Pirate Family

Chapter 657 Desperate situation?

The mission Rong took over has never failed, so he is recognized as a legend in the killer world.

His status in the killer world is like what the five old stars call the world government, and the four emperors call the pirates.

But today, the legend is dying.

Lawson clenched his long knife tightly, and a cruel smile appeared on his face. He has always wanted to know one thing, that is, he and Rong, who is the strongest killer.

The reason why Rong smiled was because he felt that he was very lucky. He met a target just after he came down from that ghostly place.

It would be great if all the targets were gathered together, so that he could get rid of these people faster and leave the Vinhill family.

"Are we just spending time here?"

After the two confronted each other for a long time, Lawson spoke first. Assassins are occupations that take the initiative through sneak attacks, and all assassins are also the occupations that are most likely to defeat the strong with the weak.

But the confrontation between two killers often depends on who can't hold his breath first. Once someone can't hold his breath and wants to strike first, then he will show his flaws.

But for a top killer, a flaw is enough to kill him.

"If I make a move, you will die." Rong said lightly. It seems to be stating a very simple fact. "I don't want you to die in ignorance."

"Arrogance! Do people who follow Lorne suffer from this kind of arrogance?" Lawson said angrily. Rong said that he didn't take him seriously at all.

"Then, I'll take the shot." Rong said slowly, and he drew out his knife.

Lawson gripped his weapon tightly, waiting for Rong to strike.

As long as you make a move, you will reveal your flaws.

And this flaw is the opportunity for Lawson to win.

But at the next moment, Lawson's face changed drastically, and he dropped his weapon, and ran towards the back, as if he was running away from a death-ghost.

A searing flame overtook him and soon engulfed him. Flame soaring into the sky burst out from Rong's long knife, filling the canyon and burning everything in the canyon.

Seen from the sky, in the center of Sdio, it seems that there is a fiery snake spreading for thousands of meters, and the flames are radiating.

The flames slowly dissipated, everything in the canyon was ignited, and the air was filled with the smell of burning.

A human-shaped skeleton stood in front of Rong. The skeleton was still running, and its head was looking backward, as if looking at something.

"I gave you a chance." Rong took a deep breath and said.

His ability can collect shock waves, store them in his body, and release them in the form of explosions after reaching a certain level. And he had collected all the impact of falling from a height of 10,000 meters before.

Rong didn't know how violent the impact of falling from a height of 10,000 meters was, but Lawson gave him the answer.

The number one killer in the underground world, a man who was as famous as Rong, was beheaded just like that.

A one-hit kill, without the slightest ability to resist.

After doing all this, Rong turned around and walked towards the northern port of Sidio. The knowledgeable domineering told him that a fierce battle was taking place there.

Whoosh whoosh.

At the entrance of the canyon, amidst a pile of rubble, a bloody knight struggled to stand up, staring blankly at the scene in front of him.

That man who was so powerful that he was suffocating died like this?

But the person who killed him turned around immediately, as if he just killed an ant just now, and didn't care.

"Is this power?"

The knight named Lancelot looked at the back of the man who was gradually going away, and said blankly.

The next moment, his eyes lit up with a flame. Deep in his heart, a seed of strength has been planted.


"It's over." At the port of Sdio, a soaring tornado blew away all the fog, and an old man in a black robe stood in the center of the tornado, looking down condescendingly.

"Ratzinger's blood fruit fell on you, like a pearl covered in dust."

Below, a woman in a black cloak was kneeling on the ground with one foot. Her clothes were torn and covered with small wounds, and blood continued to flow out of the wounds.

She lost.

It's just that this is a matter of course. The awakening of Garrett's fruit was too late. The first battle after awakening was to face the two top powerhouses Sakaski and Kuzan at the same time. In the case of serious injuries, It is impossible to be an opponent of a strong man of Gonitz's level.

The wisps of mist floating around gather together around Garrett, condensing into the image of a woman.

Agatha gently supported Garrett, raised her head and looked vigilantly at Gonitz standing high in the sky.

In the past, she has always acted as a supporting role, because of the characteristics of her ability, she can easily divide the battlefield and provide the family cadres with more opportunities to fight less. But this Gonitz's ability is too restrained for her, no matter how much fog she creates, it will be easily blown away by the strong wind.

Without Agatha's assistance, the shortage of cadres in the remaining Vinhill family was completely in front of everyone.


Jody and Odie exchanged punches. Jody felt that he had punched the city wall, and the two retreated more than ten meters at the same time.

Jody shook his hand, he felt that his fist hit the city wall, unable to penetrate Odie's defense at all.

On the other side of the battlefield, Fat Tiger and Moria fought fiercely. The former King Shichibukai, due to his lack of self-management over the years, his figure has been out of shape, and even the use of domineering is a bit jerky, and he was once suppressed by an opponent with natural supernatural power like Fat Tiger.

But Moriah dodged Fat Tiger's heavy punch with confidence, and after the fog cleared, a cruel smile appeared on his face.

"It's over." He was hit hard by the fat tiger and flew more than ten meters, but he still stood firm, wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, and said coldly.

His zombie soldiers gradually approached the port, encircling all the cadres of the Vinhill family in the middle.

"Wait a minute, take everyone out of here." Garrett struggled to stand up, and said softly to Agatha.

"I dragged these people here, and then wiped them out with the sword of Damocles."

SKY, the city in the sky, has always been directly above Sdio. As Lorne's fiancée, Garrett naturally has the right to control the sky city.

"Then you too..." Agatha frowned and said anxiously. This time was different from the previous naval battles. This group of vicious pirates would never give Garrett a chance to escape. If you want to hit them with the sword of Damocles, unless Garrett uses herself as a bait.

Family, is it really the end?

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