Pirate Family

Chapter 642 Tough

"My mother fell into a state of insanity and lost her mind. I can only turn to my brother for help."

After a while of silence, Garrett said so. The Four Emperors are already the pinnacle pirate forces in this sea, and if any one of them proposes, it is enough to wrestle with the navy. And because of the marriage relationship, the relationship between the Vinhill family and the Charlotte family has always been close.

If they join forces, even the navy will have to take it seriously.

However, at this time, Charlotte Lingling fell into a state of madness. The huge Charlotte family has no leader, and all members of the Big Mom Pirates have to hide in their own territory, waiting for Charlotte Lingling to wake up come over.

The current situation of the BIG MOM Pirates is not much better than that of the Vinhill family.

"Brother, are you referring to the man?"

Agatha asked tentatively. Garrett looked at Agatha and nodded slowly.

"If it was him, everything would be solved easily." Agatha said slowly, the man's name didn't even need to be mentioned, everyone knew who he was referring to. In fact, in the eyes of many people in this sea, compared to Charlotte Lingling, who has a surly personality and runs away from time to time. That man is better suited to represent the powerful Charlotte family.

"If Lord Katakuri can rush over, then at least the family will be safe during the time when the young master wakes up."

Secretary Violet wrote Katakuri's name in the notebook, then looked at Garrett, and said slowly.

"Brother is on his way here. It will take about a week from Wan Guo to Sidiou. In other words, we only need to persist for another week, and victory will come." Garrett said, and she took out a card The map is densely marked with red dots.

These are the pirates looking around Sidio, as long as the Vinhill family shows signs of decline, they will swarm up without hesitation and tear a piece of fat from the Vinhill family.

"This week, we must be tough, and we must not give anyone the slightest chance!"

Garrett nailed the map heavily on the table with a dagger, and said coldly.

"There is a temporary solution to the problem of the crisis." Violet turned a page of the document and continued. "Then next question."

She looked into Garrett's eyes and asked.

"What should be done for the residents who escaped from Adela?"

Sidio is a typical steel city, and the island is full of skyscrapers, but suddenly there is an influx of residents from a small island, and Sidio also becomes crowded. The lives of the aborigines have experienced a lot of inconvenience, and there have even been incidents of provocations between the residents of Sdio and the residents of Adela.

If it weren't for the power of the Vinhill family, these incidents would have turned into large-scale brawls.

This is the most important thing right now.

Agatha already had an answer to Violet's question.

"Steo can't hold Adela's people, but there can be."

She suddenly raised her hand and pointed to the sky. She spoke softly.

"City in the sky, SKY."

Sky City SKY is the top priority of Lorne's plan, and it is the true foundation of the entire Vinhill family. Through the sword of Damocles, the war fortress of SKY, Lorne has completed countless battles from defeat to victory.

For the entire Vinhill family, Adela can be lost, Sidio can be lost, and even Bubble Island is not impossible to give up, but SKY, the city of sky, must not be lost.

"Understood." Seeing Agatha's serious expression, Violet nodded slowly.

Agatha looked solemn, as if she had made an important decision.

For the residents of Qinghai, entering the Sky City does not mean that it is a good thing. First of all, the air in the Sky City is far thinner than Qinghai. Even the strong will feel powerless and need a long time to adapt .

And more importantly, because the city of the sky is too important, once these ordinary people go up, they may never have the chance to come back in this life.

Unless the Vinhill family can be strong enough to not be afraid of any challenges on this sea. Otherwise, Lorne would never let the sea know about the existence of the Sky City.

As the king of Adela, Agatha really gave up a lot of things for the Vennhill family. If these Adela residents go up to the city of sky and never have a chance to come down, then they are right. Agatha's respect would quickly turn into hatred.

"We will conquer this sea soon." Garrett understood what Agatha was thinking, and comforted her.

"At that time, all the people of the Vinhill family, whether it's Adela, Sdio, Bubble Island, or Sky City, will be able to ride freely on this sea."

"After the flag of the Vinhill family was hoisted, no force in this sea dared to harass us again."

Garrett patted Agatha on the shoulder and said seriously.

"I swear."


On Bubble Island, there is a majestic building next to a huge mahogany. The residents of Bubble Island like to call this place "Admiral's Mansion".

And the person who lives here is none other than the senior cadre of the Vinhill family, the man who holds the power of the minister of the frontier, Black Knife Moorman.


In the Admiral's Mansion, a man was swinging a sword. He was naked to the waist, sweating profusely, and chopped towards a wooden post in front of him.

But every time his black knife swung, when it was about to hit the wooden post, it suddenly withdrew and hung above the wooden post.

Then receive it and continue to chop.

The man seems to have cut it thousands of times here, but there is no knife mark left on the stake. If other people saw it, they would definitely marvel at this man's monster-like control.

"Master Heidao, there is news from outside!"

At this time, a soldier in uniform opened the gate of the courtyard and said respectfully to Mooreman.


Moorman put away the knife, wiped the sweat off his body, and took the document from the soldier.

"It turns out that the navy is still hiding such a trick."

The document stated that in the waters near Bubble Island, there were traces of Admiral Huang Yuan, but just as Huang Yuan's warship was approaching Bubble Island, it was attacked by a group of pirates.

The naval warship sank, and the yellow monkey was defeated and disappeared.

After verification, it was one of the Four Emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates, who attacked the yellow monkey.

"Do you think I'm a persimmon?" Moore said coldly, and when he pinched it hard, the information in his hand instantly shattered into countless fragments.

But after he finished speaking, he was a little helpless.

Huang Yuan did have the capital to underestimate him. If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates, Bubble Island might have fallen.

"Power." Mooreman muttered to himself while looking ahead.

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