Pirate Family

Chapter 633 The Daughter of the Sea

Although Sakarski is confident, he is definitely not conceited. Wei's death is still vivid in his mind, and he will not despise Fat Tiger just because his reputation is not as loud as others.

"Superman is a person with the ability to forget the fruit, which can make people forget some important things."

Sakaski waved his fist and said sarcastically.

"What did you make me forget? How did you kill you?"

Even after Lorne took office as King Shichibukai, the navy never stopped investigating him. After so many years, apart from a little lack of understanding of Lorne's abilities, the abilities of other senior cadres of the Vinhill family , The navy has already known all about it.

And this fat tiger is the most important thing. After learning about his ability, the Marshal of the Warring States Period thought for a moment and wrote such a sentence in his file himself.

Very dangerous, if it is an enemy, execute it as soon as possible!

Sakaski's fist erupted a lava fire snake, across the entire sea, and flew towards the Goddess of Mist.

"Is my ability so easy to see through?" Fat Tiger touched his head and said with some embarrassment.

In fact, after so many years, his control over his ability has long been inferior to that when he first came out of the city, and he can only passively make him forget the most important memories. Now he has been able to erase the memory of the target in a rough direction.

To deal with some weak people, Fat Tiger can easily turn them into idiots.

In the confrontation just now, Fat Tiger wanted to erase Sakaski's obsession with justice. But Sakaski is obviously not a weak person. He used armed domineering to cover the vital parts of his body in advance, and did not give Fat Tiger a chance to touch it.

So, Fat Tiger, failed.

"It's really scary!"

Fat Tiger saw this aggressive fire snake and wanted to block it with his body. But at this time, Garrett gently stopped Fat Tiger.

"It's enough."

Garrett said so. "Your ability is very important to the family, and there should be no surprises."

At this time, Garrett has completely regarded herself as the mistress of the Vinhill family. Everything is for the sake of the family.

The reason why Fat Tiger didn't show his life in this sea was not only because of his lazy nature, but more because of his ability. Lorne needs Fat Tiger to brainwash everyone who knows SKY through his ability to ensure that the biggest secret of the Vinhill family will not be leaked.

Fat Tiger is to the Vinhill family, just like sugar is to the Don Quixote family, it is an existence that cannot be missed!

This is why, after so many battles, Lorne has been gritting his teeth and not letting Fat Tiger participate in the battle head-on. After his death, the secrets of the Vinhill family will be completely exposed in front of this sea. At that time, all Lorne's ambitions will be in vain.

"What I need is for you to test the strength of this admiral, so that I can know how far I am from him. You have done a good job, so now it's my turn to make a move."

Garrett said that, she cut her finger, and countless blood seeped out from the wound on her fingertips, turning into a blood shield in front of the Goddess of Mist.


The fiery snake bombarded the blood shield, countless blood was evaporated by the high temperature and turned into water vapor, and there was a fishy and sweet smell in the air.

A fishy-sweet smell of blood.

Garrett frowned slightly, and as soon as she exerted force with her arms, the blood shield in front of them became a little thicker, and the momentum of the fire snake gradually dissipated, but in the end it still failed to break through the defense of the blood shield.

"It seems that the gap between me and him is not as big as I imagined."

Garrett said so, her face turned pale due to the loss of some blood.

"No problem, Miss. If Boss Lorne knows that I'm hiding behind you and won't make a move, he'll kill me!" Seeing Garrett like this, Fat Tiger still couldn't help wanting to make a move.

"Facing people with natural abilities, numbers are meaningless." Garrett said, and she glanced at Fat Tiger. "You guys leave here first, go back to Adela, and finish the final finishing work. Just leave it to me here."

"Is there really no problem?" At this time, even Agatha was a little worried. This plan was proposed by her, and she did not expect that the person who faced Sakaski in the end would be Garrett.

Perhaps, as early as when Garrett agreed to this plan, she thought that she was going to face Sakaski.

Seeing Garrett's thin but firm figure, Agatha nodded slowly.

When Lorne fainted, Garrett clenched her fists and swore, she actually saw it.

The biggest difference between the strong and the weak is that the strong have more consciousness than the weak.

A sense of daring to die.

And now is the time for Garrett to show this awareness.

Agatha knew that if Garrett walked out of the battlefield alive today, from now on, people in this sea would never add Lorne's fiancée to her when they mentioned Garrett. , daughter of Charlotte Lingling.

She is what she is.

"I see." Agatha nodded. A man's awareness cannot be defiled, and so is a woman's awareness. She patted Fat Tiger on the shoulder and said softly.

"let's go."


Fat Tiger touched his head honestly, wanting to say something, but after seeing Garrett's firm eyes, he seemed to understand something, and nodded in the same way.

The pirate ship turned its bow and gradually left.

A small sailboat was released from the Goddess of Mist, and Garrett sat alone on the small sailboat, slowly heading towards the navy fleet.

The sea was littered with the wreckage of burning ships, the flames were burning, and the air was filled with ash and the smell of gunpowder.

Garrett rowed through the ruins of the ship and came to the front of the navy fleet. She looked up with a weird smile on her face.

In front of her is the fleet formed by the navy with the goal of destroying the entire Vinhill family, and the leader is the well-known Red Dog Admiral in the entire sea.

However, when she raised her head, the aura she exuded was not inferior to that of the entire navy fleet.

"I am the daughter of the sea."

Garrett looked at Sakaski standing on the bow of Lava Justice and said softly.

"Do you know how Dahai's daughter deals with the enemy?"

Sakaski frowned, he didn't understand where this woman had the courage to face him alone, but for some reason, he suddenly became uneasy, as if he was a domineering man with knowledge, warning of something.

"Only by sinking all the enemies into the sea is enough to vent the wrath of the daughter of the sea."

As Garrette said, she snapped her fingers, and then, countless sloops floated in the waters around the warship.

There was an explosion all at once.

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