Pirate Family

Chapter 645

"Is this the territory of that guy Lorne? It's really solemn."

In the sea area of ​​Sdio, a castle-like pirate ship is slowly heading towards Sdio.

At the bow of the castle ship, a gentleman-like man wearing a tall hat and black tuxedo looked at Sdio in front of him and said slowly.

"It's just that this country will soon fall into my hands."

He looked at Si Diou in front of him, his eyes were full of greed.

"You're still the same, Joyce."

Next to the gentleman, there appeared another pirate ship with a rhinoceros horn on its prow. A big man over three meters tall and wearing a cowboy hat looked at him and said mockingly.

"You can't change your greed for money."

"Are you going to let me sink you here? Fank!" After seeing the strong man, the smile on the gentleman's face disappeared, and he became very cold.

"I haven't forgotten the incident at the port of Pollacks!"

Joyce, whose full name is Alexander Joyce, is a nobleman born in the West Sea. He bears this noble name, but he does not have the cultivation to match it. Joyce has been obsessed with money since he was a child. After growing up, because it was full of nests in the small West Sea, after looting the treasury of the country where it was located, it suddenly disappeared.

The world government issued a reward of 100 million yuan for this, but there was no trace of Joyce at all.

Later, in the process of the collapse of many countries, there was Joyce's shadow. The world government's bounty on him also continued to increase, until it was close to 500 million Baileys, but he was not caught.

Pollacks is a small country in Paradise, located at the gateway of one of the seven main waterways of Paradise. Under the protection of the navy, the people live and work in peace and prosperity.

But from a certain year, the king of Pollacks seemed to be crazy, increasing taxes, increasing the exploitation of the people of Pollacks, and confining wealth.

The people there are miserable, but they have no choice but to allow themselves to be exploited by the king.

"At the beginning, I controlled that stupid king, squeezed the residents of Pollacks, and abstained wealth that you can't imagine in your life. If it weren't for you, how could I become a pirate?!"

The man named Joyce looked at the burly man in front of him, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Being involved with the Revolutionary Army, do you think your life is long?"

Pollax's oppression of the people quickly attracted the attention of the Revolutionary Army, and when the large forces of the Revolutionary Army came to Pollax, the country quickly set off an upsurge of resistance, and rebellions broke out in various places in Pollax. The rebels soon attacked Wangcheng.

And this man named Fan Ke is one of the contacts of the Revolutionary Army.

Of course, Joyce didn't want his cash cow to collapse. He led his subordinates to fight the revolutionary army for a long time, and when he was about to defeat the revolutionary army, the cadres of the revolutionary army finally appeared.

Joyce was outnumbered and quickly routed. It's just that this man showed his cunning skills. When he was defeated, he looted all the collected wealth, leaving only an empty treasure house for the revolutionary army.

Although he was defeated, Joyce's strength was fully demonstrated in that battle. No one in this sea would dare to underestimate this greedy man.

"The fatuous world government will eventually be overthrown, and the revolutionary army is the first fire that ignites this corrupt country." Fan Ke said.

"It's unreasonable." Joyce said coldly. He didn't understand how there could be an organization like the Revolutionary Army in this world that likes to help others regardless of the cost.

"So, are you going to rob me of the wealth of this country?"

"You mean Sidiou?" Fan Ke froze for a moment, and then said slowly.

"No, no, we're not interested in this place at all, but my boss seems to be very interested in the Vinhill family, so let me see how they end up. No matter what you do, I won't will interfere."

"That's good," Joyce snorted coldly, "The end of this country is about to fall into my hands."

After speaking, he looked at the steel forest in the distance. The Vinhill family has dominated the sea for so many years, almost monopolizing the world's arms industry. The wealth they have accumulated may be more than what they have collected over the years.

In the past, Joyce didn't dare to have any thoughts about the deterrence of the Vernhill family, but now, this empire has reached the brink of collapse, and Joyce doesn't mind being the first person to eat crabs.

"However, let me remind you of one thing. This Vinhill family is probably not something you can eat alone. Don't be blinded by interests, and be used as a knife." Fan Ke reminded with a smile.

"It's fine if you don't stand in my back and stab the knife!"

Joyce said bluntly.

Looking at the castle pirate ship that kept going away, there was a trace of mockery in Fan Ke's eyes.

"It's really stupid. It was used by others as a knife to test the Vinhill family. Can you eat this family alone?"

After saying this, he turned his head and looked at the sea behind him, the mockery in his eyes did not dissipate in the slightest.

"And you people hiding behind the scenes, are you really smart people?"

No one answered Fan Ke's question, but Fan Ke knew that time would give the answer.

After knowing what happened to Mary Joa, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, the man named Dragon, immediately ordered that if the Vinhill family can survive this difficulty, they will try to cooperate with the Vinhill family to overthrow this A corrupt world government.


"As expected of the Vinhill family, they were able to develop this place like this."

When he was about to arrive in Sdio, Joyce looked at the steel city in front of him and said lightly.

A long time ago, Sdio was synonymous with barrenness. There were countless minerals here, but they couldn't be sold at all. In addition, the Neptune lair hidden near Sdio made people from other countries afraid to come here.

"But now, this place belongs to me."

Joyce said so, then turned his head and ordered to his subordinates.

"Give our friends a meeting gift. Be careful not to destroy the city too badly. After all, our maintenance work will be very troublesome."

In an understatement, he already regards this country as his own.

Boom boom boom boom!

Numerous cannon barrels protruded from the side of the castle pirate ship, and countless shells poured out of the cannon barrels, flying towards Sidio. Form a barrage to cover the sky and the sun.

But at the moment when these shells were about to hit Sidio, a dense fog suddenly appeared, covering the entire Sidio inside.

The shells blasted into the thick fog and disappeared completely.

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