Pirate Family

Chapter 759 The turning point of the battle!

Ai Yin didn't succeed in the blow, so she directly chose to retreat, and jumped to the side of the black-haired woman.

Only those who are cautious can survive in this sea.

This is what his teacher, Zefa the Black Wrist, taught her before. Ain has always kept this in mind.

"Is it two-on-two now? Interesting."

The domineering armor on Jody's face dissipated, he twisted his head, and the tendons all over his body began to move with his shaking. Then he looked towards Kern in the distance.

"Hey, that newcomer over there, can he still stand up?"

"Don't worry, this injury can't kill me."

Kern struggled to get up from the ground, then wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, and said forcefully. The wounds on his body began to heal quickly, and after a while, very quickly, he returned to his original state.

"I really envy the recovery ability of your animal-type ability users, and I will ask the boss to get one for me later."

Seeing that Kern was fine, Jody nodded and said slowly.

At this time, the woman's subordinates will also rush aboard the naval warship, and they will be dealt with by the petrified pirates. Then they turn their heads and look at Jody and the others with hostility.

"You have offended Master She Ji, prepare to die, stinky man!"

A female pirate wearing only a three-point swimsuit made of the fur of an unknown beast looked at Jody and said viciously.

"Is your name Snake Princess?"

Jody turned his head to look at the dark-haired woman.

The woman was noncommittal and snorted coldly, as if she didn't want to talk to Jodi more.

"What a proud woman, just like the boss."

Jody curled his lips and said helplessly. The boss who had just escaped from the city was also so arrogant, but after countless battles, he gradually became restrained.

However, Jody felt that the current boss was far more terrifying than the previous boss who would strike at the slightest disagreement.

He glanced at Ai Yin who was standing next to Snake Girl and panting heavily.

After all, Ai Yin is still too young, and her cultivation of two-color domineering is far inferior to her own. In addition, due to the excessive use of abilities before, her aura is weak at this time, and she can easily deal with her.

But this black-haired woman who came out of nowhere, no matter whether it was two-color domineering, or the judgment of the timing of the battle, she was not inferior to her. Where on earth did the Navy find this helper?

Because of Ai Yin, Jody directly classified "Snake Princess" as an assistant of the navy.

Snake's subordinates gradually surrounded Jody and Kern, as if they would strike brazenly as long as Snake gave an order.

It's a little difficult. Jody frowned slightly. His task was to capture two capable users, Walpo and Ain, but now it seemed that his plan to capture Ain was blocked, and even Walpo might lose it. At this time, the navy recruits also recovered from the initial attack, took out their weapons one after another, and aimed at Jody and the others.

Among the group, Jody saw little Ansie.

Little Anxi seemed to have some surprise in her eyes, but she concealed the surprise very well, took out a long gun, and pointed it at Jody with a hostile look on her face.

On the other hand, Snake Girl seemed to see Jody's hesitation, waved her hand, and said to her subordinates.

"Let the battle here be left to my body and others, you go to his boat and get rid of all those pirates!"


The women roared in unison, then retreated in an orderly manner, taking the pirate who had turned into a statue back to their own ship.

They don't look like pirates fighting on their own, but rather...well-trained soldiers!

After they left, the deck of the warship was quite empty. The woman stroked the head of the pink python wrapped around her body, then looked at Jody and Kern, and said with contempt.

"Why, are you afraid of my concubine's strength, so you dare not do it?"

It must be done quickly!

Jody thought so, if the battle here cannot be resolved as soon as possible, let alone Ain, even Walpo who was caught may be lost.

He took a deep breath, and the mechanical arm on his right hand kept emitting steam.

This is the function he commissioned Lola to install. The mechanical arm is overloaded and can explode far beyond the normal explosive force. The only disadvantage is that the process of entering the overloaded carrying process is irreversible and can only last for a short period of time. Time, after this period of time, his mechanical arm will be scrapped, and he must return to SKY, the city of sky, and Lola will make a new one.

After entering this state, Jody felt that his arms became extremely hot, overloaded, and the blood in his whole body began to boil with the linkage!


He roared angrily, and then rushed directly towards the woman. The battle just now made him understand that the strength of this woman named She Ji is far above Ai Yin, as long as she defeats her, he can catch Ai Yin.

And Kern also understood Jody's thoughts, his body exploded suddenly, and he rushed towards Ain who was trying to stop Jody, blocking between Jody and Ain.

"Your opponent is me!"


Jody raised the mechanical arm of his right hand high, covered the mechanical arm with pitch-black arrogance, and slammed it down towards Snake Ji.

She Ji raised her right hand, and a faint halo of light covered her arm, resisting Jody's attack.

The black and transparent domineering entangled, burst out a violent explosion, leaving a big hole on the deck of the warship. Jody took three steps back before gaining a foothold. He raised his head and looked at She Ji.

She Ji's arm hung down slightly, a trace of blood dripped down his slender arm onto the floor.

She lost the domineering confrontation just now.

"Is Liuying domineering?" Jody looked at his palm. In the domineering confrontation just now, the woman's domineering had no defense at all, but it directly penetrated into his mechanical arm like a drill. middle. Wanton destruction inside the mechanical arm.

Combined with her domineering and colorless characteristics, Jody judged that this should be Liu Ying's domineering that the boss said before.

"Sea Tower Stone?"

She Ji raised her arm. When she first came into contact with Jody, she suddenly felt a little weak in her arm, as if she had touched sea water. Caught off guard, she was injured.

As for the objects that can produce this effect, other than sea water, there is only sea building stone that contains the elements of the sea.

In order to ensure the strength of the mechanical arm and to deal with those capable users, Lola specially installed some sea iron on the mechanical arm. This was something Jody hadn't noticed before.

But now, Lola's accidental idea seems to have played a key role.

because. This woman named She Ji is also a capable person!

This is the turning point of the battle!

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