Pirate Family

Chapter 678 Secret

"According to Mr. Gage, Lord Lorne's condition has basically calmed down, and there is no danger of life. It stands to reason that he should have woken up a long time ago."

"But he didn't wake up. Gage wondered if Lord Lorne had suffered some unknown deep-seated injury." Lola said in a concentrated voice. She actually concealed something from Garrett. That is, according to what Gage said, if Lorne can't wake up during this time, then he probably won't wake up again.

"I see." After a long time, Garrett whispered.

"This news must not be spread outside, and the family can't have any more accidents now."

"I understand." Lola nodded on the other side. Of course, she understood what Garrett meant. Now that the family has finally calmed down, if there is news that Lorne is unconscious, it may happen again. Once aroused the greed of pirates in the new world.

At that time, the family may not only face the alliance of a few big pirates, but the entire new world, all greedy pirates.

But how long can this news be hidden? Lorne did not show up for a long time. The longer the delay, the greater the suspicion of the outside world. In the end, there will always be bold pirates who come to test.

In fact, if it wasn't for Garrett's hard work to support her, the family would have already...

After hanging up the phone, Garrett let out a long breath, and then said to herself.

"Is this the world of pirates?"

Is this... the world of pirates who prey on the strong? A while ago, the Vinhill family, which had been unparalleled in glory, has now become a fish on the chopping board.

"I will protect everything about you."

She thought of the bits and pieces of her life with Lorne. Although the time was not long, it was more exciting than her ten years in Wanguo combined. This is the world of pirates, which is why countless people flock to the sea.

A smile appeared on Garrett's face.

But at the next moment, her expression changed drastically, and she suddenly grabbed her chest.

Because her heart stopped beating at that moment!

Is it getting worse?

Garrett frowned, and it took a while to relax.

At this time, there was a sudden noise outside, as if someone wanted to break into Garrett's ward, but was stopped.

"You can't go in!"

The guard outside said coldly, and then there was the sound of bullets being loaded.

The guards of the Vinhill family are the most loyal guards, as long as someone gives an order, they can pull their trigger without hesitation.

No matter who the gun was aimed at.

"Let him in."

Garrett in the ward said softly, at this time, Katakuri is still sitting here, and those pirates with evil intentions dare not and cannot appear on the land of Sdio. Moreover, although she was seriously injured, she was not incapable of fighting.

The door of the ward opened slowly, and Garrett showed a look of shock on her face.

Because what appeared in front of her was a person who should not have appeared.

"What are you doing here?" Garrett said in a concentrated voice, expressionless.

"Did you not think about how to atone for your sins, so you are going to die in front of me?"

"Odie." Garrett softly said the name of the person who came. The person who broke into her ward was the man who invaded Sdio before, and then decisively surrendered to the family after the bad things happened, in exchange for a sliver of life. .

Odie the Silver Knight.


Odie knelt directly in front of Garrett, without the dignity of a great pirate.

"I have something to tell."

He raised his hands. As a capable person, his hands were handcuffed by pitch-black sea stone handcuffs. This means that he has no fighting power.

"Go out."

Garrett said to the guard at the door that Odie came to report directly to him, which means that he does not trust other people in the family, and it also means that what he wants to say next may be very important. Only by speaking to yourself personally can he be relieved.

As for Odie, it will be bad for him? Garrett didn't even think about it in this direction. If she was afraid of a capable user who was handcuffed by Hailoushi, then she would not be qualified to continue leading the family.

"This secret is very important. If you tell it, it may be of great help to you."

Odie said so, and the next moment, he showed a trace of hesitation.

"I understand. If your secret is valuable, I can consider reducing your punishment."

"Thank you." Odie smiled, without the dignity of a big pirate.

"My lord, don't worry, my secret is absolutely important."

"Did you know? We pirates didn't decide to form an alliance at the beginning, but wandered around Sidio, planning to take advantage of the chaos to invade and make a profit."

"However, we suddenly formed an alliance. Don't you think it's strange, my lord?"

"go on."

Carrie nodded.

In fact, when Joyce invaded before, she was worried that these pirates would unite, but she did not expect that these pirates would really form an alliance.

Thinking about it now, it is indeed a bit weird, because the speed of their alliance is really too fast, most of the great pirates in the new world are rebellious, and no one obeys the other. Many still have some old grudges. It is too difficult to make them form an alliance.

"The day before Joyce invaded Studio, we actually all got the news, and we were going to fish in troubled waters and act together with Joyce."

"However, when we were about to do something, a letter suddenly appeared in my cabin. The letter said that we should not do anything. There are secret methods hidden in the Vinhill family, let us unite together, Defeat cleverness with strength."

"The letter mentioned an address. When I went to that address, I found that I was not the only one there. There were also Gonitz, Lawson, Weibull and others, as well as Moria who joined in the end. All of us were guided to this place by this letter."

At this time, there was a trace of panic on Odie's face.

"And the most frightening thing is that no one has discovered how this letter appeared on our ship. You must know that Goniz's strength is beyond doubt, and Lawson is the number one killer in the underground world. Even they Neither of them found out."

"It's almost like there's someone behind the scenes trying to bring us together."

"You mean, besides you, there are other people hiding in the dark, watching Sidio?"

Garrett pondered for a moment, then asked back.

"So is my guess."

"Very good, very good." Garrett showed a charming smile and looked at Odie.

"Where is the letter, then?"

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