Pirate Family

Chapter 630 Explosion

Sakalski has been on the stage for so many years, has he encountered any difficult opponents, have he encountered those enemies that made him gnash his teeth.

The answer is yes.

When he just graduated from the navy, even though he had the title of "monster rookie", he was just a slightly famous rookie in this vast sea.

And when he performed the mission for the first time, there was another colleague called "monster rookie" in his company, who graduated from the navy in the same period as him - Polusalino, who had not yet won the title of "yellow ape", And a female naval officer leading the team.

Their mission is to exterminate a group of pirates who are making trouble in a certain country in Paradise.

This is a very simple matter for these confident newcomers. Because no matter which era, Paradise is synonymous with the weak, while the strong and ambitious have already gone to the new world. Those who stay in the paradise are more those who understand their limits and see the insurmountable gap between themselves and the monsters in the new world.

These pirates were unwilling to return to the weaker "four seas", so they stayed in the paradise and did evil.

It was this group of people that Sakalski faced at the time. By the time they came to that country, the pirates had long since disappeared, leaving only a completely destroyed city and ordinary people crying in pain in the ruins of the city. A respectable old man with a cane pointed at Sakarski's nose, berating them for their incompetence.

Sakalski did nothing because it was indeed a naval incompetence.

Later, they locked the location of the pirates through the intelligence of the navy. Sakalski couldn't be more angry, and took Polusalino with the navy on his back, and went straight to the lair of the pirates.

However, it's not just that group of pirates waiting there, there are countless other pirates lurking near the small island who regard the navy as a thorn in their side.

This news is just a bait released by them, the purpose is to annihilate the forces that the navy can pose a threat to them.

No matter how strong Sakaski and Polusalino were, they were just newcomers at that time. Soon drowned in the endless sea of ​​pirates. But just when their physical strength was almost exhausted, their mentor, the female naval officer, appeared in front of them.

It turned out that this woman was worried about their safety, and after seeing these two sneak out of the naval base, she followed them all the time.

Of course, this group of temporarily united pirates could not be the opponent of the elite navy, and they were quickly defeated.

Just as they were taking prisoners and confiscating the loot, Sakaski found that the respectable old man who pointed at his nose and scolded him was hiding in the pirate's base camp, looking at them tremblingly.

The female officer came over and wanted to know about the situation, but the old man took out a pistol and shot the female naval officer directly through the heart, taking advantage of the female naval officer's unpreparedness.

It turned out that the previous attack was planned by this old man. He had long been in collusion with this group of pirates. The appearance of Sakaski completely destroyed his ambition.

The angry Sakalski easily tore the old man to pieces. From this day on, he only believes in his own justice, and anyone else who stands in the way of his justice is his enemy.

But when he turned around, he found that the leader of the group of pirates had taken advantage of the chaos and fled without knowing when.

"Have we not seen each other for many years?" Sakaski said coldly, tearing off the cloth strip stuffed in the mouth of the man in front of him.

"Over the years, I have never given up on hunting you, but you seem to have evaporated from the world and never appeared in this sea again."

"I regretted it very much at the time. If you changed your mind and chose not to be a pirate anymore, wouldn't it mean that I would have no chance of revenge. But now it seems that you really did not change your mind and chose to become a pirate." A pirate."

The pirate who was tied up had a look of despair on his face, and his eyes were full of pleading. But he felt that Sakalski's big hand on his head was getting hotter and hotter, and within a few breaths, it turned into a lava.


The pirate roared in despair, the scorching lava swallowed him instantly, and the naval soldiers following Sakaski subconsciously turned their heads. Pirates are a little too cruel.

The flames were gradually extinguished, and the pirate's wailing became softer and weaker. Finally, his entire body was burned, leaving only a skeleton head, which was held by Sakasky.


Sakaski pinched it hard, and the pirate's skull instantly shattered, turning into fly ash and floating in the air.

After so many years of worry, I finally got to understand today.

While Sakaski felt his body relaxed a lot, he also felt a little puzzled. There was no doubt that the ship flew the banner of the Vinhill family. So why did the Vinhill family, which was supposed to be hostile to him, send this pirate to him.

Could it be that he wants to please himself and pray that he will be gentler?

Sakaski thought of such a possibility, then smiled, and threw this idea out of his mind.

Not to mention, this action is the decision of the above, and I have no right to intervene. Moreover, the whole sea knew that Lorne was so arrogant that he was almost paranoid. How could he, at such a time, bow his head to his enemy?

"Blue, blue, blue."

But at this time, a phonograph bug placed on the boat suddenly rang. Then, a cold female voice came from inside.

"Admiral, Akainu, Sakasky, hello."

Sakaski frowned, and he recognized who the owner of the voice was, Crimson Rose Vinhill Garrett.

Four Emperors, daughter of Charlotte Lingling, Four Emperors, fiancee of Vinhill Lorne.

The woman with a bounty of 880 million, Vinhill Garrett.

Although Sakaski thought that Garrett's bounty was a bit watery, no one would underestimate her because of this.

After all, being able to get involved with the two four emperors, her influence in this sea will not be inferior to her own.

"The person in charge is the little girl. In other words, can't Lorne come forward?" Sakaski frowned, he had no intention of listening to what Garrett was going to say.


A magma column soared into the sky, dispelling the fog in the nearby sea area.

Countless ships flying the flag of the Vinhill family floated above the nearby waters.

"On each of these ships, there is a gift we are going to give you. I hope you will like this gift."

Garrett in the phonophone bug said softly, the moment she finished talking about the gift.

The ship that Sacastsky was standing on suddenly exploded.

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