Pirate Family

Chapter 647: The Dead

"The entire Vinhill family is indeed unprecedentedly empty." Joyce said slowly. He looked around and saw the corpses of Sidio soldiers lying on the battlefield.

"Otherwise, such an elite soldier would give up as soon as he said he would."

Even Joyce was envious of this kind of fearless soldiers. If it weren't for their lack of strength, these unemotional soldiers would be the most perfect war machines.

"You can try."

Garrett said so. At this time, the pirates under Joyce had already formed an encirclement circle, slowly surrounding Garrett and the others.

They held weapons and had malicious smiles on their faces.

"Kill her!"

Joyce ordered, and the group of villains from the sea rushed towards Garrett and the others, shouting after receiving the boss's order.

The long knife in his hand is bright, reflecting two colors, one gold and one red.

The dazzling gold of the sun, and the red of blood flowing on the ground.

"It's really rude." The female secretary next to Garrett turned slightly to avoid a pirate's attack.

"It's not a gentleman to treat ladies at all." She raised her hand, and hit the pirate's head accurately with a hand knife. The pirate screamed in pain, and then fell to the ground with a crash, unable to get up again.

"How to deal with these people?" Violet bowed slightly to Garrett, then said respectfully.

"Death." Garrett replied slowly, she stretched out her hand, and countless blood gushed out from her fingertips, condensing a long knife with a length of ten meters.

"Those who provoke the family will be killed without mercy!"

She took a step forward and swung the knife. The pirates in a radius of more than ten meters had no time to react, and they were cut off by the blood knife.

With blood splattered, these pirates have no ability to resist, just like they slaughtered Sdio soldiers before.

Only this time, it was them who were massacred.

Those lucky ones who rushed slower escaped the first wave of Garrett's attack, and couldn't help taking a step back. The frenzy and greed in their eyes dissipated, and they were filled with fear instead.

Gulu Gulu.

They swallowed and looked at the woman in front of them, as if they saw the god of death holding a sickle.

"What a bunch of idiots." Joyce scolded, he felt that Garrett looked aggressive, but in fact she was strong on the outside, but she was just pretending.

The blow just now probably exhausted all her strength, and if she attacked her again at this time, she would have no strength to resist. But this group of idiots were frightened and missed the best opportunity.

"It seems that I have to do it myself." Joyce raised the long knife and aimed it at the two of them.

"Your tricks can't fool me."

"Really," Garrett looked at Joyce, a strange smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"What are you laughing at? Do you want me to pity you?" Joyce frowned and said coldly.

"I laugh at your stupidity," Garrett said, the blood sword in her hand dissipated, and a Blood Throne was condensed. The woman sat on the throne, propping her cheek with her hand, looking at Joyce.

It is as if the queen receives her subjects.

"There are many ways to affect combat power. The development of abilities, the understanding of the opponent, the mood of both sides during the battle, and even whether they eat or not in the morning may affect the outcome of the battle."

"But there is one most important thing that has been forgotten by many people."

"What's the matter?" Joyce asked subconsciously, feeling uneasy in his heart.

"That is, the environment of the battle." Garrett said, "For example, in the ice and snow, the power of the frozen fruit of the green pheasant will be greatly increased, and the red dog in the lava field is almost invincible. .”

"Then," Garrett's eyes became cold, she looked directly into Joyce's eyes, and said coldly.

"What gave you the courage to fight me in the sea of ​​blood?"

Joyce looked at the ground subconsciously. The bodies of the Sidio soldiers who died before and the pirates killed by Garrett just now fell on the ground, and blood continued to flow out of their bodies.

Dye the whole earth in blood red.

Like a sea of ​​blood.

"It's not good!" Joyce's face was filled with cold sweat. He turned around subconsciously, trying to escape, but found that his legs were firmly grasped by countless bloody arms gushing from the ground.

Can't move.

"Pay for your stupidity."

Garrett said lightly, then waved her hand lightly.

The blood flowing on the ground seemed to become alive and began to roll over and over again. The surviving pirate felt that something in the ground was firmly grasping him. When he looked down, he found that the blood had condensed into the appearance of a companion who had just died. . Looking at himself with resentment, his hands firmly grasped his body, trying to drag himself into the sea of ​​blood.

The pirates howled and swung their knives to cut off the hands that grabbed them, but the blood that was cut off quickly condensed into bleeding hands, giving them no chance to get rid of them.

"The ghost of blood."

Garrett put her five fingers together, and these pirates were completely dragged into the sea of ​​blood.


Joyce roared unwillingly, he didn't want to die like this, he still has countless wealth hidden, and he still has the ambition to govern the world. How could it be buried here? !

But the real world is not a heroic story, and it is not a story that can turn defeat into victory with a shout.

Joyce, the man who was offered a reward of 500 million Berries by the world government, the criminal who destroyed many countries, was completely buried in Sdio because of his negligence and arrogance.

"I can not be reconciled!"

This was Joyce's last roar, and then the sea of ​​blood gathered and swallowed him completely.

The blood continued to gather together, and then condensed into a statue, a statue of blood, and the bodies of countless pirates appeared on the statue, vividly showing the despair of these pirates before they died.

Joyce's body appeared in the middle of the statue, his face distorted, like a tortured ghost in hell.


After doing all this, Garrett took a deep breath, then lightened her body, and fell to the side involuntarily.

If Violet hadn't supported Garrett, she would have fallen to the ground.

"Sure enough, is it still too much?" Violet asked with concern.

"Joyce's life should scare the young people who are watching the Vinhill family." Garrett shook her head and said slowly.

"Move this blood statue to the most conspicuous place in Sdio, I want all the pirates who covet the Vinhill family to see it, and provoke the fate of the family!"

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