Pirate Family

Chapter 787 That Man

Seeing this scene, combined with what he saw when he first entered the bar, Peter Parker quickly figured out that this man wanted to molest this beautiful waitress. After being rejected, he became angry and took out his weapon to shoot her. scene.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in this sea, especially in recent years, pirates have become more and more rampant. Because of Lorne's success, it has aroused the desire of many young people. These people choose to go to sea and follow their illusory dreams. After being awakened by the waves of the new world, they choose to nest in a small place and act as a domineering power.

Bee Parker had seen many such things along the way.

There was a deadly silence in the air, and many well-dressed gentlemen were afraid at the rear at this time, and they didn't dare to step forward to help this poor lady. After seeing this scene, the man with the gun showed a smug expression on his face, turned his head, and said to the bartender in front of him.

"Call your boss over here, how much is this woman worth, I bought it. Today I want to let people know the fate of MacArthur, the black gunman who disobeyed me!"

MacArthur? This name has been vaguely heard of Bee Parker. He was a pirate a few years before Bee Parker. When he arrived in the Chambord Islands, the reward seemed to be 80 million Baileys. Later, after entering the new world, it is estimated that it was swallowed by the waves of the new world, and there is no news anymore.

Bee Parker doesn't care about this kind of miscellaneous fish at all. After all, they are not supernovas, which means that they have lost the qualification to compete for the supreme throne that belongs to pirates. This kind of pirate belongs to the most inconspicuous group in this sea.

But it is also the largest group, because supernovae are a minority after all. Under the cover of the waves of the new world, many people have overlooked that the most populous emperors in this sea are not the few high-ranking emperors, but the unknown ones like MacArthur. "Miscellaneous fish". Their impact on the sea, in a sense, is even more serious than those big pirates.

what to do?

Seeing the bartender bowing his knees and apologizing hastily, Bee Parker frowned slightly.

He doesn't like this, they obviously did nothing wrong, why should they apologize to this MacArthur, just because of his strength?

Peter Parker believes that the truth in this world should not be like this.

This is why, when he was in the hinterland of the Vinhill family, Bee Parker dared to risk his life and clashed with the soldiers of the Vinhill family.

Whether to help this maid or not, a serious question is posed in front of Peter Parker. With his strength, he doesn't really care about this MacArthur, but now he is in the critical period of his escape. Once his identity is revealed, the following Those chasing soldiers like wolves and tigers will flock to him, and the man who controls the entire Loxor sea area will not let him go easily.

If this is a trap to lure him out, then once he shows up, he will be lost forever.

"help me."

The maid's helpless cries for help rang in Bee Parker's ears, blood gushed out of her wound continuously, and the beating of the maid's heart became weaker and weaker.

I chose the place of residence at random. No matter how powerful that man is, it is impossible for him to know that he will live in this place. Let's ambush the good guy in advance to perform such a scene!

At this time, the maid's cries for help finally softened Peter Parker, he thought so, and then walked out of the crowd.

"Why, do you want to taste the taste of a gun?"

MacArthur turned his head and looked at Peter Parker arrogantly.


The black domineering covered Bee Parker's arm, he jumped out like a spring, his body nimbly avoided several bullets MacArthur shot towards him, and then punched MacArthur in the abdomen, blasting the man fly.

"Where is the nearest hospital? This lady may not last long!"

After doing all this, Bee Parker didn't even look at MacArthur who was knocked into the air by him, lay down on the ground, hugged the injured lady, and shouted at the crowd of onlookers.

He came here for the first time and didn't know much about the situation here, so he needed help from others.

"I...I know that there is a miracle doctor living here, as long as I send Susan to her, she will definitely be able to save her!"

At this time, the bartender also reacted, and said tremblingly to Bipake.

Bee Parker's speed was too fast just now, he didn't see the man's movements clearly at all, and the fierce man with the gun just now was blown away.

"Take me there!"

Pepper picked up the maid and said anxiously.


"Sister, if the limbs of animals are cut off and then transferred to human torsos, will it help those who lost their limbs due to war to stand up again?"

In a small medical clinic, a little loli with a pink jade peck closed the medical book in her hand, blinked her big eyes, and asked innocently to the female doctor sitting behind her.

"For others, this idea can be said to be whimsical, but for you, it is not impossible."

The female doctor smiled, then stroked the little Lolita's head, and said with a smile.

"Because, Xiao Keke will be the most powerful doctor in this sea in the future."

The woman didn't have any make-up, and she was dressed in a white robe and a pair of glasses, which made her look extremely intellectual.

No one would have thought that this gentle-looking woman turned out to be the deputy of a well-known big pirate, the right-hand man of the ghost hand Yaze, the ghost demon Ji Aoya.

The woman looked at Little Keke, who was sitting in front of her, holding medical books in her hands and studying hard, with a gratified smile on her face.

This little girl was picked up by her, originally to make up for the lack of a part of her heart after Ya Ze's death. Later, little Keke accidentally obtained the fruit of the operation, and Laughing planned to train this little girl well, making her a sharp sword for revenge against Lorne. However, as time passed, she found that this little girl really liked the feeling of helping others. Oya couldn't bear to destroy this innocence, so she gradually let go of her revenge.

As it is now, it's fine.

Oya thought so, but just as she walked to her desk and was about to deal with today's affairs, the door of the hospital was suddenly kicked open.

A handsome middle-aged man rushed in holding a young woman covered in blood.

"Doctor! Is there a doctor?"

After the middle-aged man put the woman away gently, he shouted anxiously at the hospital.

"Someone needs first aid here!"

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