Pirate Family

Chapter 789 Hallucination (2)

Moreover, the virtue of being kind-hearted alone is not enough to impress Oya.

After all, the sea is vast, and there are too many men like him.

Peter Parker took the flowers back in embarrassment. He looked around and found that the deserted hospital was filled with patients at some point.

What Oya said about being busy recently is not to prevaricate him.

"Then, I took the offense."

Peter Parker nodded and said apologetically.

"I won't bother you any more."

Oya shook her head helplessly, then continued to work. What happened to Bee Parker was quickly forgotten and forgotten in her mind.

Bee Parker walked to the port alone, and Oya's refusal was not a surprise to him. The two were originally two parallel lines, but after touching each other, there was no intersection.

"Women are really troublesome, it's better to take risks and be simpler."

Pepper squinted his eyes and said to himself.

He looked at the sea, and the vast sea was still waiting for him. It was impossible for him to stop on a small Chiu Chiu Chi Island for a woman.

"what is that?"

But at this time, Peter Parker saw a pirate ship appearing on the sea level, with black sails hanging on the pirate ship, and the shape of a skull could be vaguely seen on the black sail.

"That's... the pirate flag!"

Bee Parker's pupils widened, and then his body moved before his thoughts. He quickly turned around and fled into the town.

For any pirate who suddenly approaches a small island, there is a high probability that nothing good will happen.

This is common sense in this sea.

This is especially true when Chiu Chiu Chi Island is not on the three main routes of the New World.

Peter Parker judged that these pirates came with bad intentions!

Therefore, Peter Parker chose to hide directly. It is not his job to welcome the pirates, but the job of the Vinhill family who protect the island.

If he can't even protect his own territory, then that man is nothing but a vain name.

Sure enough, not long after Bee Parker found those pirates, the army stationed on Jujuji Island took action. A middle-aged man wearing the epaulets of the Vinhill family's family crest led a large group of soldiers to line up at the port. His expression was indifferent, as if he was ready to meet these pirates who came suddenly.

Residents of the small town hid in their houses and did not dare to go out. The usually lively long street was deserted.

Bee Parker also watched secretly through the window. He wanted to know how powerful the Vinhill family's army was.

Bee Parker was lying in the window watching, and suddenly felt that his spirit was in a trance, and when he realized it, the pirate ship was already very close to the port of Jiujiuqi Island.

But the expected fierce battle did not happen. The Vinhill family's army was like rotten wood, which would shatter at the first touch. The pirates completely defeated these seemingly powerful troops with just one round of shelling, and even the officer with the Weinhill family crest hanging on his shoulder was killed on the spot.

"Find that brat!"

A man with long wavy hair and rivets on his clothes stepped on the blood and yelled at the pirates behind him.

"Then bring him in front of me. I will cut off his limbs with a knife and throw him into the sea to feed the sharks!"

That's MacArthur!

Pepper's pupils shrank, and he recognized the arrogant pirate.

But MacArthur was obviously not the leader this time. Standing in front of him was a one-eyed man wearing a dirty naval officer's cape and a captain's cap.

Pirates like to wear the clothes of the naval officers they have defeated, and the larger the rank on the clothes, the stronger the officer they defeated. This is another place for pirates to show off their strength besides the bounty competition.

And Bee Parker recognized that the rank of the naval officer's uniform that the man was wearing was...


A tricky guy!

This is Peter Parker's judgment.

Any brigadier general in the navy headquarters is a strong person in his own right. For example, the famous navy star a while ago has only just been promoted to the brigadier general position.

And the pirates who can kill the Commodore are absolutely difficult guys.

"It turns out that MacArthur has been silent for so long, and he went to find a helper!"

Peter Parker said to himself. At the same time, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect that the Vinhill family was so vain that their army was easily defeated by these pirates.

The pirates rushed into the town and began to loot.

The cries of women and the wailing of men can be heard endlessly.


At this time, there was a loud knock on the door, and a man anxiously called Peter Parker's alias outside the door.

"This island is over!"

"The captain has escaped with the boat, but he left us a few boats, and we must flee there quickly."

"damn it!"

Peter Parker clenched his fist, he wanted to help the people in this small town deal with these pirates, but once his whereabouts were exposed, that Lorne would never let him go, he would put himself, and these Clean up the pirates together!

However, these pirates were clearly coming for him. If he escaped, it would be like a disaster for the people in the town.

Just as Bee Parker was in a dilemma, MacArthur's shout suddenly came from his ear.

"I know where that man is! Everyone follow me!"

Pepper looked through the window and saw MacArthur leading a large group of pirates rushing into the depths of the town.

That place is a hospital!

"Damn it! Why are there so many pirates! Is that Lorne's deterrent effect useless?"

Oya took Little Coco and hid under a table, the outside was full of clamor of pirates.

Those patients who lived in before were all pirates in disguise. It seems that those pirates have been coveting this small island for a long time, and they were already ready to sneak in here. this small island.

"Sister! What should I do!"

Little Keke shivered in fear, hugged Oya's arm tightly, and said incoherently.

She hasn't experienced anything like this.

"Don't be afraid, sister will protect you!"

While Oya comforted little Keke, her eyes gradually turned cold.

Since you can't rely on Lorne's reputation to protect yourself, then let's do it yourself.


The table where Oya and the others were hiding was split in two, and a pirate stood in front of them with a hint of madness on his face.

"I found you!"


But the next moment, the pirate was blown away, and Oya stood up with a gloomy face holding Little Coco.


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