Pirate Family

Chapter 631: War of Burning Money


Countless explosives buried in the pirate ship were ignited at the same time, resulting in a violent explosion.

The flames dispersed the fog, the wreckage of the ship was floating on the sea, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

"What happened, what's the matter with General Sakasky!"

At this time, the naval soldiers staying on the Justice of Lava said anxiously that because they were blocked by the fog, they couldn't see clearly what was happening ahead.

Only the fire came through the fog. I don't know if General Sakaski was fighting the enemy on the pirate ship, or something exploded.

However, smelling the smell of gunpowder in the air, the navy soldiers were more inclined to be the latter.

"The whole army is on alert! Enemy attack!"

At this time, Sakaski's deputy, a commodore, decisively issued an order. In this situation where the number of enemies is unknown, the best choice is to wait in place.

After doing all this, the Brigadier General anxiously looked forward, in the direction of the explosion.

He did not believe that any accident would happen to Sakalski. What is more worrying now is what to do next.


On the surface of the sea, on the lava road where the magma cooled, a tall man slowly walked out of the fog.

Sakaski was in a bit of a panic. With his monster-like physique, even if he faced the explosion head-on, he only suffered some minor injuries. But the explosion stained his clothes with a little gunpowder and dust, and behind him was a navy cape engraved with azure justice, leaving a big hole.

It made him look a little embarrassed.

The brigadier general was taken aback, glanced at Sakaski, and didn't ask any more questions. Only a small number of soldiers who followed Sakaski to the pirate ship came back, and most of them disappeared in the In this fog.

And even for these few people who came back, they looked extremely embarrassed, because they didn't have Sakaski's monster-like physique, even if they reacted, they turned on the "iron block" to resist the initial impact of the explosion , and more or less suffered some injuries.

"I fell into such a low-level trap."

Sakaski returned to the deck of Lava Justice and said coldly.

Unexpectedly, this group of women actually caused him a small loss. But this also undoubtedly told him one thing, that is, something seemed to happen to Lorne's body after his fight with the Marshal of the Warring States Period, and he hadn't recovered after so long.

Otherwise, it wasn't just explosives that appeared on that pirate ship, but Lorne who was ambushing there.

"I used my ability to disperse the fog, and after the navigator determined the way forward, I headed towards Adela at full speed. Don't waste too much time in this fog."

After a pause, Sakaski said coldly, since there was something wrong with Lorne's body, and these women did not choose to give up Adela, but wanted to delay themselves here, which means one thing.

That is, they are buying time for Adela's people!

No matter what they want to do, as long as they reach Adela, they can completely destroy their purpose!


The adjutant took a deep breath, then nodded.

He didn't ask Sakaski about the casualties of these soldiers, because he knew that, unlike the two generals such as Aokiji and Yellow Ape, Sakaski's ability was extremely destructive, and the destructive power of this kind The price is that he has almost no ability to protect friendly troops other than defeating the enemy.

Therefore, everyone in the navy knows that it is quite dangerous to follow Admiral Sakaski on missions.

However, it is still quite rare for this kind of situation where the manpower is lost before seeing the mission target.

"Army attack!"

The brigadier general ordered. Sakaski stood alone on the ramming corner of the warship, constantly using his abilities to dispel the fog for the fleet and illuminate the direction. But at this time, a navy seemed to see something and said in a panic.

"Report to the general! There are countless pirate ships around, and we seem to be surrounded!"


Sakaski waved his hand, and a lava fist like a volcanic eruption rushed out of his hand, dispelling the surrounding fog.

Countless pirate ships appeared in the field of vision.

The flag of the Misty Moon is hung on the flagpole of each of these ships. It was no different from the previous ship.

"Destroy them!"

Sakalski ordered. He stretched out a hand forward, and a lava shell shot from his fist towards the pirate ship.


Sure enough, there were explosives hidden on the pirate ship. The moment the lava shells rushed to the pirate ship, the explosives on the pirate ship were ignited, causing a violent explosion.

The aftermath of the explosion ignited the two nearby pirate ships, and the two ships exploded together. The fire dispelled the fog, and the sea was filled with gunpowder smoke.

"These pirate ships are hiding explosives, don't let them get close, once they appear in the firing range of the warship, destroy them with artillery!"

Sakaski ordered coldly. The naval fleet quickly formed a defensive formation, aiming the side gun barrels at the pirate ships, and then.

Boom boom boom boom!

The cannonballs covering the sky formed a barrage and shot towards the pirate ship. Countless pirate ships were ignited and then exploded!

Boom boom boom!

The wreckage of countless ships flew, and the entire blue sea was dyed black by the gunfire.

Not a drop of blood.

Yes, there is no one on those pirate ships.

"Finally, no more pirate ships?"

The navy's barrage continued for half an hour, and finally after the last pirate ship was blown up, no more pirate ships appeared in the mist.

All the pirate ships flying the flag of the Vinhill family turned into a pile of wreckage.

"There are so many pirate ships, just to stop me for a while. This Vinhill family is really rich and powerful."

Sakaski looked at the countless wreckage floating on the sea, and said coldly. As a high-ranking officer in the navy, he certainly knew how profitable the business the Vinhill family was engaged in. Later, after cooperating with the Don Quixote family, the two of them almost monopolized the black arms industry in the entire sea.

It's just that due to the identities of the two kings Qiwuhai, the navy can only turn one eye and close one eye.

Therefore, even Sakaski only knew that the Vinhill family was rich, but he didn't know how rich they were.

But now, he knows.

The cost of each of these destroyed pirate ships is more than 50 million Berries, even if the lowest cost of the navy is used, and they destroyed a total of nearly 100 pirate ships.

In other words, in such a short while, the Vinhill family has already invested five billion Baileys!

War is indeed the most money-burning.

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