Pirate Family

Chapter 786 Chiu Chiu Odd Island

Being a doctor is a profession that takes time to accumulate experience. No matter how talented a person is, it is impossible for him to master such superb medical skills at the age of a little girl.

Even for the man known as "leading the world by five hundred years", Vegapunk couldn't do it either.

And the talent shown by the little girl, if not her own medical skills, then there is only one possibility.

The ability to cure all diseases in the world, the fruit of surgery.

"are you sure?"

Garrett was aroused, looked at Lorne and said seriously.

The ability of the fruit of surgery cannot be underestimated. In the "ROOM·Surgery Space", the capable person can be said to be the creator of this space, omnipotent. After the end of the Battle of Maryjoia, Lorne regretted for a long time because of the fall of the clone and the fruit of the operation disappeared.

"Probably 70% to 80% possibility."

Lorne nodded, gently put the photo of the little girl away, and then said slowly.

"If this little girl is not a person with the fruit of surgery, then she is a genius beyond imagination, and this kind of genius is best brought into the family."

"So, where is the little girl now?"

"Information just came in." Lorne took out a document, and finally found a place name from the densely packed small characters.

"found it!"

Lorne looked at the line of text, and then read it slowly.

"Jiu Jiu Qi Island."


"Ahead is Chujiuqi Island. We will stay here for three days. During this period, all passengers can enjoy the rare time on the island to their heart's content. However, please be sure to return to the ship in the evening after three days. , because we will leave here at that time and go to our next destination."

A white cruise ship docked at the port of Jiujiuqi Island. The captain stood on the deck and said to his passengers with a gentle face.


The anchor is lowered into the water, the side of the merchant ship is opened, and the sailors release a long plank for the guests to disembark.

"Is this the Chiu Chiu Island?"

A gorgeously dressed lady looked at the dazzling sunlight in the sky and subconsciously covered it with her hands.

But at this time, a middle-aged gentleman who was slightly fat and bloated came up behind her and held up a black sun umbrella for her.

"This is the edge of the Loxor sea area. Because it is far away from the area ruled by the Vinhill family, it may not be as peaceful as the places we stayed in before. So, a beautiful lady like you, please be careful."

"thank you."

The lady said gratefully, and subconsciously leaned into the parasol.

The man nodded, and after handing the parasol to the lady, he put on a gentleman's hat and hurriedly left the port.

Seeing the back of the man leaving in a hurry, the lady's face flushed a little.

This man named Angelo was a businessman who boarded the ship in the first few islands. He was gentle, humble and polite, and he was an out-and-out gentleman.

If it wasn't for his age, the lady wouldn't mind having a romantic encounter with him.

But it's a pity, the imperial concubine thought about it, and shook her head regretfully.

The man walked into a bar at a corner. In the lobby of the bar, a man with long brown curly hair was flirting with a waitress. Angelo frowned, walked in, and asked the waiter to book a room. guest room.

The bar in a small place also functions as a hotel, and if you add money, it will provide all other services. This is the first choice of many middle-aged men who are away all the year round.

"Phew! I can finally relax!"

After the man checked whether the doors and windows were locked, he sat on the comfortable chair in the guest room, breathed a sigh of relief, and then tore his face with his hands.

He actually tore his entire face off.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have bought this kind of camouflage leather case from the dealer in the underground world. Are you trying to suffocate me?"

Inside the hood was a young man with brown hair. After he slowly put the hood on the small table next to him, he began to take off the disguise on himself.

The carefully groomed fake beard, the leather case disguised as fat on the stomach, the fat camouflage covering the muscles of his arms...

He took off one piece of camouflage, and it was a young man who appeared in front of him.

"This is the edge of the Loxor Sea, and the next stop is the Giant Whale Sea!"

After doing all this, the young man took out a nautical chart from his clothes, which marked the cruise ship's route. The young man circled one of the small islands heavily with a pen before speaking slowly.

"The sea area of ​​the giant whale is Whitebeard's territory, and that man, even Vinhill Lorne, would not dare to provoke him easily. Therefore, as long as he can reach there, Lorne's arrest of me will be greatly reduced."

The man retracted his pen and muttered to himself. This young man is none other than Peter Parker, the famous supernova some time ago, the spider of the slaughtered Vinhill family.

This nautical chart is specially made, and it clearly divides the spheres of influence of the various forces in the new world. The four largest parts belong to the four emperors who are now on the sea.

Whitebeard, Edward Newgate.

Beasts, Kaido.

BIG MOM, Charlotte Lingling.

And the youngest, but most famous man, Vinhill Lorne.

The place where Bee Parker is now is in the territory of Vinhill Lorne, the edge of the Loxor sea area, adjacent to the giant whale sea area of ​​​​Whitebeard's territory.

"Just survive these three days." The man said to himself, while looking at the words Vinhill Lorne marked in bright red font on the map, a trace of disdain appeared in his eyes.

That family is not as glamorous as it appears on the surface, but it is even dirtier than ordinary pirates.

Bee Parker put away all his things, and when he was about to take a rest, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the door. He quickly pasted the wig and beard used for camouflage on the seat, and this young man quickly turned into a handsome middle-aged man. After finishing all this, he slowly opened the door. There was a strong smell of blood outside the door. A maid was lying on the floor, the clothes on her chest were in a mess, her abdomen was pierced by a bullet, and the blood stained her clothes red , continuously flowing out of it.

Her eyes widened, and her eyes were full of unwillingness and humiliation. Her chest kept rising and falling, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that she couldn't hold on for long.

"What happened?"

There were many onlookers around, but no one dared to step forward to help this innocent girl. He hurriedly squeezed over and asked anxiously.

"I see who dares to help her?"

On the bar next to him, a man with big black wavy hair turned around, kicked the woman lying on the ground with a shoe with spikes, and said arrogantly.

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