Pirate Family

Chapter 788 Hallucination

"The condition of the injured is basically stable now, but if you send her here later, I can't save her."

Oya held a medical certificate and said softly to Peter Parker.

"It's just that I've been on Jiujiuqi Island for so long, and I rarely encounter incidents where I dared to shoot people with a gun in a fair manner."

"Is the law and order here so chaotic now?"

"It's not just here, but this sea has become extremely chaotic." Bee Parker took off his hat and said helplessly.

"Because Vennhill Lorne defeated the golden lion Shiji some time ago, the pirates in this sea boiled up, as if inspired and crazy."

"Now the new world is full of wars."

"Is that so?" Oya nodded, not continuing to talk about this topic. Bee Parker also understood what she was thinking. After all, this place was that man's territory, and if his crazy fans found out about slandering him behind his back, he might get angry.

So it is necessary to be cautious in words and deeds.

"The injured will continue to be hospitalized for observation for a few days. Are you her family member?"

Oya changed the subject and asked.

Just now when Bee Parker rushed in with a bloody man in his arms, she was taken aback.

"Actually, I'm just a passerby who happened to see it. I really can't see some people relying on their own strength to bully ordinary people, so I couldn't help but take action."

Peter Parker said with some embarrassment, he didn't lie, because he felt that the doctor was a kind-hearted person, so he let down his guard slightly.

"There are not many people as kind as you."

Oya smiled and continued.

"Okay, now I need to give the patient some time to recuperate, and I will continue to work. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Peter Parker to answer, she turned and walked towards the infirmary.

The appearance of the female doctor is a disguised order to evict guests. After wandering on the sea for so long, Peter Parker certainly understands this truth, so he left the hospital secretly.

"My lord, why did you drive him away?"

After Bi Parker left, a little loli with a pink jade peck came out from behind the door, opened her innocent eyes wide, and asked suspiciously.

My sister doesn't want that man to stay here any longer, even she can hear this sentence.

"Because the pirates who dare to use guns on this island are first-class and ruthless characters. Such a pirate will never let him go easily. He will only expose himself if he stays here, and then get involved in the world." in the midst of meaningless incidents”

Oya patted the little Lolita on the head and said with a smile.

"His kind heart should not be consumed by such trifles."

"Oh, that's it! The world of your adults is so complicated!"

Coco said in confusion, then shook his head and changed the subject.

"The elder sister who was sent here had a huge wound on her abdomen. I used my ability to seal up the wound and sewed up the broken organs inside her body. It won't take long for her to recover!"

Little Keke raised her head with a proud look on her face, as if she was waiting for the female doctor's compliment.

"Xiao Keke is really amazing."

The female doctor gently touched Little Keke's head and praised.

Then look outside the door, the sun has set in the west, the afterglow is swaying on the earth, the pedestrians leave in a hurry, the shadows are drawn under the afterglow, like the thick silhouette of an old-fashioned movie, making people feel a little lonely.

as usual.

Aoya can't remember how long she has been on this small island, but it may be a good choice to accompany little Keke to grow up slowly.

As for those pirates who dare to take revenge? There was a trace of disdain on the corner of Aoya's mouth, she was also a famous big pirate back then.

And his bounty seems to be a little higher than theirs.


Bee Parker returned to his residence, and he didn't close his eyes until midnight.

The expected revenge did not come. MacArthur and his gang seemed to have disappeared without a trace and never appeared in the town again.

This Bee Parker's previous guess is slightly different, and it does not fit the character of these pirates at all.

But Bee Parker didn't think too much, since these pirates didn't know how to praise him to disturb his purity, then he didn't bother with them.

Because the most important thing for me now is to successfully escape from the Loxor sea area.

After all, there is a fundamental difference between that man's name and those weak people with vain names. His achievements are all made with the blood of the enemy. Even if he is as strong as Peter Parker, thinking of that man, he feels a little trembling in his heart.

Two days have passed in such a peaceful day. In these two days, nothing happened in the small town, as if the shooting incident of the pirates before was just people's delusion.

Peter Parker woke up from his sleep, and subconsciously picked up the pocket watch he put on the table to check the time. It was already noon.

Sleeping until noon is a very rare thing for him who is so self-disciplined, especially for someone who is still on the run, but during this period of time, the atmosphere in Jiujiu Qidao is so peaceful that he almost Just get addicted to it.

"Mr. Captain said that the ship will leave here in the evening."

After putting on his clothes, Pepper muttered to himself.

"Then, it's time to say goodbye to Miss Yaya."

Miss Yaya, which is the pseudonym of Aoya here, during this period of time, because of the shot female waitress, the two of them have been in contact many times, and Bi Parker also remembered the name of the female doctor.

The female doctor has a gentle and kind personality, which deeply moved Peter Parker.

He felt that the female doctor was like a warm sun, illuminating his gloomy life. If he was not afraid that his identity as a fugitive would involve her, Peter Parker couldn't help but confess his love to her.

But in this world, the saddest word is if.

Because, there is no if.

So Bee Parker bought a present and went to say good-bye to the lady.

"Sorry, there are too many patients here today, I can't separate myself."

Oya sat on the desk, looked at Bi Parker who was standing in front of her with flowers, and said with a smile.

Of course she understands this man's intentions. In fact, Oya is not disgusted with this kind-hearted man. People who lack courage dare not risk their lives to offend those vicious and violent pirates.

But it is a pity that after Yaze's death, Aoya has no intention of falling in love with other men anymore.

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