Pirate Family

Chapter 643: The Ignorant

Because he was defeated by Hawkeye Mihawk in his early years, the whole regiment was destroyed, and he became a slave himself.

Mooreman's desire for power is no less than that of anyone in this sea.

So after being rescued by Lorne and seeing the possibility of becoming stronger from Lorne, Mooreman chose to follow Lorne without hesitation.

However, even after so many years, Mooreman's strength has long been different from what it used to be, and he was even offered a bounty of more than 300 million by the navy. This can be called a famous big pirate in any place.

But Mooreman didn't slack off because of this. The stronger his strength, the more he knew how terrifying those monsters were, and how big the gap between himself and them was.

When Mooreman just learned the two-color domineering, he thought he was very close to Mihawk. Later, when he learned to cover the domineering on the weapon, Mooreman thought that he already had the strength to compete with Mihawk .

But now, Mooreman realized how naive his original thoughts were.

Many times, there are some things that simply cannot be made up for by hard work.

"Do you know the whereabouts of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Mooreman asked, knowing that he was no match for Kizaru, so he was grateful for the sudden appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"After defeating the yellow ape, they disappeared without a trace." The soldier replied respectfully, "But according to their route speculation, their target should be the naval branch of the Navy in the New World. G-97."

After regaining a foothold in the New World, the Navy established many branches, all named after G-9X. In order to better manage the new world, each branch is established in the core sphere of influence of a big pirate, monitoring their every move.

The G-97 branch was originally established to monitor the Vinhill family.

"Then we should thank them well." Mooreman said slowly, no matter what the purpose of Whitebeard is, they did a great favor to the Vinhill family by doing so. At this time, the high-end combat power of the Vinhill family was damaged, and other cadres, like Moorman, had places they had to guard and couldn't escape. There is no time to pull out the nail of the G-97 branch.

In doing so, Whitebeard cut off an important supply station for the navy, and the Vinhill family breathed a sigh of relief.

After finishing speaking, Mooreman turned around and walked towards the stake, preparing to continue to hone his sword skills.

But just as he swung the black knife down, he suddenly stopped moving. The black knife hung a centimeter above the wooden post, shining with metallic light.

"What happened?"

Before the soldier had gone far, he swallowed his saliva when he saw Moorman like this, and asked.

"Some mice can't help popping their heads." Mooreman said to himself, with a flash of murderous intent on his face.

"But a mouse is just a mouse after all, and a sleeping lion is still a lion." He slowly raised his knife, grabbed the robe hanging by the side, and put it on his body. He walked out of the admiral's mansion.

"When a mouse charges a lion, it is not fearlessness, but ignorance!"

Boom boom boom!

On the north side of Bubble Island, there were several explosions suddenly. And the terrified screams of countless people.

The soldier swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his curiosity drove him to go over and touch the stake where Mooreman practiced his sword.

The intact wooden stake was shattered into countless powders in an instant. Flying in the air.

"Hahahaha, Lorne is dead, and the entire Vinhill family is gone, take out all your wealth!"

Bubble Island North Street, weapons market, a pirate dressed in punk style, with a turkey head, holding a bunch of weapons just looted from the weapons store, was wantonly destroying the long street.


He took out a small bomb and threw it towards an izakaya. The bomb exploded the moment it hit the ground, completely destroying the izakaya. The people inside were submerged in the collapsed house before it had time to escape. The whole izakaya turned into A ruin.

"Damn it, is this weapon so powerful?"

The pirate also seemed to be shocked by the power of the weapon. He looked at the weapon with the Vinhill family logo in his hand, and a crazy smile appeared on his face.

"This kind of weapon should not be placed in the store and taken away by the weak. Only in my hands can they show their due demeanor!"

"Ahahaha, destroy it!"

The pirate threw all the bombs in his hand, and the small bombs rolled in the air. People who saw the terrifying power of this bomb, as if they had seen the Death Curse, avoided it.

And some pirates who came to Bubble Island to replenish stopped their movements and looked at the evil pirate in front of them with great interest.

A malicious smile appeared on his face.

They are waiting for the Vernhill family's actions. If the rumor is true, they don't mind returning to their old business from customers.

After all, Bubble Island is called the Little Chambord Islands, and the wealth accumulated here is unimaginable!

"Wow wow wow."

The crowd dispersed, and a little girl about seven or eight years old stood there, staring blankly at the collapsed izakaya, and burst into tears.

Her mother, who had just walked in to buy something, was never able to come out again.

A small bomb flew towards the little girl, and the people around couldn't bear to see this scene.

They could already imagine the appearance of the little girl being blown to pieces.

But just as the bomb was about to hit the little girl, a pitch-black arm stretched out from behind the little girl and grabbed the bomb.


The bomb exploded in the palm of that person, and the violent shock wave stirred up countless dust. The smell of gunpowder filled the air.

"Anyone to be a hero?"

Seeing this scene, the troublesome pirate said with great interest. He picked up two long guns and pointed them at the dust rising in front of him.

The dust dissipated, and a swordsman in a long robe slowly walked out.

He waved his left hand, shaking off the fragments of the bomb that had pierced his skin.

"Explode Devil Dilu, a bounty of 310 million Baileys is offered." The man said.

"You know me." The man called Dilu seemed a little surprised, "But it's reasonable, after all, the bounty offered by me is real, and it's much more valuable than the bounty offered by your joint relationship. .”

"You committed three crimes."

Said the man with the black knife,

"Provoke the majesty of the Vinhill family."

"Blazingly destroying the law and order of Bubble Island."

"Rooting the weapons of the Vinhill family."

"There is no pardon for the crime, and I sentence you to death." The man drew out his black knife, and then slashed towards Dilu.

Dilu wanted to dodge, but found that his body could not move, and a faint bloodstain appeared on his body. There was disbelief in the man's eyes, and he fell down slowly.

His body was cut in half.

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