Pirate Family

Chapter 663

"I'm going to kill you!"

As if feeling fooled many times, Man suddenly became furious, as if out of control, and rushed towards the cadres of the Vinhill family.

While roaring, he ran wildly on the ground, like a giant beast, charging on the ground after seeing his old enemy.

"Back up a bit." Fat Tiger moved his fat body to protect the front of several women. The fat on his face trembled, and he squinted his eyes, looking at Man rushing over aggressively.

He had seen the savage power before, and no one of them, whether it was Garrett, Agatha, Lola, or Andariel, could bear this kind of terrifying power.

So he has to stand up.

"Boss, I shouldn't have followed you out in the first place!"

Man was getting closer and closer to them, Fat Tiger suddenly said to himself, like a joke.

It's just that this was just a joke. If there was no Lorne, Fat Tiger would still be imprisoned in that icy and snowy place at this time, enduring the beating and scolding of the jailer. He is stupid, and has done many wrong things in his life, but he decided that the only thing he did not do wrong was to choose to follow Lorne after escaping from the city of advancement.

"Tiger." Jody next to him seemed to be touched by the scene, and suddenly said.

"Stop talking, let me fight. If I die, remember to bring a few more chicken legs when you pay homage to me in the future."

"Tiger..." Jody wanted to say something, but was interrupted roughly by Fat Tiger.

"I know you're very dissatisfied with how I like to bully you, but who told you that you can't beat me. This time, your younger brother is a little bit behind, and let me, a stronger person, fight pretty hard."

Hu Ru said, and then pushed Jody away, looking like he was sacrificing his life for righteousness.

"I'll fuck you." Jody, who was suddenly pushed away, staggered and almost fell to the ground, then jumped up and slammed Fat Tiger's head with his mechanical arm.

"Don't you understand? Just now Lola said that these experimental subjects were made by Mr. Gage, and they are our reinforcements. Each of them has the strength no less than that of Captain Silver Knife Eleanor. With them, we can still use them." Are you going to die?"

"Oh, that's it." Fat Tiger said in a low voice with aggrieved face after being hit.

"No matter who you are, you must die!"

At this time, Man had already rushed in front of everyone. He jumped high, raised his thick arms, and blasted towards Garrett's head.

But at this time, a figure suddenly stood in front of Man, and used his body to block Man's inevitable punch.


Man's fist hit his chest, this time, the man didn't move at all.

This is the first time since the war started, someone has met Man's fist head-on.

"Who are you!?"

Man raised his head angrily, but the moment he saw the person blocking him, he froze.

"This is Mr. Gage's highest masterpiece, the most perfect masterpiece. S-1"

"It's just that you can also call him by his previous name." Behind the last experimental subject, Lola spoke and explained softly. She slowly said the name of the experimental subject.


This last experimental subject was Man's younger brother, a man who had the title of Son of God.

The man who died in Bisilan back then.



After Adam saw his brother, his face was expressionless, and while Man was absent-minded, he punched Man in the chest heavily.

Man was blown hundreds of meters away, and even flew out of Sdio's island, gliding on the sea.

All the experimental subjects, like robots, moved in unison, and slowly gathered towards the pirates, surrounding them together.

"What to do, Mr. Gonitz." Odie had no idea of ​​his own, and was a little at a loss at this moment. He cast his eyes on Gonitz beside him, with a little questioning in his eyes.

"It's a bit difficult." Gonitz said with a smile, but his tone was not a little nervous, but he turned his head and looked at an experimental subject next to him.

There are some memories in the eyes and a smile on the face, as if seeing an old friend whom I haven't seen for a long time.

"I haven't seen each other for so many years, I didn't expect you to fall to this point."

The experimental subject was a strong old man. The moment he saw Gonitz, there was a trace of hesitation in the eyes of the experimental subject, but the hesitation quickly dissipated and turned full of killing intent.

He roared like a wild beast, and then rushed towards Goniz.

Bang bang bang!

He punched Goniz's head with a punch, but Goniz dodged it deftly. Goniz said with a smile while dodging.

"At the beginning, you were so ambitious. You never thought that you would die in the hands of a newcomer. If you said you died, you should die. Your body was still used as a test object, and you finally became this kind of demigod. Half ghost thing."

"If you become something like this, will your Lord still want you?"

"However, if you become like this, you probably can't understand what I'm saying, so let me, an old friend, see you off for the last time." Goniz said, and then took advantage of the moment when the experimental subject punched, countless The hurricane wrapped around his fist, and then pierced through the old man's chest with one blow.

"Rest in peace, Ratzinger."

This experimental subject was the last Pope of the Church of Holy Truth, Ratzinger Benedict known as the Pope of Blood.

Only, now he has a new name, A-3.

After Gouniz pierced A-3's body, he just wanted to close his fist and turned to deal with several other experimental subjects.

These experimental subjects were all well-known big pirates before them, but after being defeated by the Vernhill family, not only did they die, but their reputation became a stepping stone for Lorne, and they didn't even get rest after death. Became such a monster.

Lorne has a ruthless heart that doesn't match his age. This kind of hero is indeed qualified to aspire to the Pirate King.

Goniz squinted his eyes, thinking of the man decades ago, the man named Lockes. His character is somewhat similar to Lorne.

The same cruelty, the same unscrupulous. The only difference is that Lorne cares about his family, while Lockes doesn't.

Such cruel people should disappear from this world.

"I am here to destroy this evil with my own hands. If you die, this sea will be much cleaner."

Gonitz turned his head and said to the cadres of the Vinhill family in the distance.

Speaking it out, no one would believe that the purpose of his coming here was to destroy Lorne, and the reason why he eliminated Lorne was because Lorne did a lot of evil and displeased him.

A man bearing the title of traitor, a wanted pirate, was willing to do what a righteous navy would do.

Ridiculous, but, that's the truth.

However, the moment Goniz was about to make a move, the smile on his face froze suddenly, and a bloody arm pierced through his chest.

Behind Goniz, the pale Razinger paused, with a sinister smile on his face.

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