Pirate Family

Chapter 792 Hallucination (5)

There were countless tiny spikes on the palm of Bee Parker, and he grabbed a piece of bloody skin on MacArthur's face.

"How dare you!"

MacArthur took a few steps back, yelled at Peter Parker, and subconsciously grabbed his waist with his right hand, trying to pull out his pistol. But he found that he couldn't move his hands at all, and a thick cobweb wrapped around his wrist at some point, making him unable to move.

"A despicable person like you doesn't deserve to be called a pirate!"

Bee Parker suddenly appeared in front of MacArthur and said coldly.

"Let me, end your sin."

A punch hit MacArthur's body heavily, a deep dent appeared in MacArthur's chest, and with the sound of his chest being broken, he was blown away. He slammed into the wall of a building heavily. There were countless cracks on the wall, and his body fell to the ground weakly.

Without a body armed with domineering defenses, it is impossible to resist Bee Parker's heavy punches.

"it's over."

Peter Parker took a deep breath. After MacArthur was dealt with, there were only some little people left. As long as these miscellaneous fish are dealt with, no one will be able to threaten the residents of this small island.

"It's over? I don't think so."

But at this time, the voice of a man full of spirit sounded behind Bee Parker, MacArthur's boss. The middle-aged man in the Commodore's cape appeared here at some point, and said coldly behind Bee Parker.

"You have good skills. Do you want to consider joining Lao Tzu's command?"

Bipac turned around stiffly, and the big pirate stood in front of the trembling crowd with one hand, picked up a machete that was bigger than the body of ordinary people, lowered his head, and looked down at Pipac.

"I don't bother to be with scum like you!"

Peter Parker replied that he had missed such an important matter. Only after this man was dealt with, the crisis on this small island would be truly resolved.

Countless fine hairs emerged from the depths of his skin, forming black and white patterns on his skin, just like a humanoid spider.

He has entered the state of fighting.

"Then, what a pity."

The middle-aged pirate shook his head, as if it was a pity that he didn't take a general like Bee Parker under his command.

"A person of your strength cannot be an unknown person in this sea. Before the battle begins, I allow you to tell me your name."

"Bee Parker!"

At this time, Bee Parker did not choose to hide it, because he had already shown up, and with the intelligence capabilities of the Vinhill family, it was impossible not to find out his identity.

Moreover, he has a habit, that is, the habit of letting his opponent die clearly.

For this group of violent pirates, Bee Parker has already moved to kill.

"Bee Parker?" The middle-aged pirate murmured to himself, and he frowned, because he vaguely felt that he seemed to have heard of this name before.

After a while, he relaxed his frown like a river, and suddenly realized.

"That Peter Parker who was wanted by the Vinhill family some time ago?"

"Since you already know, are you ready to die?"

At this time, Bee Parker has completely entered the spider form, he raised his inhuman head, looked at the pirate, and said coldly.

When he entered this form, whether it was strength, speed, or reaction force, he was far beyond the limit of ordinary people.

Bee Parker has the confidence to defeat this unknown pirate.


The pirate laughed at himself, and then raised his big knife, which was much bigger than a human. Turning around, he suddenly slashed at the stunned ordinary person beside him.

"Did you misunderstand something?"


Bee Parker's body disappeared, and the next moment, he appeared in front of the ordinary man who was frightened to stay where he was, and blocked the knife with his own body.

The long knife cut a huge scar on his body, almost cutting his whole body in half.

"Did you misunderstand something?"

Bee Parker rolled twice on the ground, blood splattered all over the ground.

The pirate walked up to him, looked down at him, and said with pity.

"Compassion is the greatest weakness of a pirate. You don't think I'm afraid of you, do you?"


Aoya, who was hiding behind the small counter, couldn't help cursing secretly after seeing this scene.

But she was a little helpless. After all, the world of pirates only pays attention to the result, not the process. As long as you win, whatever you say and do is right.

Winner and loser are the iron-like rules of One Piece World.

Now the long street is in chaos, Bee Parker has attracted most of the attention of the pirates, and the minions are slowly approaching Bee Parker, surrounding him.

Now is a good time to escape!

Aoya set off and slowly moved towards the exit of the long street.

Stab it!

There was a sound of a sharp instrument cutting flesh from behind, and Bee Parker crawled under the pirate's feet, and the pirate stepped on Bee Parker's head and said proudly.

"Excessive compassion will only make you lose your life. You don't understand the truth that even a child understands?"

"my hero."

When it came to the word "hero", the pirate emphasized his tone a little bit more, sarcastically.

A pirate, quite a hero, is a very ironic thing in itself.

At this time, Oya had already slipped to the end of the long street, and there were only two rogue fish and pirates guarding here, and she could easily get rid of them.

As long as she escapes from this encirclement, she can leave here safely.

Seeing that Peter Parker couldn't move, the big pirate behind him held up his weapon proudly, and he was going to end the life of the pirate who disobeyed him with his own hands.

Oya saw the butcher's knife raised high by the pirate. As long as the butcher's knife was swung down, he would be able to take Bee Parker's life away.

Take the life of this rather heroic pirate.

She bit her lip, feeling extremely tangled in her heart.

"Sister, do we want to ignore them?"

At this time, Little Keke, who was lying in Laughing's arms, gently pulled Laughing's clothes, and said timidly.


Little Keke's words became the last straw that shook the balance in Aoya's heart. She gently put Little Keke in a small cabinet.

"Hide here well, no matter what happens, don't make a sound."

Little Keke nodded obediently, she has always been obedient.

After doing all this, Oya turned around and took out two sharp long knives from her waist.

The next moment, she walked out of the hidden house. Appeared on Long Street.

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