Pirate Family

Chapter 651 God's Work

"Also, this woman has been bugging me all day, if you can, can you take her away?"

The man said helplessly. At this time, Laura saw a girl with long pink hair and earphones coming out from behind the man. She said coldly with a frosty face.

"If brother Diaros can't wake up, I will never let you go."

Andariel. Lola recognized the girl's name, the rumored lover of King of Ashes Diaros, it is unimaginable that the man who always smiles like sunshine will attack the important place of the world government for her.

"I understand." Lola said. In the previous Bislan war, if it hadn't been for Diaros's move to hold back Admiral Aokiji, the family's loss might have been even greater, so in Diaros After the coma, the family specially granted Andariel the right to enter and exit in SKY, the city of sky.

"I heard that your family is in some trouble." Before Lola could speak, Andariel took off his earphones and asked first.

There was fire in her eyes, the kind of fire Lola had seen in Jody's eyes before, warlike fire.

A violent woman, this is Lola's label for Andariel.

"That's true," Lola did not deny, "but you don't have to worry, the family will take care of these troubles soon."

"That is to say, is it true that there are pirates who don't have long eyes to provoke the Vinhill family?" Andariel said excitedly, "Is there a fight to fight?"

Seeing Andariel like this, Lola nodded in a strange way, but after getting an affirmative answer, Andariel became even more excited. She threw herself on Lola at once, her slender arms gradually turned into sharp claws, some dark brown fluff seeped out from the pores of her fair skin, and two lovely pointed fluffy ears appeared on her head.

At this time, Andariel turned into a catwoman.

"Count me in. When Brother Diaros was here, I haven't fought for a long time!"

Andariel said excitedly.

Lola looked at the man next to him. The man spread his hands helplessly and shrugged his shoulders, expressing that there was nothing he could do, and let Lola find a way by himself.

Lola let Andariel hang on her body like a big cat. As a good girl, she didn't know how to refuse, so she agreed to Andariel's request.

"You are so kind, you are many times better than that bastard Lorne!" Andariel jumped off Lola's body, and then kissed Lola's face, Lola felt some soft fluff touched The skin on his face suddenly turned red.

He stood there blankly, not knowing what to do.

"Compared to this, what is more important now is Mr. Vegapunk's research results." At this time, Lola remembered the purpose of the man looking for her in the first place, and said hastily.

"We just made a simple modification to the material we sent before, and it can be used at any time." The man said slowly, and then led Lola and the two to the laboratory. Lola saw Mr. Gage He was busy on a cylinder as tall as a person.

The surface of the cylinder is covered with metal, and it is impossible to see what is inside.

"You are finally here!" Seeing Lola's arrival, Gage put down his work and said excitedly.

"This is the work that human beings are closest to God, and it belongs exclusively to God's domain, and you are the first visitors." Gage said in a somewhat secondary manner. With the help of Vegapunk, Gage's research has been blown out This is the first time he has touched that field.

A realm that was previously out of reach.

Gage pressed a button next to it, and the metal around the cylinder slowly fell off, revealing a petri dish filled with emerald green liquid.

A shirtless man was lying in a petri dish, seemingly sleeping.

"Welcome to the world of God."

Gage pressed the second button next to it, and the liquid in the petri dish slowly fell. Lola saw that the man's skin was pale, like a corpse, and his body was full of explosive muscles, as fit as a statue. However, the fly in the ointment is that there is a huge hole in his chest, which seems to be hollowed out by someone, or the traces left by the battle, filled with a bunch of sophisticated metal instruments.

"This is our most perfect work." Vegapunk pushed his glasses, "You can keep his previous name."


Adam, a man with a perfect physique comparable to Kaido. After dying in Bislan, he was brought back to Sidio by the warriors of the Vinhill family, and then transformed into this appearance by Vegapunk and Gage.

But Lola knew that Adam also had another meaning.

The first human being created by God. Vegapunk is like this, is it a self-proclaimed god?

"It's really arrogant." Lola said to herself, and then looked at Adam in the petri dish through the glass.

"How strong is he, can he solve the family's troubles?"

"Just try it and you'll know." Gage said. He pressed the third button, and Adam in the petri dish slowly opened his eyes.

Like a prehistoric beast that has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, it opened its eyes for the first time!


At this time, the pirates in Sdio have basically left, because this is not a supply station in the first place, and the pirates who come here are more to discuss arms cooperation with the Vinhill family.

But at this time, the Vinhill family's empire has reached the verge of precariousness. In order to avoid getting angry, the slightly smarter pirates left this place of right and wrong early. Around the Dio sea area, see if there is a chance to take advantage of the chaos.

As for the pirates who stayed here, there were basically only some die-hard fans of the Vinhill family, and some nails buried in the Vinhill family by other forces.

Sidio is a very strange island, divided into two peninsulas, the north and the south, separated by a mountain range.

To the north is a steel city with tall buildings, where passing pirates can buy the most advanced weapons.

On the south side, there are lofty mountains and mountains, like a virgin forest, in which countless minerals are hidden.

As for the main thoroughfare between the North and South Islands, there is only a canyon in the center of the island. At this time, a knight-like pirate in silver armor stood at the entrance of the canyon and said coldly to the people in front.

"In an emergency, pirates are forbidden to advance."

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