Pirate Family

Chapter 677 Interrogation (2)

Agatha had a headache, thinking that with Anna's special status, it was impossible for her to torture this woman. After all, in a sense, she is also Garrett's benefactor.

And because of Anna's excellent psychological quality, even Violet's staring fruit ability can't tell if she's lying.

"The last question, who is the person standing behind Erinnis, or in other words, who is the person who gave Erinnis the devil fruit?"

asked Agatha, who had given up hope on the question. In fact, the family now has more important things to do, such as rebuilding Sri Lanka after the Battle of Sri Lanka.

For the disposal methods of those defeated pirates.

Cooperation with partners from all over the world.

There are also navies who are eyeing.

With so much to do, she has no time to waste on an enemy who might not even exist.

But just when Agatha was about to get up, Anna suddenly showed a weird smile,

"I can tell you this question, I happen to know the answer to this question."

She tapped the table lightly, looked Agatha straight in the eyes and said.

"The answer to this question lies in Ralph Drew."


"Ralph Drew?"

Garrett, who was sitting on the hospital bed, frowned slightly when she got this answer.

This place is no stranger to any pirate, because this place is the end of the legendary great voyage, and it is also the place where Lorne's father, Caesar said, hides a big lie.

"Let's put this matter down first." After a long time, Garrett put the answer in her hands aside.

Do you leave things like conquering the world to men? She is a weak woman who just wants to protect what she wants to protect.


"Lorne is too deceitful! I didn't expect that I, a big pirate, would do hard work here!" At the port of Steou, a man with a height of about six meters and a somewhat bloated figure was carrying a large piece of wood on his back, cursing angrily with a low face. road.

Because Goniz used his ability to completely destroy the port of Sdio, in order to ensure the normal operation of Sdio Island, the port must be rebuilt.

The reconstruction work fell into the hands of the pirate captives who invaded Sdio.

"Don't give me a chance to escape, I will definitely teach that bastard Lorne a lesson!"

Moriah cursed gloomily, because of Hailoushi's handcuffs, his abilities were completely blocked, and he was weak and weak, not as good as the peak, so even if he only carried a large piece of wood on his back, it would be a huge deal for him. burden.

"It's good to be alive." Beside him, another man with long blond hair said with a sad face. He is the famous silver knight Odie in the new world. But now he has the same identity as Moriah.

Prisoner, drudgery.

Odie never thought that one day, he would be reduced to this point. But as he said, in the world of Pirates, the Vinhill family can be called benevolent if they can survive attacking others.

"Stop moaning, work quickly!"

Beside, an old woman sitting under a parasol saw Moria and the two of them slacking off, and cursed angrily, threw a water glass in her hand towards Moria, and hit Moria on him, and the water in the glass Splashed all over Moriah.

Beside her, stood a tall and strong man with a white beard that was curved like a crescent moon at the corner of the strong man's mouth, which was particularly eye-catching.

"This old woman!"

Moriah said with a sullen face, if the old woman's son Whitebeard II Weibull had not betrayed them at the last moment, he would not have lost so badly. But I didn't expect that after the war, this old woman would join the Vinhill family, turn around and become the supervisor of their group of hard workers.

The gap between the identities of the two parties made Moria extremely dissatisfied.

"That's it! That's it! Don't be lazy!"

Weibull smiled silly, but he suddenly patted his head and asked his mother suspiciously.

"What is laziness!"

"Silly son, don't worry about it so much. You just need to know that you can help the Vinhill family now."

"Oh," Weibull nodded silly, and then asked in doubt.

"Aren't we going to rob the wealth of the Vinhill family? Why are we helping them now?"

"I want to refuse too." The old woman sighed. After the war, Rong kept her promise and let her go. She wanted to leave, but Agatha, one of Vinhill's cadres, found her.

A trace of greed flashed in the old woman's eyes.

"I wanted to say no, but they offered too much money."

"It's much more than what we can earn by fighting for life and death at sea!"

"Oh, that's right." Weibull nodded. He has never had any ideas. Since his mother asked him to work with the Vinhill family, he will follow the Vinhill family.

"These two bastards!"

When Moriah heard the conversation between Weibull's mother and son, she couldn't get angry. cursed viciously.

The two of them don't have the shame of pirates at all!

On the contrary, Odie, who was behind him, heard their conversation, and stopped his movements slightly, thoughtful.


"Man's corpse is a good experimental material. Tell Vegapunk and Gage that I can give them this corpse, but they need to create an experimental body comparable to Adam."

Garrett was lying on the hospital bed, talking to the other end of the phone bug.

After the war, Rong completed the family's commission and left Sidio. According to Lola, this man no longer wants to have anything to do with the family. It's just that at the last moment, Agatha persuaded Weibull's mother and son to take him under his command, adding a top-notch combat power to the weak family.

This kind of people who only recognize money is actually the most unreliable, because they can invest in your command because of money, and they can also betray you because of money, but the most indispensable thing for the Vinhill family is Bailey.

And Lola and Andariel returned to SKY after the war. At this time, Garrett was using Lola to remotely control the situation of SKY.

The experimental body created by Vegapunk left a deep impression on Garrett. Without their experimental body, Garrett and the others might not be able to persist in the arrival of Katakuri.

According to Vegapunk, S-1, that is, the Adam-level experimental body, is not the limit. If there are stronger experimental body materials, his research may still achieve breakthroughs.

Garrett, who has tasted the sweetness, of course will not object to their research.

"By the way, how are Lorne and the others doing?" Garrett asked softly, clutching her chest.

"The situation is not good." A girl's voice came from the other end of the phone bug.

Hearing these words, Garrett's face darkened.

There are two more chapters to make up for the delay owed before. Happy New Year's Day to everyone

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