Pirate Family

Chapter 662 A-S

Ten pitch-black columns were inserted obliquely on the land of Sidio port, besieging a strange magic circle.

The pirates who attacked here looked at these things that fell from the sky vigilantly. With the lessons learned by the previous pirates, they did not choose to act rashly.

After a long time, a reckless man in animal skin finally couldn't bear it anymore and said cursing.

"They're all a bunch of softies, they're scared when they meet something!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped forward, and his whole body rushed towards the dark column closest to him like a cannonball.


Man punched the cylinder, and the black metal covering the cylinder could not bear the huge force, and a crack appeared.

"Whatever you're hiding, watch me smash it!"

Man Ru said, then raised his hand, and punched again! He is an absolute physique master, even if he does not use domineering, he still possesses the top strength in the world.

It can even be said that if you don't use domineering and martial arts, and simply compete in physical strength, there are only two people in this world who can win against him.

One is Kaido and the other is Charlotte Lingling.

Others, even the man with the title of strongest, White Beard's pure physical strength after old age is not as good as Man.

Man's every punch contained a thousand tons of strange power, and it slammed heavily on the black cylinder. The cracks on the black cylinder grew more and more, finally reached a limit, and then shattered.


There was a piercing sound, and countless emerald green liquids gushed out from the cracks.

Then, a pale arm tore open the crack in the column, and a shirtless man stepped out of it.

The man's body was extremely pale, like a corpse soaked in formalin for a long time.

"A corpse?"

After seeing this scene, Odie subconsciously took a few steps back, and then used his ability to protect himself.

"No, it's not a corpse. A corpse doesn't move." Goniz said slowly. He said a very simple truth, so simple that even a three-year-old child can understand it.

This kind of reasoning comes from one of his big pirates, it is more like a joke.

But no one there laughed.

Because they all understood what Gonitz meant.

This thing is neither a person nor a corpse.

So what exactly is it?

"I don't care what you are!" Man was splashed with emerald green liquid, and flew into a rage, punching the monster crawling out of the black column.


A pale fist collided with Man's fist. The monster that crawled out of it was obviously not Man's opponent in terms of physical strength. The whole person, including the pitch-black column behind him, was knocked into the air.

"Just this little strength? Playing tricks." Man said sarcastically, the person who was knocked into the air by him rolled many times on the ground and struggled to get up. After Man Zai said these words, he seemed to feel something, and the smile on his face froze.

He touched his chest, feeling a little wet. An incomparably long and narrow wound appeared on his chest, and blood continued to flow out from the wound.

At this time, everyone noticed that the man's right palm seemed to be cut off by something, and a long and slender knife was attached.

The man raised his head and showed a serious face to the pirates.

The climate of the new world is changeable, and Sidio is in a region that is extremely hot all year round. Therefore, the residents here are all dressed in cool clothes.

At this time, the sun was in the sky, and the scorching sun shone on the beach. But the pirates felt cold all over their bodies, and cold sweat kept streaming from their faces.

Because what appeared here was a person who should have died.

"Captain Silverblade Eleanor?"

Garrett in the rear also recognized who was coming. This was the big pirate who was beheaded by Lorne in Bislan before trying to get his hands on the pure gold ring.

After his death, he was brought back to Sidio by the warriors of the Vinhill family, and then handed over to Vegapunk and Gage by Garrett for their study.

"Their research results came out?" Garrett said with some surprise. When she handed over these corpses to Vegapunk and others, she didn't intend to receive a return so soon. Unexpectedly, this group of scientists really gave her a surprise.

Judging from the momentum of Eleanor's fight with Man just now, Eleanor's strength is not inferior to that of his life, or even worse.

"His name is not Eleanor now." Lola told Fat Tiger to put herself down, and then walked to Garrett's side and said to her.

"According to Mr. Vegapunk, this experiment is now called A-5."

"And the other columns too?"

Garrett asked, pointing to the other pillars inserted obliquely above the ground.

"Yes, these are the results of their experiments, and some of them are still half-finished products. If it weren't for the family's crisis, these two old guys would not be willing to dedicate their research results."

As Lola said, she took out a remote control and flicked a button on it. The iron sheets on the other pitch-black columns fell off automatically, revealing the glass petri dishes inside.

Several experimental subjects lay quietly in it, with their eyes closed tightly, as if in a deep sleep.

"The A series represents the highest masterpiece of the two of them. Every A-level experimental body has a fighting power no less than that of Eleanor in its heyday. Because they don't feel pain, their fighting power is even better than before. Even scarier."

"The only downside is that if they were ability users during their lifetime, they will no longer be able to use their abilities after transformation."

"These two old fellows have released all the research results they have accumulated over the years, and all the experimental subjects from A1 to A9 are inside."

"Is that so?" Hearing Lola's words, Garrett finally breathed a sigh of relief. With the help of these experimental subjects, perhaps this group of pirates could be defeated.

"Then there's another one? Why don't you tell me the other one." Andariel tilted her head, the fluff on her face made her a little more playful, making her look extraordinarily cute. She frowned and said to Lola.

"That's right, what's the other one?" Garrett pointed to the last pitch-black column and asked suspiciously.

A1-A9, there are only nine experimental subjects, so what is the last experimental subject?

"That's S-1. In the words of the two of them, it's a god's creation."

As Lola said, there was even a trace of piety in her eyes. As a technician, she was devout to the highest technology.

The iron sheet on the surface of the cylinder peeled off, and inside was a man with a shirtless body and long blond hair sleeping in emerald green liquid.

Feeling the movement outside, he suddenly opened his eyes.

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