Pirate Family

Chapter 790 Hallucination (3)

After all, Oya is a woman who has seen big scenes, so when faced with pirate attacks, she didn't panic like others.

A thin layer of domineering covered her fist, and Oya punched the pirate who was trying to attack her away.

At this time, the entire hospital has been destroyed by pirates disguised as patients. Most of the pirates rushed out and started burning, killing and looting on the street.

"Don't be afraid, sister will definitely take you out of here."

While comforting the panicked little Keke gently, Oya lowered her footsteps and looked out the door.

The streets are full of crazy pirates. The doors of many shops were smashed open by pirates. Some young women were even dragged onto the street. The pirates vented their desires in front of their families. .

The peace of Jiujiuqi Island was completely destroyed.

"A group of beasts!"

Aoya quickly blocked Little Keke's eyes, frowning and said.

The veins on her forehead are exposed, and after living here for such a long time, she still has some feelings for these simple and ordinary people. Now that these ordinary people have suffered sudden disasters, she is not feeling well.

"Sister, I seem to have heard Miss Windsor's cry next door. She seems to be crying in pain! Shall we help her?"

Little Keke lay obediently in Oya's arms, and a woman's screams reached her ears, Little Keke asked with some doubts.

The Windsor she was talking about was the female clerk of the cake shop next door, a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, with a lively personality, who was very kind to little Coco.

Under the protection of Aoya, the little girl still maintains her inner innocence. In her eyes, the world is very beautiful.

Oya gently put little Keke on the ground,

"Turn around and leave the rest to my sister."

Little Keke turned around obediently, and covered her eyes with her little hands.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The slutty laughter of the pirates could be heard, and Windsor was dragged to the street, her long skirt was taken off, and she struggled hard. But how could a little girl break free from this group of pirates? Windsor's struggle was just adding joy to the group of pirates.

"Boss, there is a big beauty over there!"

Just when the leader of the pirates was about to attack, a young man found Oya.

The leading pirate turned his head and saw that Oya walked towards them with a cold face.


The pirate swallowed, Oya was as alluring as a rose, coquettish and thorny at the same time.

This kind of mature beauty is much more attractive than the immature little girl on the ground.



Before the pirate leader finished speaking, a sharp slash slid over and flew past his neck.

The next moment, his head slowly fell to the ground, rolling several times on the ground like a ball.

Although she hasn't fought for a long time, Oya's fighting instinct has not been forgotten. Her ability itself is the top fighting ability.

After the leader was instantly killed, the remaining pirates were routed and quickly killed by Oya one by one, unable to even escape.

Blood stained the long street.

"A bunch of scum."

Oya's hands were stained bright red, and blood dripped continuously from her fingertips.

"thanks, thanks."

Windsor lowered her head, as if she didn't dare to look directly at Oya.

"Hurry up and find a place to hide."

Oya said gently that she understood Windsor's reaction. After all, for a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, what happened today was enough to overturn her world view.

After doing all this, Oya returned to the hospital. Little Keke was still obediently standing there, without Oya's order, she did not move at all.

"We have to get out of here too."

Oya found a piece of clean white gauze, wiped off her wounded blood, hugged little Keke, and said slowly.

"Leaving here? Are you going to a new place?"

Little Keke tilted her head and asked curiously.

Jiujiu Qidao was actually not the place where she and Aoya first lived, because she could not bear to be harassed by some middle-aged men, Aoya had moved once before.

"Yes, to a more interesting place."

Oya said gently that only when facing Little Keke can she maintain this gentleness.

"Okay, okay! Moving to a new house!"

Little Keke clung to Oya's chest obediently, and said excitedly. And Aoya walked out of the hospital gate holding Little Keke in her arms.

In her heart, she is not as optimistic as Little Coco. The bloody smell here will soon attract more enemies. It is impossible for her to kill the endless stream of pirates by herself, and as long as she shows up to fight, her iconic ability will reveal her identity, by then the agents of the Vinhill family are likely to swarm in like wolves smelling blood.

Both she and Little Coco will fall into a dangerous situation.

So gotta get out of here!

"The hospital is right here! Our brothers have already ambushed here, and we can catch them soon!"

But at this time, a man's voice sounded from the end of the long street, and Oya hurriedly hid under the counter of a ransacked house with Little Keke in her arms.

A man with wavy hair and clothes with rivets led a group of pirates here. MacArthur was worried about the fact that he was beaten in public before, and he was bound to take revenge.

But he soon discovered that something was wrong here. His brothers were lying on the street with their heads in different places. The blood flowed along the ravines among the broken stones on the ground, and the scene was extremely coquettish.

"It seems that there is still a terrific big shot hiding here!"

The corners of MacArthur's mouth twitched, revealing a trace of disdain.

"Hiding away? Don't worry, I'll find out soon."

After he finished speaking, he clapped his hands to his subordinates. After hearing his words, a group of pirates rushed towards the various buildings on the long street like a tide. Soon, the residents of the town were gathered in the very center of the long street.

These ordinary people tremblingly looked at the ferocious pirate in front of them, and the corpse of the pirate on the ground made them feel a little uneasy.

"Tell me what happened here."

MacArthur walked up to a middle-aged man, patted his face with his hands, squeezed out a gentle expression, and asked.

"I... I don't know anything."

The man said in a panic.


The black barrel of the gun in MacArthur's hand was on fire, and a bullet hole appeared in the man's forehead.

The next moment, he fell to the ground with a face full of fear. There was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

"That's not the answer I wanted."

MacArthur said indifferently.


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