Pirate Family

Chapter 658 Reinforcements

"Do you still want to hold back?"

Moria's body turned into countless bats, got rid of the entanglement of the fat tiger, and stood beside the priest. There was a cruel smile on his pale face.

"Do you want to use your family's sharp sword that fell from the sky to wipe us all out?"

Moria was the first person in this sea to taste the power of the sword of Damocles. The sharp sword that fell from the sky destroyed all his dignity and ambition, and it was the beginning of his decline.

"No chance." Goniz said with a smile. He raised his right hand, and endless gusts of wind washed the ground, forming two tornadoes around him. Looking from a distance, it was like two tornadoes supporting the sky. Tianzhu.

The two huge tornadoes moved towards the port of Sdio Island respectively, touching the shore of the island, as if they were pushing something.

But Fat Tiger wanted to continue chasing Moriah, but was blown away by a gust of wind and disappeared without a trace.

He wants to push Si Diou away?

Garrett felt a little unbelievable, how could this be possible! Is this humanly achievable?


Goniz took a deep breath and roared. The next moment, Sdio's main island shook violently. Everyone saw a tsunami tens of meters high in the calm sea, sweeping towards the shore.

Boom boom boom!

It was as if a magnitude 10 earthquake had occurred in the port of Sdio, and all the ships staying in the port, including the buildings in the port, were destroyed by the strong wind.

He actually moved a small island alive with his own strength!

"This is the gap between you and me." Goniz said with a smile after finishing all this. He waved his hand, and the two tornadoes behind him dissipated, and the sea returned to calm.

All of this reminded everyone of the Vinhill family of one word.


A God whose grace is like the sea, and whose might is like a prison.

This is the strength of the top natural devil fruit ability user, who can easily change the surrounding environment with just a few gestures.

Agatha in the distance wanted to stop her, but just as her body turned into mist, a hurricane blew towards her head-on, blowing her back tens of meters. Blow all the way into the steel forest behind you.

"Damn it, if it wasn't for ability restraint!" Agatha's body was condensed in the steel forest, and a trace of resentment appeared on her beautiful face.

If it weren't for her ability to restrain herself, she wouldn't be so powerless

In this battle, she became a complete bystander.

"Bastard Goniz, I finally crawled out. Are you trying to bury me in the ground?"

On the edge of a deep pit on the harbor beach, a thick arm stretched out, and a strong man wearing animal skins and holding a blood spear in the other hand crawled out of the deep pit.

He was ashamed, and coughed out a big mouthful of dust, then patted the dust on himself, and crushed the blood spear in his hand into pieces.

There was a small wound on his shoulder, and the wound had healed, but it left an ugly scar.

"I am going to kill you!"

Man was furious and said that this was the first time he had been injured since he was a child. He walked towards Garrett angrily, trying to tear the woman into pieces.

"We agreed that all the wealth of the Vernhill family belongs to you, you just need to give me a chance to kill Lorne with my own hands." Moria stretched out his hand to stop Man's movement,

Then he walked towards Garrett slowly, with a cruel smile on his face.

"Let's start with you, the woman Lorne loves the most!"

He took out a pair of scissors from his shadow and walked towards Garrett.

"Make you a puppet and then appear in front of Lorne, this kind of scene must be very interesting."

Moria's other hand grabbed Garrett.

"There are so many people who want to kill me?" Garrett showed a helpless smile on her face. After Agatha's fog ability was broken and the only ability of the Vinhill family that could be defeated one by one was lost, she knew they lost.

The body was unable to move due to the injury, and feeling Moria getting closer, Garrett slowly closed her eyes.

But at this time, she didn't regret at all in her heart, regretting why she didn't take Lorne away at the beginning, regretting why she participated in this matter. After Lorne came to Wanguo to pick her up and got engaged to her, this girl has already regarded herself as a member of the Vinhill family.

The Vinhill family is a family of pirates, and the characteristic of pirates is that they are not afraid of death. Willing to give up your life for something you are obsessed with.

So Garrett has no regrets.

She was just a little helpless, if only she could be stronger.


But the feeling of being grabbed by Moria did not come for a long time, and Garrett felt a pair of soft arms hugging her. There was a screeching sound like metal rubbing against his ears.

"I didn't expect you to have this side."

A playful voice sounded in Garrett's ear. Garrett opened her eyes, and found a pair of arms with dark brown fluff hugging her, pulling her back. Turning his head, he found a cat-man whose face was covered with fluff, like the fur tribe of Zou Island in the New World, tilted his head at her, and then blinked his eyes.

"This kind of you is not like the queen at the time."

The catman said with a smile. Her legs were slender and powerful, she bounced continuously among the ruins of the port, and quickly retreated tens of meters. Came to a relatively safe zone.

"You guys, why are you here?"

Garrett asked struggling. Of course she recognized who rescued her, the girl who had been following Diaros.

"Because it's too boring, that little girl is very worried about your safety!" The cat girl pointed forward, and Garrett followed her gaze.

It was found that a huge robot stood in front of Moriah, blocking Moriah's attack with a hard arm.

In the cockpit of the robot, a young girl with short hair can be vaguely seen.

"Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!" Moria kept using scissors to attack the robot that suddenly appeared in front of her, but every time she attacked, it was as if the robot had predicted it in advance, and she blocked it with her hard forelimbs.

Boom boom boom!

The material used to make the robot is extremely hard, even if Moria used the armed domineering, it could only leave a shallow scar on it.

"What a waste."

Said quite disdainfully, he pushed Moria away, and said cursingly.

He was very dissatisfied with Moria just now preventing him from killing the woman who injured him.

"No wonder they are used as stepping stones by those newcomers." Man Ru said. Then he raised his head and looked at the mechanical giant in front of him with interest.

Slowly raised his hand.

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