Pirate Family

Chapter 632: Pirate's Flagship

The ship was burning, and the boundless flames burned on the sea.

Gunpowder smoke was everywhere, as if the entire sea was ignited.


Sakaski blasted away the wreckage of the pirate ship ahead with one punch, opening a way for the fleet. He had a hunch that the people of the Vinhill family were plotting something, and he had to go to Adela as soon as possible.

However, the warship did not advance very far, and it stopped at sea. Because, in front of them, a pirate ship appeared.

A whole body is white, with a light hull. The ram is a female angel with arms crossed, hanging the pirate ship of Mist Moon.

"It's because the loss is too great. Has the real master finally appeared?"

Sakasky said coldly. The battleship of a pirate ship, like their flag, is engraved with the brand of the pirate group.

For example, the Golden Jackson of the Roger Pirates, or the Moby Dick of Whitebeard, all represent their will and majesty

Even if these two ships were parked in the port at will, few people dared to be presumptuous. So did the Vinhills.

Several flagships of this family have quite unique shapes and are highly recognizable in the New World.

For example, Lorne's car, the Golden Mantra, is full of gold, luxurious and majestic. And Vinhill Garrett's car, the Crimson Rose, is a silver-white warship with blood-red rose horns. There are dark green vines on both sides of the ship, like a flower. The huge rose that grows on the hull of the ship is like

The reputation of a warship may not be as good as the previous two, but she is indeed the first warship of the Vinhill family to appear on this sea. Back then, the Vinhill family conquered Paradise with a warship.

"Goddess of Mist." Sakaski said the name of the ship slowly. Then looking at the bow of the ship, he seemed to see the owner of the ship through the thick smoke of the pirates and the thick fog that filled the sea.

"Agatha, Queen of Mist, the originator of the fog that plagues the navy, is she finally ready to show herself?"

With a wave of Sakaski's hand, the adjutant understood his order, and the entire fleet set off again.

All the navies understand one thing, that is, in Admiral Sakalski's heart, the only thing that can stop him is the justice behind him, and everything else, as long as it appears on his way forward, will be destroyed by his anger. Completely crushed.

Pirates, navy, four emperors, and even the world government are no exception!

The distance between the fleet and the pirate ship gradually shortened, and Sakaski finally saw clearly that there were two people standing on the Goddess of Mist.

A woman in a white dress, with long lavender hair coiled up high and a crown on her head,

A woman in a black cloak, with wine-red curly hair casually split on her shoulders, as indifferent as ten thousand years of ice.

"The crimson rose is also here, that is to say, is the Vinhill family planning to fight me in this sea?"

"A pointless move."

Sakaski said to himself, but there was no tension in his tone, even if he faced two of the most prestigious female rookie pirates at the same time, he also didn't have a trace of tension.

"Because I am righteous."

Sakalski said.

At this time, the distance between the warship and the pirate ship was less than one nautical mile.

The woman wearing the crown raised her right hand high, and the mist that filled the sea gathered on her right hand and then gradually dissipated. Everyone was finally able to underestimate the scene around them. But the moment the fog dissipated, Sakaski's face turned cold.

Because he saw countless sloops floating on the surrounding sea, tons of explosives were placed on the decks of those sloops, and the general ship and the Goddess of Mist surrounded this sea area.

"Are you going to let me get out of here?"

Sakasky said coldly.

"No," the woman with burgundy curly hair shook her head slightly on the pirate ship. She looked into Sakaski's eyes and said slowly.

"It is to keep you here."

Her voice was very soft, but the sea was very quiet at this time, and Garrett's voice was easily transmitted to Sakasky's ears. This whisper echoed in the warship like a curse.

Sakaski's face became completely gloomy, and his hands turned into lava at some point, and the magma dripped onto the deck, melting small holes one by one.

"Are all newcomers so ignorant now? Or is it because they have followed Lorne for a long time and only learned his arrogance?"

Sakaski jumped up, and his whole body rushed towards the Goddess of Mist like lava from a volcano. Countless magma dripped onto the sea like rain, dyeing the sky and sea red.

It's like the end.

"Meteor fire shower!"

"Hey, why did Boss Lorne lose the chain at such a critical time? This difficult enemy can only be dealt with by me."

At this time, a fat man like a mountain of meat stood up, shaking his head and sighing, while looking at Sakaski who fell from the sky, his lazy eyes gradually became dignified.

"I haven't fought against a general-level opponent for a long time!"

He raised his hand, and his thick arm was covered with the domineering color of the weapon, turning it into an extremely black. Then he jumped up and flew towards Sakaski.

Following his jump, the bow of the entire pirate ship sank, causing countless waves.


The domineering fist entwined with armed color collided with Sakaski's giant lava fist, the lava shattered, and countless magma splashed onto the sea.

The magma wrapped around Sakaski's body shattered, revealing his robust body. The arms of the two were also dyed black by the domineering color of the armed forces. They collided in mid-air, and the shock wave spread to the sea surface, stirring up thousands of waves.

After the two exchanged punches, they retreated at the same time. Sakasky retreated to the warship, and Fat Tiger also retreated to the pirate ship.

"Ah! It's so hot!"

Fat Tiger looked at his fist, even with the protection of armed color, Sakaski's lava still burned his skin red.

This is the destructive power of the strongest natural system.

"Is it the prisoner who advanced the city before?"

Sakaski looked at Fat Tiger and frowned slightly. Information about this man emerged in his mind.

This man like a mountain of meat was one of the first right-hand men to follow Lorne, but his reputation in the sea is far inferior to that of Jody who followed Lorne at the same time as him, or Agatha, the Queen of Mist, And Scarlet Rose Garrett.

Even the black knife Moorman, who joined the Vinhill family very late, couldn't compare. After all, the latter can also be regarded as a general guarding one side.

However, Sakalski would not take this man lightly. Because he knew that this seemingly rude and dull man had previously suppressed all the prisoners in the fifth level of extreme cold hell in the city of advancement. Even compared to some prisoners on the sixth floor, they didn't show much.

At the beginning, the death of Wei, the former director of the prison in Jinjin City, was caused by this man.

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