Pirate Family

Chapter 664: Past

"The ocean today is flooded with pirates, and only by taking refuge in the sect of the Holy Truth can we survive."

In the Church of the Holy Truth, Balaam, an elderly priest is worshiping. The audience is full of devout believers.

After a long time, the priest finished his service and sang a classic from the Church of Holy Truth, then left slowly, leaving the believers to communicate with each other.

"Sooner or later, I will join the Holy Truth Church and spread the glory of the Holy Truth God."

Outside the door of the church, there were two children watching secretly, and one of the younger children looked piously and said seriously.

"Spread the glory of the Lord?" The other calmer child thought for a moment and said to himself.

At this time, the people in the church gradually dispersed. The two of them took this opportunity to walk into the church, raised their heads, and looked at the solemn statue of the Holy Truth in the center.

The young children bowed their heads and bowed, their movements were pious and standard, and it seemed that they had practiced many times in private. Many believers in the church will feel ashamed after seeing it.

The older children stood, looked up at the solemn statue of the Holy Truth, and said to themselves.

"If the Holy God of Truth really exists, why would these rampant pirates be allowed to go."

He and another child were both orphans. Their parents died in a pirate attack, and they were later adopted by people from a religious kingdom, Balan, who provided them with the simplest food and clothing, allowing them to grow up slowly. There are many children like them, and these children spontaneously worship the believers of the church.

except him.

"Shut up! The Holy God of Truth just wants to test whether these people's beliefs are pious. Only pious people deserve to be protected by him!"

The young child stood up and retorted with a red face.

"Is that so," the older child muttered to himself, still puzzled. "Then those who don't believe in the Holy God of Truth deserve to die?"

At this time, there were more than a dozen churches in the Theocracy of Balaam, but apart from the Holy Truth Church, the other churches showed a little bit of decline, allowing the Holy Truth Church to dominate.

"People who have no faith should die! Sooner or later, I will let everyone believe in the Holy Truth!"

The younger child yelled, then pushed the older child hard, turned and left angrily.

For him who is ignorant, he doesn't know what it means to be different, but he feels that it is not suitable for him and the older children to be friends anymore.

The child who was pushed by his friend almost fell to the ground, but he still raised his head and looked directly at the statue of the Holy Truth in front of him. It's just that in his eyes, the face of the idol became more and more blurred, and finally turned into his appearance.

His own look!

This year is the 1450th year of the Haiyuan calendar. In this year, Lockes, Caesar, Roger and others who were all-powerful at the beginning have not yet shown their limelight. This year, the navy was fairly strong, barely able to maintain the peace of the world.

This year, two insignificant orphans decided to part ways because of their different ideas.

The two children grew up one after another, and finally joined the Holy Truth Church one after the other. Starting from the bottom believers, they climbed up layer by layer. Decades passed, and they finally sat down at the same time. Pope's position.

For decades, they haven't spoken a word.

The older child was named Gonitz.

The youngest child was named Ratzinger.

In the temple of the Holy Truth Church, Goniz was looking at the information sent by his subordinates. Lockes, who was in full swing, died at the hands of an unknown vice-admiral.

"In this way, this era of pirates may come to an end." Goniz put down the information in his hand and was about to drink a cup of tea, but when he just touched the teacup, his movements suddenly stopped.

The door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man in a red papal robe came in from outside.


The man said, with a flash of excitement in his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Gonitz said, he put down his teacup and listened.

This is the first time they have communicated since they grew up.

"Have you heard that Lockes is dead. The world overflowing with pirates will come to an end. This is the instruction of the Holy God of Truth. We should go overseas and spread the glory of the Lord!"

The middle-aged Ratzinger said excitedly.

Goniz frowned. He actually didn't like Ratzinger's phrasing, because both he and Ratzinger knew that the Lord does not exist. It's just an imaginary spiritual sustenance.

Moreover, it is rumored that the vice admiral who killed Lockes did not believe in the church at all, so how could it be the instruction of the Holy God of Truth.

"I decided to persuade the Pope to eradicate all other heretics in Balaam, and then add glory to the Holy God of Truth. Are you with me?"

Looking at Ratzinger's fiery eyes, Goniz knew that this was an excellent opportunity for them to reconcile, but after thinking about it, he shook his head slowly.

For some reason, Gonitz felt that Ratzinger had changed now.

If he was a paranoid believer at the beginning, there is already some greed in his belief.

Others are greedy for wealth and beauty, but Ratzinger is greedy for the feeling of being respected and admired by others.


Ratzinger's face turned ashen, he snorted coldly, turned around and left angrily, just like he did back then.

Gonitz smiled, then lowered his head and continued drinking tea and reading.

About ten years later, Goniz was spreading the church's thoughts overseas, and suddenly got an order from the headquarters to put down his work and rush back to the Theocracy of Balaam.

After he returned to the Theocracy of Balaam, he was shocked by the sight that appeared in front of him. The headquarters of all other churches were destroyed, and blood flowed from the churches of those churches, staining the white ground of Balaam red.

From time to time, some heretics were seen being tortured by the law enforcement team of the Holy Truth Church and dragged into the Tower of Imprisonment.

When Goniz came to the headquarters of the Holy Truth Church with doubts, it was not the respected old pope who sat on the pope's seat, but the complacent Ratzinger.

"The old guy is pedantic and stubborn. I have killed him and eradicated all those who prevented me from spreading the glory of the Lord." Ratzinger sat on the high throne, looking down at Gonitz.

"So you want to kill me too?" Goniz said softly, he couldn't believe why the devout child became what he is today.

"No, you are different from them. You have strength. Together, we can spread the glory of the Lord throughout the entire sea."

Ratzinger stepped down from the throne and stretched out his hand to Gonitz.

This is the third time he has invited him.

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