Pirate Family

Chapter 644: The Fearless

This big pirate with a bounty of more than 300 million, this ambitious big pirate, was beheaded by Moorman before he could dodge. All his ambitions disappeared with his death.


The entire long street was extremely silent, only the sound of swallowing saliva could be heard. The pirates watching around looked at Mooreman in shock.

It wasn't that they were shocked that Mooreman was able to kill Dilu. In fact, Dilu's strength was not outstanding in their opinion. Among the people present, at least five people were confident that they could defeat him. However, none of these five people can guarantee that they can be as clean and tidy as Moorman, so that Dilu has no chance to resist.

You know, that's not some unknown person, but a big pirate with a bounty of more than 300 million! And this big pirate died so cleanly, they didn't even underestimate how Mooreman made the knife.

"That's the fate of provoking the Vinhill family."

"Among you, there are still people who covet the Vinhill family and want to take advantage of the chaos, just come."

Mooreman retracted the knife, looked around, and said lightly.

None of the pirates watching around dared to look at him.

In the face of profit and life, these people decisively chose the latter.

"Wow woo woo."

At this time, a childish cry sounded in the long street, and the little girl looked at Moorman and cried helplessly.

"Is your mother in there?"

Mooreman touched the little girl's head and said slowly.

The little girl nodded. She didn't know what fear was when she was young, but her intuition told her that the uncle who saved her was a good person.

"Leave it to me." Mooreman said slowly, he drew the knife, and then took a step forward.

An extremely piercing sword energy cut open the long street and cut the ruins of the collapsed izakaya in half.

A woman in a white dress fell inside, moaning weakly. The moment the sword energy was about to touch the woman, it exploded instantly, tearing apart the wooden pillar pressing on the woman. Countless sawdust were flying in the air, and the woman struggled to stand up with a dazed expression.

At this time, the little girl standing behind Mooreman saw her mother passing by, and rushed over desperately, crying.

She hugged her mother tightly, unable to speak.

"It's okay." Mooreman said, then turned and left.

The pirate who witnessed all this stared blankly at Moorman's back.

The sword energy smashed all the wooden pillars around the woman without hurting the woman at all. How terrifying the control is required.

The man in front of him has already stepped into the level of a swordsman, and he is only one step away from a great swordsman!

And there are only three or two people who are really capable of being called great swordsmen in this sea! In other words, this man with the black knife on his back has almost reached the pinnacle of swordsman.

Perhaps, the entire sea underestimated the Vinhill family.

You know, Moorman is just a rather inconspicuous person in the entire Vinhill family. Above him, there are many senior cadres with great reputation.

A Moorman is so strong, what about the other cadres?

This is the question that arises in the minds of all the onlookers. Perhaps, the precarious empire of the Vinhill family is not as easy to collapse as people think.


"In two days, a total of five groups of provocative pirates appeared in the family's territory, and they were all quickly suppressed by the family's cadres."

"According to your order, the family cadres used the toughest means in the process of suppression, demonstrating the strength of the family to the whole world."

Violet reported to Garrett in the conference room of Sdio Black Iron Castle.

"The other pirates are on the sidelines. I believe that the blood of these pirates will wake them up, knowing that provoking the family is to seek their own death."

"Is that so?" Garrett looked at Violet's report and pondered for a moment.

As expected, after the decisive battle with the navy, many young people seemed to have seen the decline of the Vinhill family and wanted to rush forward to reap huge benefits. In the past two days, there have been several incidents of pirate invasions.

Among them, there were two incidents in Sdio, two incidents in Bubble Island, and even an incident of pirate invasion in Mechanical Island. But every time a pirate appeared, the local family cadres quickly suppressed it. And kill all the troublesome pirates, hang their heads in a conspicuous place, and deter other pirates who have different intentions.

"As long as you persist for five days, my brother will arrive. His appearance represents the attitude of the Charlotte family. At that time, these bullying pirates will disperse."

Garrett said helplessly, when did the family suffer this kind of grievance? When Lorne was around, which pirate would dare to invade the family's territory so openly?

The family has already lost Adela in their own hands, and Garrett doesn't want the family to be left with only a lonely sky city SKY when Lorne wakes up.

"Another matter, the airship that will send the residents of Adela to SKY, the city of the sky, is being built, but because there are too many residents of Adela, it will take at least five days to complete the delivery. .”

Violet said so. In fact, the capacity of Sanchuan Road is the most suitable for transporting people. However, when the entire Adela residents were transferred to Sidio, the opening time of the Void Gate was too long, and too many people were transferred. Yes, it has greatly exceeded the limit of Sanchuan Road. Now this man is recuperating, and it is estimated that he will not be able to use his ability for a long time.

"Be careful to keep the secret, and not leak the existence of SKY." Garrett thought for a moment, then said.

But at this moment, the phone bug on Violet's body suddenly rang. An intelligence agent's voice said anxiously in it.

"Report to the Secretary-General that a group of unknown pirate ships is rapidly approaching Sdio. We have warned many times but have not responded, so we suspect that this is an enemy attack!"

"Are you coming again?"

As Garrette said, she struggled to stand up from the Void Throne, tearing off all the bottles hanging from her body.

"After sitting for so long, it's time for me to come forward."

"Is your body okay?" Violet asked with concern. You must know that Garrett blocked the two admirals head-on not long ago. Even though the recovery ability of the blood fruit is quite amazing, now Jia Lei Te's physical condition is not too good.

"The outsiders are very concerned about my life?" Garrett looked at Violet, smiled sweetly, and then her face turned cold, revealing a serious killing intent.

"Then I'll let them know that I'm not dead!"

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