Pirate Family

Chapter 780 Legendary Funeral

Later, when searching Shiji's body, Lorne found this fruit from Shiji's clothes. After the ability user dies, his ability will fly out from his body and randomly cover a fruit around him. The closer the fruit is to the ability user, the greater the probability of being covered. This matter is not a secret in the eyes of the high-level people in the sea. The secret room that Lorne discovered in the temple of Bika Island before is just an improvement of this method. By creating a sea tower stone secret room to prevent the devil of the devil fruit from escaping, force it to attach to a fixed of Devil Fruits.

This man seemed to have foreseen that he would die here, so he prepared an ordinary fruit and put it inside his clothes.

So after his death, Lorne confiscated this fruit from Shi Ji's body.

This is Shiki's greatest treasure.

Shi Ji used his own legend to prove the power of Piao Piao Guo, but Lorne didn't know why this man would do this.

He seemed to keep this fruit for himself on purpose.


A helpless smile curled up on the corner of Lorne's mouth, and he said slowly.

"Do you think I'd be grateful to you?"

Lorne could almost imagine that Shi Kee should say so.

"With Lao Tzu's ability, let's gallop on this sea!"

"If you dare to embarrass me with my ability, I will definitely not let you go!"

"I didn't expect this man to leave in this way. It's not like him at all. I thought that even if a man like him was going to die, he would die violently."

At this time, a burly old man walked up to Shiji's tombstone, looked at Lorne, and said with a complicated expression.

Mon Bach is a remnant of the last era. He became famous even before Whitebeard.

Even if he was caught in the city of advancement, it didn't make him depressed. Instead, his ambition kept accumulating, and it exploded completely when he escaped from prison.

But now, with Shiki's death, he felt a lot, and for the first time the man found himself old.

His beard was gray, and his muscular body was no longer powerful. For the first time, Mon Bach felt that the sea was so strange.

This is no longer the sea he sailed in.

"He's a real pirate."

Lorne looked at Shi Ke's tombstone, and such a line of words was engraved on the tombstone.

A real pirate, the golden lion Shiji rests here.

He paused before continuing.

"More like a pirate than anyone else in this sea."

"Live your life like a pirate, and then leave this sea like a pirate. This is Shiji's choice."

The two were silent for a long time. Lorne asked Mon Bach.

"Ski is dead, what are you going to do now?"

"I might choose to find a quieter island and spend the rest of my life."

At this time, Mon Bach had lost his original ambition, he said somewhat disheartened.

"Just, I hope your flames of war don't extend to me, just let me die in a corner alone."

This man has no intention of continuing to fight for hegemony in this sea.

"I will try my best."

Lorne nodded. There was actually no gap between him and Mon Bach before, so it was not a surprise to let this disheartened old man go.

"But before you leave, I still want to ask you one thing."

Lorne seemed to remember something, raised his head, and looked at Mon Bach.

"Before, it was rumored that you killed Whitebeard's second team captain. What happened?"

"Are you talking about the Wano country swordsman named Kozuki Oden?"

A memory flashed across Mon Bach's wrinkled face.

"He was already famous in the last era when we were still galloping on this sea. He was the captain of the Whitebeard Second Team at first, but later, for some reason, he turned his back on Whitebeard and turned around. Under the command of the One Piece King Roger, he helped Roger complete the feat that shocked the world."

"But Whitebeard doesn't seem to care about this matter. Instead, he keeps the position of the captain of the second team with him, waiting for him to come back."

"Many years ago, I fought against him many times. He was an extremely powerful man. Although his reputation might not be as great as Roger and Rayleigh's, his strength was not much inferior."

Lorne frowned slightly. He probably guessed what Mon Bach said. If Kozuki Oden was not strong, Kaido would not have had that protracted war with this man.

"Later, I was arrested and entered into the city, and I didn't know anything about what happened outside." Mon Bach continued.

"After we escaped from the Prison City, I chose to assist Shiji to complete his hegemony. At that time, the Golden Lion Ship Group was in full swing and offended many people, but because of their strength, these people dared not speak out. "

"When I went out to sea one time, I met Kozuki Oden's ship. The two of us exchanged fire on the sea, but Kozuki Oden seemed to be severely injured, and his strength was far from as strong as before. I quickly defeated him. His ship also sank into the sea."

"I was trying to salvage his body, and I happened to meet Marco, the captain of Whitebeard's first team. The two of us exchanged fire on the sea. I was afraid that Whitebeard himself was in the nearby waters, so I didn't continue to entangle with Marco. Go down and choose to leave."

"Later, it was reported that I killed the captain of the second team under White Beard."

Mon Bach said so. For an old man like him, he can recall what happened so clearly, which shows how much this incident has affected him.

It can even be said that the death of Kozuki Oden was the fuse that led to the turn from prosperity to decline of the Golden Lion Fleet.

"Is that so?"

Lorne was silent. Even though he had already guessed that the death of Kozuki Oden was caused by someone behind the scenes, he still felt a little dazed when it came out of Mon Bach's mouth.

The ambitious Golden Lion actually ruined everything about himself because of this small matter.

The dirge continued to play on the hillside, and the heavy rain washed away the surrounding soil, completely covering up the traces of the previous battle. Lorne gently placed Shiji's golden cloak in front of his grave, and then said to the family members in suits behind him.

"Skee will not be the first legend to die."

"A voice is about to sound in this sea."


Everyone shouted in unison, and the sound resounded through the sky.

The sky cleared up, the sun shone on the hillside, and on the ruined land one could vaguely see small grass shoots emerging from the soil.

Lorne led the members of the Vinhill family away, leaving only the tomb of the golden lion standing alone on the hillside.

On the tombstone, the picture of the golden lion laughs wildly.

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