Pirate Family

Chapter 693: Unsightly Justice

After the fisherman returned to his fishing boat, he seemed to have been frightened by something, quickly put away his fishing net, and then drove the fishing boat back to a nearby small island as if fleeing.

There is indeed a Manli Island in this sea area, but this small island is a traditional fishing island with no valuable resources, and it is a bit remote from the three main shipping lanes of the New World, so there are no pirates invading here.

The fisherman docked his fishing boat at the port of the island, and then walked quickly towards a nearby small house. A sickly woman was feeding white pigeons in the small yard. When she saw that her husband had returned, She didn't say much, and hurriedly made way for her husband.

"How's your harvest today?"

the woman asked casually.

"It's not good. I met a group of pirates and almost died at their hands." The fisherman said with lingering fear, then walked into his room and closed the door.

"Give me a moment honey, I want to calm down."

"Okay." After the woman heard her husband's dangerous experience, her hands visibly shook, and some of the small bits and pieces that were feeding the white pigeons were scattered in her hands, causing a few white pigeons to look around her.

But she quickly cheered up and said with a smile.

"It's okay, it's good when people come back."

As she spoke, she began to calculate. For this family, the man's income from fishing was the only income for the whole family, and he went out to sea to catch less fish. It also means that the whole family has to tighten their belts a little bit during this period of time.

The woman smiled slightly and said nothing, she was already used to such days, and perhaps for ordinary people in this era, the greatest happiness is that their family members can be safe and sound.

But she didn't notice that at this moment, a snow-white pigeon suddenly took off and flew towards the man's room.

Its eyes were red, as red as blood.

The fisherman stayed alone in his room for a while, and after making sure his wife was not suspicious, he tapped on the third floor at the door, opened the floor, and took out a small black box from inside.

Inside the small box was a miniature phone bug. The man thought for a while, then dialed the phone bug.

"Reporting from Agent 1007."

"Just now, I successfully contacted the target mission, the blood queen of the Vennhill family, Vennhill Garrett. She seemed to have some doubts about my identity, but after a brief inquiry, she didn't have any questions about my identity. Doubt, let me leave the Crimson Rose smoothly."

"Let's start reporting the harvest of this contact."

"1. One of the targets, the Blood Queen Vennhill Garrett, seems to have healed from the injuries she suffered after the Battle of Sidio, and her current combat power cannot be evaluated, so Agent 1007 gave up. This time the beheading task."

"2. They were invited by the Golden Emperor, Gilder Tezolo, and the Blood Queen was accompanied by the chief executive officer, Riku Violet. However, after observation, no other Vennhill cadres were found. According to the whereabouts of the blood queen, it is speculated that this time, only the chief executive officer is traveling with the blood queen."

"3, which is the most important point," the fisherman paused, his dark face becoming extremely serious. "This time, there was no trace of the demon Vennhill Lorne. That is to say, Vennhill Lorne probably did not accept the invitation from the Golden Emperor Gilder Tezolo."

"It is reasonable to speculate that after the battle with the Marshal of the Warring States Period, his physical injuries have not yet healed, and he is huddled in the island of Sdioben, recuperating."

After the fisherman finished his information, the other end of the phone bug was silent for a moment, and then a calm male voice came.

"I know, continue to lurk, don't act rashly."

"After all, it is necessary to cover up your identity and completely replace you with another person. This is the justice in the hearts of Marshal Warring States. After he finds out, he will definitely reprimand us."

"Agent 1007 understands." The fisherman nodded, then hung up the phone bug, put the miniature phone bug back into the small box, and then put the small box back into the floor tiles. After closing the floor tiles, he seemed to be loose. Take a breath.

The fisherman put away the fortitude on his face, and instead showed a trace of fear and fear. He looked at the mirror for a long time, and then nodded in satisfaction.

This is the expression that ordinary people should have after seeing the big pirate. After confirming that there was no trace of blemish on his expression, he opened the door and walked towards his "wife".

In order to hide his identity, his organization killed the woman's husband and then made his body into a disguise mask.

Justice, at some point, doesn't shine as brightly as others think. The agent knew this, and he didn't want the woman to find out.

Little did they know, all his actions were seen by a white pigeon outside the window.

The white dove blinked her eyes, which turned a strange red color.

blood red.


In the sea area of ​​the Seven Islands, a golden ship is docked in this sea area. The golden ship is huge, like a huge city floating on the sea level.

Even in the daytime, the golden boat is still brightly lit, and countless colorful lights are constantly shaking. From a distance, it looks like a huge crown floating on the sea, and countless jewels on the crown are shining softly and beautifully.

This city is the most famous city of gold in the New World, the largest mobile island in the world, the largest casino and playground in the entire sea, and the city that never sleeps. Gulan Tezolo!

And its owner is the man known as the richest man in the world, known as the Golden Emperor, Gilder Tezzolo.

At this time, Tezolo was playing a game with someone. He casually picked up the cards in his hand, squinted his eyes, and looked at the opponent.

Sitting opposite him was a man with a somewhat bloated figure, but wearing gold and silver. Two graceful women sat beside him, looking at him with provocative eyes.

But the man didn't care about the beauty sitting next to him, but wiped the sweat off his face, and cautiously pushed out the remaining chips in front of him.

"I'll follow."

"Oh, I didn't expect that the legendary perfume tycoon Uke would be so bold and dare to play cards with me under such circumstances." Gilder Tezzolo suddenly laughed loudly, and the fat man sitting opposite him After hearing his words, his eyes widened, as if you won't win again.

"Don't worry, I lost this time."

Tezolo directly discarded the cards in his hand, without even the desire to turn them over and show them to the opponent.

When the croupier pushed the mountain of chips back to Uke, the man hadn't even realized that he had won back all the money he had lost?

At this time, he remembered a rumor.

A rumor about getting rich overnight in the City of Gold.

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