Pirate Family

Chapter 641: Crazy Family (2)

"Extraordinary, the latest news is out!"

Paradise, a certain small island, at the door of a small clinic, a beautiful female doctor saw a newsboy passing by her door while holding a newspaper and yelling. He hurriedly stopped the newsboy and bought a newspaper.

"The Vinhill family should be destroyed."

The woman said so. There was a smile on his face, as if his revenge had been avenged.

"Evil is rewarded with evil. If you act so arrogantly, sooner or later you will end up in trouble."

But when she spread out the newspaper, the smile on her face froze. Because she saw the beginning of the newspaper and wrote it in bold font.

"The greatest evil in history? The destruction of the naval fleet!"

"Lava VS blood, fight against the entire naval fleet with one person! The rise of the blood queen!"

There were two black-and-white photos printed on the newspaper. I don't know from which angle they were taken. The first photo showed a petite woman with curly hair in a black cloak and a tall, resolute woman in an admiral's suit. The man in the cloak is fisting on the lava field.

Numerous magma splashed, surrounded by high walls of lava. The navy's fleet is docked in the surrounding sea area in a uniform manner, with a solemn momentum.

And the second photo shows the mighty naval fleet, which has been turned into countless wreckage, and the navies are lingering in the sea of ​​lava and ice. The man with a resolute face clutched his chest, his face was ugly, and he was about to fall.

The surface of the sea was covered with magma and ice, and the blood dyed the entire sea red.

It's like hell.

Just these two photos are enough to make everyone's imagination run wild. And the text under the photo is even more chilling.

After Lorne led an army to raid Marie Gioia, the world government announced that it would deprive King Lorne of the title of Shichibukai. Then Lorne appeared in Bislan, thousands of miles away, and wiped out all the pirates in Bislan by himself, and won the pure gold ring that symbolized eternal life. In the end, they fought head-on with the large forces of the navy and completely destroyed Bisilan.

That battle established Lorne's unrivaled prestige in the new generation. Since then, in the entire new world, no group of forces dared to underestimate the Vinhill family, and dared to have any influence on Lorne because of his qualifications. contempt. And Morgans did not hesitate to praise Lorne, and even called him the new four emperors, replacing the golden lion Shiji who gradually declined and disappeared after the defeat.

At that time, all the forces did not express their position, because they knew that what Lorne would face next would be the crazy revenge of the world government. After all, he almost destroyed the Tianlong people's lair, which is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the World Government.

They are waiting, waiting for the action of the navy. If the Vinhill family can survive this test, their position will become stable.

Even some forces that have full confidence in the Vinhill family are not too optimistic about this battle. After all, the king above this sea is still the navy. A newly rising force with insufficient background cannot be an opponent of the navy at all.

However, the truth turned out to be beyond everyone's expectations. Facing the menacing navy, the Vinhill family did not choose to escape, but chose to fight the navy head-on at sea.

With one person, confront the entire naval fleet head-on!

The final result was that Sakaski was seriously injured, the naval fleet was destroyed, and Garrett himself was missing.

The matter is still fermenting. If something goes wrong with Garrett, with Lorne's character, he will never let it go. And if she survived, then there would be one more top female powerhouse in this sea.

"The navy is so incompetent." After reading the whole report, the female doctor was silent for a while, and then slumped on the seat weakly.

She understood that it was impossible for her to avenge Yaze's revenge no matter what. Such a powerful Vinhill family, even the Navy can't do anything to the Vinhill family, is not an enemy that she alone can fight against.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

But at this time, a little loli with twin ponytails and a pink jade peck came in from the outside. Seeing the female doctor slumped on the chair, she tilted her head and asked.

Her eyes were so innocent that they seemed to twinkle like stars.

"Is it sick? Doesn't it mean that doctors can't get sick?"

"Doctors are human too, so how could they not get sick?" The female doctor forced a smile, then a gloomy look flashed in her eyes, as if she had made an important decision to be promoted. She gently took the little Lolita's hand, and then said slowly to the little Lolita.

"Have you ever hated someone?"

"What is hate, can I eat it?" Little Loli asked with her head tilted, she still doesn't understand what hate is.

"To hate is to hate, to hate a person very, very much."

"No." Little Loli shook her head like a rattle.

"You should have it." The female doctor said slowly, and then took out a reward list. A man with short black hair and wearing a black cloak stood in the middle of the battlefield with a strange look on his face. smile.

Below is a paragraph.

Demon, Vinhill Lorne.

The bounty is 2,000,000,000 (two billion) Bailey.

Live or die.

This is the latest reward list for Lorne released by the Navy after the Battle of Bislan.

"It was this man who killed your parents back then."

The female doctor pointed to Lorne's reward list and said so.

After hearing the female doctor's words, little Lolita gradually lost the innocence in her eyes and turned blood red. She tightly squeezed the female doctor's hand, and an invisible halo enveloped the entire clinic.

Then, this reward list was shattered into countless fragments.

The seeds of hatred have been planted.


"What should we do next?"

In Sdio's black iron castle, the top executives of the Vinhill family are having a meeting. Violet asked with some documents in her hand.

According to the information from the family intelligence department "Dark Moon", countless forces are peeking at the reality of the Vinhill family at this time. Once they learn that the Vinhill family has lost all their high-end combat power, they will not hesitate to use it on the family. Bite off a chunk of meat.

Garrett was wrapped in bandages, sitting on the Black Iron Throne that Lorne liked to make, without saying a word.

After being lucky enough to recover a life, she was rescued in time. Garrett herself was fine, but she couldn't fight for a long time.

In other words, at this time, the high-level combat power of the Vinhill family was unprecedentedly empty. If the navy takes this opportunity to make a surprise attack again, then they may really be unable to fight anymore and give up some territories.

The current crisis has not been reduced in the slightest by the defeat of the navy. The entire Vinhill family is walking on thin ice, if one wrong step is made, everything will be lost.

So, they have to be cautious.

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