Pirate Family

Chapter 791 Hallucination (4)

boom! boom! boom!

Gunshots kept ringing on the long street, and MacArthur kept asking the town residents the same question.

As long as he didn't get the answer he wanted, MacArthur would not hesitate to shoot the person who answered his question to death.

When MacArthur killed seven people, when he came to a bald middle-aged man, the middle-aged man finally couldn't help it, and knelt down at MacArthur's feet, begging.

"I said, I said everything!"

"Very good, this way, no one will die!"

MacArthur showed a gentle smile and lifted the man up. Gently pat the dust off his clothes.

"Now, you can tell me what happened."

"Those pirates were all killed by a woman!"

The bald man said tremblingly.

"How can you betray..."

But at this time, the middle-aged man's wife said with an unbelievable expression that she came over and wanted to cover her husband's mouth.


MacArthur put away his pistol, and the woman slowly fell to the ground, with a black muzzle on her forehead.

"Now no one is disturbing you, you continue to talk."

Seeing his wife died, the middle-aged man seemed to have collapsed and collapsed on the ground again. Said weeping.

"It's a doctor! It's Dr. Yaya who was in the hospital before!"

"A female doctor?"

MacArthur chewed on the information he got from the middle-aged man, and the information seemed to be beyond his expectation.

"So, do you know where that female doctor is now?"

"I, I don't know, but she just killed a few pirates, so she shouldn't be far away!"

The middle-aged man said so. His eyes became extremely dim, and his heart was ashamed.

"very good."

MacArthur clapped his hands, turned around and said to his subordinates.

"Get to work, scumbags, find that stinky woman for me!"


The pirates scattered and left, surrounded the entire long street, and started a carpet search. MacArthur walked towards a chair and seemed to want to find a place to sit and wait.

It's just that when he walked past the middle-aged man, he seemed to remember something, took out his pistol, and aimed a shot at his forehead.


The middle-aged man's obese body was lying back on the ground, and there was still a trace of rejoicing on his face after the catastrophe, as well as a trace of disbelief that hadn't had time to be fully revealed. His body was lying on his back with his wife.

"Sorry, what I hate the most is people like you who betray others."

After doing all this, MacArthur sat on the chair, raised his legs in a comfortable position, and said slowly.

The sound of footsteps searching outside is getting closer and closer, and it will be here soon.

Oya hugged little Keke, closed her eyes and felt the breath outside.

She is not surprised that she was betrayed. In fact, in her long pirate career, she has experienced more cruel things than this, which is why she and Yaze always only trust each other s reason.

The pirates are conducting a blanket search, and they will find this place in a few minutes. Oya closed her eyes and began to calculate. She was born in psychology and was calmer than others.

The long street has been completely blocked, and it is impossible to escape without disturbing the pirates. Oya bit her lip, a look of anxiety flashed across her face.

In other words, if nothing unexpected happened, she would definitely be found out.

If you want to escape, you must fight against a group of pirates outside.

She is not actually afraid of these pirates, but she is afraid that she will be delayed by them, thus attracting more terrifying opponents.

The footsteps were getting closer, and Oya could even hear the beating of the pirate's heart outside.

Her fists were clenched, ready to strike at any moment.

But at this moment, a man's angry voice suddenly sounded on the long street of the town.

"What are you doing!"

A young man with dark brown hair appeared at the end of the long street. His hands sprayed out a cloud of cobwebs, which knocked the two pirates who were trying to stop him into the air and nailed them to the wall.

"You finally came!"

MacArthur stood up with an excited expression on his face.

The reason why he came here was to seek revenge on this man who made him embarrass himself in public.

"Why should innocent ordinary people be involved in the war between you and me?"

The veins on Bee Parker's forehead were exposed, and he yelled at MacArthur angrily. After eavesdropping on MacArthur's whereabouts, he followed him over. But the first time he came to this long street, he saw bloody scenes.

Many innocent residents were lying on the ground, and the long street was stained red with blood.

"Innocent?" A frivolous smile appeared on MacArthur's face.

"But what does that have to do with me?"

After finishing speaking, he took out his pistol and shot casually at the residents gathered in the center of the square.


Bee Parker roared, his body bounced like a bullet in the direction MacArthur shot.

After eating the spider fruit, he has most of the abilities of a spider, and has an amazing jumping ability.

Bee Parker suddenly appeared in front of the residents, and used his body to block several bullets fired by MacArthur towards them.

bang bang!

The bullet hit Bi Pake's body, as if hitting a piece of extremely flexible skin, Bi Pake's skin was slightly dented, and then the bullet bounced off.

"A person with abilities?"

Seeing this scene, MacArthur frowned and said.

"This has nothing to do with you!"

Bee Parker roared, his body rolled several times on the ground, and then countless sharp thorns grew out of his pores, he jumped and flew towards MacArthur.

bang bang!

MacArthur picked up his pistol, aimed at Bi Parker and fired a few bullets, but Bi Parker dodged them deftly.

"Damn! Can't lock him!"

MacArthur frowned and said, putting away his pistol and pulling out a sharp knife.

Many people in this sea know that they are good at marksmanship, but few people know that they are also good at using knives.

Because everyone who knows is dead!

If you want to live well in this sea, you must hide your skills, and MacArthur knows this very well.

"I will kill..."

Before MacArthur finished speaking, Peter Parker had already appeared in front of him.

Bee Parker did not give MacArthur a chance to fight head-on. He was stronger than MacArthur himself, especially after the transformation, both in terms of speed and strength, he was far stronger than MacArthur. MacArthur thought he was quick, but in Peter Parker's view, it was extremely slow. Then slap,

Slapped MacArthur in the face.

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