Pirate Family

Chapter 646 Arrogant

For this result, Joyce was not surprised at all. According to intelligence, the two high-level combat powers of the Vinhill family, Lorne and Enel, never showed up again after the Battle of Bislan, that is, It is said that they are very likely to have died, and even the best result is that they will be seriously injured and unable to fight anymore.

After all, what they are facing is the high-level naval power headed by the Warring States Period. It is shocking enough to push the navy to such a point.

And the other great power of the Vinhill family, the woman who had just won the title of Blood Queen, disappeared after the decisive battle with Admiral Sakaski of the Navy Headquarters. Even if he was lucky enough to recover a life, he might have to hide in a corner to recuperate.

Therefore, this seemingly powerful Vinhill Empire has reached its most critical moment.

If it weren't for the support of senior cadres like Mooreman and Fat Tiger, they would collapse at any time.

Joyce didn't mind being the one to bring down the empire.

"Reload, prepare for the second round."

As Joyce said, his subordinates quickly carried out his order, and a new round of shells was loaded into the barrel.


Joyce waved his hand, and countless shells once again formed a barrage, blasting towards Sdio.

This time, a woman appeared in the mist. She frowned slightly, stretched out her hands, and blocked all the shells from Sdioben Island.

"Has it appeared?"

Joyce looked at the fog giant that suddenly appeared, and sneered.

"It's just that meaningless bravery is meaningless to me. In the face of absolute power, your little resistance seems insignificant."

He drew out his long knife, stepped on the ramming horn of the castle pirate ship, and yelled at his subordinates.

"Greedy villains, the empire of gold lies ahead, are you ready to plunder the empire?"

"Of course I'm ready!"

His subordinates showed greedy smiles and looked at Sdio with malicious intent.

"Then, I allow you to plunder this country for three days. Everything you plunder, including treasures, gold, and beauties, will be yours!" Joyce is very good at making empty promises, because this can really greatly encourage the enthusiasm of his subordinates. morale.

It's just that every check he made has been cashed, so this is why these greedy pirates are willing to follow him.

"Now, then, charge with me, villains!"

Joyce yelled, a pedal extended from the castle pirate ship, and landed on the land of Sidio. Countless pirates rushed out of the pirate ship with long knives in their hands.

At this time, the soldiers of Sdioben Island had gathered here, picked up their weapons, and aimed at the menacing pirates, ready to fight.

Bang bang bang bang!

Countless bullets sprayed out from the weapons of Sdio soldiers, and fired towards the rushing pirates.

"It's useless, do you think my subordinates are the kind of weak people who are afraid of bullets?"

Joyce held a long knife with a sneer on his face.

"They are truly experienced elites!"

Seeing the barrage sprayed over, none of the pirates under Joyce's command was afraid, but became more excited.


A few stronger pirates jumped up and rushed to the front of the team, then took a deep breath, and their bodies were covered with jet-black domineering armor.

Bang bang bang.

The bullet hit their black skin, leaving only a light white mark, and then was ejected to the side.

And some other nimbler pirates found the time for the Sdio soldiers to reload, and rushed out of the crowd. They were extremely fast, and they rushed to the soldiers almost in a breath. among.

They swung their knives, and countless stumps danced with the blood, creating feasts of killing among the crowd. These well-trained soldiers, facing this group of pirates, have no ability to resist at all!

Under Joyce's command, it turned out to be an army composed purely of domineering masters!

Facing these irresistible opponents, Sdio's fighters showed no fear on their faces, calmly picked up their weapons, and launched an attack on the pirates.

Even if their attacks are meaningless.

Soon, all the soldiers fell to the ground, blood flowed horizontally, dyeing the whole land blood red.

"A commendable weakling, in the face of an opponent he couldn't fight, didn't choose to escape." Joyce squinted his eyes and praised.

Over the years, he did not know how many countries he had attacked. Many soldiers from countries that boasted of being brave and fearless were soon defeated after realizing that they had no chance of defeating their opponents.

I don't know, leaving one's back to the opponent is the most stupid way.

Especially in the face of Joyce's ruthless and ruthless opponent.

"But the fearlessness of the weak is meaningless. This sea belongs to the strong after all."

He squinted his eyes and looked at the black iron castle on Sdio Island.

"You may have belonged to the strong in the past, but you took a wrong step, so you lost everything."

"This era does not need losers."

Joyce said so, but at this moment, a woman's cold voice came from his ear.

"This era really doesn't need losers, because all losers are dead."

A woman in a black cloak came out from the depths of Sdio step by step. She looked at Joyce with a murderous look in her eyes.

"To provoke the Vinhill family, do you have the consciousness to die?"

"You didn't die!?"

Joyce looked at the woman who came out and said in shock.

The woman in front of her was exactly the woman known as the Blood Queen.

Even though he was extremely confident in his own strength, Joyce did not dare to face this woman who destroyed the entire naval fleet by herself.

"No, you can't be unscathed after fighting an opponent of the level of Akainu. And if your power is at its peak, you should come out when there were pirates provoking a while ago, and deter them."

Joyce stared at the woman who was slowly coming out,

"You are deceiving me!"

"Guess." Garrett raised her legs and stepped into the blood-stained ground.

Walking in the sea of ​​blood, the black high-heeled shoes made a squeaking sound, which was extraordinarily coquettish.

"Don't guess, just try it and you'll know!" After figuring this out, Joyce calmed down a lot. He may not be the opponent of Garrett in his prime, but after the battle with Sakalski, he suffered a lot. The seriously injured Garrett still has a slight chance of winning.

"It's just that you came out, so I can be sure of one thing, and that is that the entire Vinhill family is indeed unprecedentedly empty." Joyce looked at Garrett and said slowly.

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