hephaestus are nothing but second-rate players in this sea. It's not surprising to beat them."

"I'm more concerned about the outcome of the battle between Lorne and the navy. A man like him shouldn't be willing to die in the hands of the navy, right?" Doflamingo said to himself, then turned around abruptly. body, said to Monet.

"Hurry up and contact Warring States, I have a hunch that I should have missed a very interesting thing."

Monet obeyed, and took out a miniature phone bug from his body. This is a special phone bug distributed to every prince Shichibukai by the world government.

And Doflamingo's one leads directly to the office of the Admiral of the Navy, the Warring States of Buddha.


"Blu, blu, blu!"

Marin Vanduo, the office of the Warring States of Buddha. A phone bug suddenly screamed, and an operator next to him said in a panic after seeing the mark of the phone bug.

"It's Your Majesty Shichibukai, Don Quixote Doflamingo's call!"

"This group of guys usually pretend not to see them, but now they are concerned about the situation of the Navy." A thin old woman put her hands on the table and said coldly. She is the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Lieutenant General He.

Until now, with the exception of Hawkeye Mihawk, the other Shichibukai have used different means to get from the side to the navy.

At this time, a navy ran in from the door in a panic and handed a document to Lieutenant General He. Lieutenant General He frowned and said after seeing the red stamp on the top of the document.

"Those guys above really can't wait to get rid of Lorne."

"Forget it, now is the time for those young people to practice."

A day later, the navy announced that it would encircle and suppress the Vinhill family.

It is worth mentioning that the leader is Admiral Akainu Sakaski, not Admiral Buddha Sengoku.

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