Pirate Family

Chapter 650: Trading

"Cough, cough, cough." A man coughed from inside the cage. A man stepped out of the darkness.

His appearance is quite ordinary, belonging to the type who is thrown into the crowd and will be forgotten at a glance.

But his reputation is anything but ordinary.

In the underground world, there are bounties for some legendary pirates hanging all year round, such as Whitebeard, Kaido, and even Lorne are also on the list. But these reward lists are just decorations, and even at certain times, they even set off the prestige of the rewarded person.

Few people have uncovered these bounties, because all killers and bounty hunters know that this is an impossible task.

Those who accept these rewards are either newbies who have just set foot in the dark world and do not know the heights of the sky and the earth, or they are well-known lunatics who are extremely confident in their own strength.

Rookies often have it, but lunatics don't.

This man, in the eyes of all bounty hunters, is the man who can accomplish the impossible task.

"Let me be free?" the man said to himself, "It's really a rich reward."

"Has the current Vinhill family declined to this point?"

"So you don't want to accept this task?" The girl frowned and said coldly. "Then you can continue to stay in this place and reflect."

After speaking, the girl turned around and left without stopping.

"As expected of a member of the proud Vinhill family." The man's voice came from behind the girl, as if he was quite helpless towards this arrogant family.

"I'll take this task."

When the man said these words, the girl's footsteps stopped.

The surrounding prisoners seemed to see the dawn of going out, and they all leaned on the iron railing and shouted.

"I want to go out."

"Give me a chance, I will never be an enemy of the Vinhill family again!"

"Any task is fine, please give me freedom!"

The roar of these losers broke the silence of the prison. But the girl turned a deaf ear to it. She took out a key and opened the cage where the man was imprisoned. As Hailoushi's handcuffs fell off, the man's own suppressed strength finally broke free, and he let out a long breath.

"This relaxed feeling has not been seen for a long time."

The man stretched, and then said to the girl.

"Just let me go, aren't you afraid that I will break the contract?"

"Lorne once said, you won't." The girl shook her head. "Because you are Rong."

"It really drove me to death. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have accepted that order."

The man said helplessly that he had accepted Lufield's mission at the beginning, and finally faced Lorne directly, was easily defeated by Lorne, and then became a captive and was thrown into this dark cage. But if he was asked to choose again, he would still face Lorne directly.

Because, no matter what accident happened to the characters he picked up, he would never give up.

He is melting!

Following the girl's pace, the man walked out of the prison. When the prison gate opened, the dazzling sunlight made the man squint his eyes subconsciously.

"By the way, how long has it been since Bisilan's incident?"

the man asked.

"Less than a week."

The girl replied honestly that she never lied.

"It's only been a few days, it feels like a few years have passed." The man said with a smile, "What is the task? After I finish it, I will have nothing to do with you."

"There are pirates trying to invade the territory of the Vinhill family, we need you to assassinate the leader of these pirates."

"It's really a simple task." The man didn't even ask the names of these pirates, because in his opinion, except for those few people in this sea, the other pirates are just people trying to catch fame.

And it is obviously impossible for those few well-known pirates to appear in the territory of the Vinhill family during this time period.

"Is this the sky?" The man looked at the boundless sea of ​​clouds and asked. "Your Vinhill family really hides many secrets. Being against you back then was probably the biggest mistake in my life."

"It's good to know."

The girl smiled and said that she was very proud to hear someone praise the family.

"Then, I'm going."

As the man said, his body disappeared in an instant, and then appeared on the wall of SKY, the city in the sky. He looked at the whiteness under his feet, and then muttered to himself.

"I am coming."

His tone was flat, like a god standing on the top of the sky, announcing his return to the mortals under his feet.

The next moment, he took a deep breath, stood on the wall of SKY, the city of sky, and jumped towards the sea of ​​white clouds.

He stood on an empty island at an altitude of 10,000 meters and jumped towards Qinghai!

"What a lunatic." The girl frowned and said after seeing what the man was doing through the phone bug monitoring system.

These monsters, relying on their own strength, often like to do some crazy things.

It's just that these things sound interesting. It's a pity that my own strength is not very good, and I can't act recklessly like these monsters.

If your own strength is stronger, you can help the family.

The girl clenched her fist, but the next moment, she became a little depressed.

"It's a pity that there is no if."

At this time, she can only be a protected person.

"This is the first time I've seen you so depressed, little Lola."

At this time, a man's voice rang in the girl's ear. Lola raised her head and saw a thin, white-haired man with a sickly pale face walking towards her.

He was wearing a white robe, and he still smelled of some medicine, as if he had just walked out of a laboratory.

"Is the young master awake?"

After seeing the man, Lola immediately asked anxiously, the most important thing now is this one, if Lorne can wake up, then the crisis of the Vinhill family can be easily resolved now.

"Not yet, it's just that Lorne's vital signs have stabilized and his life is no longer in danger. When he can wake up depends on when he wants to wake up."

The man said so.

After hearing what the man said, Lola was a little discouraged, but soon she regained her spirits. The more this is the case, the more she can't panic, she must return to the war fortress of SKY, the city of sky, to provide support for the battle below.

This is the only thing Lola can do at this time.

"However, our research results have made some progress, and may be able to help you."

The man pushed his glasses and said slowly to Lola.

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