Pirate Family

Chapter 648: Pirates

Joyce came aggressively, but when he left, he was silent.

The corpses of him and his subordinates were placed in the port of Sdio, a statue of blood, deterring the pirates who looked around in Sdio and coveted the wealth of the Vinhill family.

"I didn't expect that Joyce to be such a waste."

On an isolated island next to Sidio, a simple camp was set up, with a pile of bonfires piled up in the middle, and an unknown beast was roasted on the bonfire, and the smell of meat was overflowing.

A savage-like burly man dressed in animal skins was swearing while munching on the meat.

"It was so simple that it was taken care of by the Vinhill family."

His saliva flew horizontally and splashed on the people around him.

The leaders of the next few pirates frowned slightly, not liking this man's rude appearance very much. But no one stood up to refute him.

People are not sages, and always have various shortcomings, but in the process of getting along, your friends often ignore these shortcomings of yours, because your advantages are enough to make up for these shortcomings.

And this man, he is stupid, greedy, bloodthirsty, rude, barbaric, and many shortcomings are gathered in him alone, but he has one point, and only one point, and this point can make people ignore all his flaws.

That is powerful, absolutely powerful.

"However, one thing is certain, that is, the woman is still alive, and the Vinhill family is not as weak as we imagined."

Next to him, a gentleman wearing a tall hat said slowly, "With Joyce volunteering to find out the truth about the Vinhill family for us, we will lose more manpower."

"But this also means that there are more people who share the benefits in the end."

The strong man said disdainfully, and then threw the piece of meat in his hand into the bonfire.

"It has no taste at all, don't eat it!"

"Then you mean you don't take the Vinhill family seriously?"

A tall man next to him, holding a Daguan knife, but wearing a pair of funny trousers said blankly. There is a curving white beard on the corner of his mouth,

Just like the man in the legend with a white beard.

"It's just, Mom, what is the Vinhill family?"

"It's a group of rich pirates, if we kill them, we will get rich!"

In front of him, a short woman said. When money was mentioned, the woman's eyes flashed with greed.

"It seems that our Lord Herak is very confident in his own strength. But I don't know why when the Vinhill family was in its heyday, he didn't see Lord Herak invade the territory of the Vinhill family. Are they all defeated?"

At this time, a young man in armor next to him said darkly.

"Hehe," the man spat,

"It's just a newcomer force, or a new force that has lost its strength after a decisive battle with the navy. I wonder how you got your reputation for being so timid. Do you rely on bullying the weak?"

The man said sarcastically.

"If you are afraid, you can obediently hide behind me. After I take down the Vinhill family by myself, if I am in a good mood, maybe I will give you some leftovers."

"You!" The man in armor angrily pointed at the strong man and was speechless.

"Why, do you want to fight with me first?" The strong man said with a look of disdain.

"Stop arguing," at this time, a slightly older man wearing a black priest's robe stopped them, "The purpose of our alliance is to eat the Vinhill family in one round, not to let you Find a place to fight."

"If you want to fight, after this period of time is over, you can just find a place to fight. Now, it's better to restrain your temper."

This older man seemed to be quite prestigious. After he spoke, the younger pirate stopped moving, and even the strong man did not continue to provoke.

"Indeed, as Gonitz said, the most important thing now is how to eat the Vinhill family." The gentleman also opened his mouth to express his position.

"As far as I know, the monster from the Charlotte family has left the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Nations, and it won't be long before he arrives here. If you want to face that man, continue to quarrel."

Goniz is the name of the old man in the black priest's robe. He also has another title, Gonitz of the Gale!

A long time ago, the Vice Pope of the Church of Holy Truth even before Ratzinger, later defected from the Church of Holy Truth for some reason.

His reputation is not very prominent among low-level pirates, but after reaching a certain level of pirates, no one will question his strength.

"Katakuri?" After hearing these words, everyone's eyes became serious. After all, that man's reputation was earned by fighting. In the whole new world, except for a few legends, no one dared to Said that he could beat him steadily.

The people present, even the strong man, are not allowed.

"Yes, we don't have much time left." The gentleman said slowly.

"There are only a few senior cadres left in the Vinhill family, Hu, Agatha, Jody, plus two hidden senior cadres, and Garrett who doesn't know how much strength is left. We have a lot of strength and we have to give it our all.”

"My good son can drag down any cadre of the Vinhill family, but afterwards, I asked for an extra 10% of the Bailey that was allocated to us."

Said the little woman.

"Jodi can give it to me. His fists can't break my armor." The young man in armor volunteered.

"I'm going to deal with Agatha. I'm curious, who is better, the fog or the wind." The old priest said, his face was calm, but the murderous intent in his eyes betrayed him.

"That is to say, the most difficult one, Garrett, is left to me?" The strong man said lightly, "You really know how to pick."

"It's just that it doesn't matter, her blood is meaningless in front of me." The strong man seemed to be extremely confident in his own strength. Even though she knew that Garrett had blocked Sakaski, she was not afraid at all.

"I'm responsible for covering your arrival in Sidio, and all the trash fish on the island can be handed over to my children." The gentleman said.

Several people selected their opponents after three times, five divisions and two divisions, but when they were just about to leave, a man's voice rang in their ears.

"Hey, how can you not call me in this kind of thing when dealing with the Vinhill family?"

Countless black bats flew to the side of the bonfire, condensing a man who was nearly six meters tall and dressed in Gothic style clothing.

His face was pale, but his eyes were burning with fire.

It was the fire of vengeance. He said so to the crowd.

"Lorne and I have some grievances."

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