Pirate Family

Chapter 793 Why can't pirates choose to be kind?

"It turns out that there is still a person hiding here."

The pirate turned his head, saw Oya, and said slowly.

"It was you who killed Lao Tzu's men?"

"If you don't run away, are you going to come and die with this man?"

"The one who died is you!"

Oya said coldly, and then walked towards the pirate step by step. Some people who tried to stop her on the way were cut in half by her.

Aoya with cutting fruit is the most terrifying killing machine in the world.

"I advise you not to come here again, otherwise the knife in my hand may involuntarily swing towards these ordinary people."

Seeing the menacing Oya, the pirate took a step back involuntarily. At this time, the ordinary people behind him heard the exclamation of fear and pulled him out of the shock.

He pointed his long knife at a screaming ordinary man, threatening.

"These ordinary people may ruin their lives because of your actions!"

"What does that have to do with me?"

Oya squatted down slightly, and said with a look of disdain.

"They just betrayed me, why should I stupidly sacrifice my life to protect them?"

The pirate heard Oya's indifferent words, but he still hasn't recovered. The next moment, Oya's calf exerted force suddenly and rushed towards him. The pirate stopped and wanted to block with his weapon, but he found Peter Parker who was lying at his feet raised his head with difficulty and showed him a cruel smile.

At some point, the pirate's hands were covered with sticky white silk threads.

The silk thread completely wrapped his hand, and the other end was connected to the ground, making it impossible for him to stop.


The pirate cursed, he didn't expect that Bee Parker still had the strength to delay himself.

But at this time, Oya had already rushed in front of him, the long knife in his hand gleaming coldly.

The next moment, a broken back holding a long sword was flying in the wind, and blood gushed out.

Oya, cut off the arm of this pirate with one sword!

The pirate was in pain and wanted to resist, but at this time Oya was already close, and the two long swords in his hands were shining coldly.

Then, a human head rolled to the ground.

Oya, a sword ended his life.

"it's over."

Peter Parker struggled to get up, he did not expect this seemingly gentle female doctor to possess such terrifying fighting power, she was indeed a person with a story just like himself.

The leader died, and the remaining pirates seemed to have lost their backbone and fled in all directions.

Before Aoya wanted to say something, a rapid siren sounded suddenly from the tallest building in the city.

"It's the reinforcements from the Vinhill family who are here!"

A citizen shouted eagerly. With an expression of the rest of his life, he came over and said to Oya and Pipac.

"The people of the Vinhill family have already arrived, so there is no need to worry about other things. You saved this island, and they will definitely treat you favorably!"

"We also want to thank you very much!"

The corner of Oya's mouth twitched. If it was an ordinary pirate, she would be ecstatic if she got the chance to meet the senior members of the Vennhill family, but her previous identity was the sworn enemy of the Vennhill family, the capable subordinate of Yaze the Ghost Hand. , if Lorne finds out his identity, something bad will probably happen.

Oya just wanted to refuse, but found that Peter Parker also had an unnatural expression on his face. The two of them looked at each other, and then smiled knowingly.

"It's just what we should do! As for the Vernhill family's gratitude,"

She walked to the place where Little Coco was hidden before, carried the little girl out of the small cabinet, and then said slowly to the citizens.

"I don't need it."

The next moment, he made an action beyond everyone's expectations, that is, he pulled his legs and rushed towards the port.

Not only her, but Bee Parker also made the same choice as her. After exiting from the spider form, he also ran towards the port.

"It seems that something happened between you and the Vinhill family."

Bi Parker caught up with Oya, and the wound on his body was basically healed.

"Let's get to know each other again, my name is Peter Parker, a man who will be famous in the whole sea in the future."

Is he Peter Parker?

Aoya frowned, but she still spoke slowly.

"My name is Oya."

"Oya? It's a beautiful name."

Peter Parker said to himself. Then while running, he made an invitation gesture to Oya.

"I have a small boat hidden in the port, we can get out of here together!"

"my pleasure!"

Under the cover of night, the boat slowly left Jiujiuqi Island, carrying two pirates and an ignorant little girl, and sailed to the unknown sea.

But they didn't know that the moment they left Chuchuqi Island, everything on the island, people, and everything was frozen, as if time had frozen.

When they disappeared at the end of the sea level, the entire Jiujiuqi Island suddenly shattered, and then turned into boundless darkness.


"Sir, here is your cranberry cake. Enjoy."

The sun is shining softly on the earth, and the children are playing in the street, which is peaceful.

In a cake shop on the street, a female shop assistant about seventeen or eighteen years old brought up a carefully made small cake. Put it in front of two customers, a man and a woman.

The moment she put down the cake, she sneaked a glance at the boy. He had long black hair, was handsome, and had an elegant demeanor. There was a sense of mystery in his gestures and a strange allure. If it wasn't for the empress-like woman with long wine red hair sitting across from him, the little clerk couldn't help but strike up a conversation.

"It was delicious."

The man put down the newspaper in his hand, sniffed it in front of the cake, and said gently.

"Of course! This is the signboard of our store! Many tourists from other islands like it very much!"

The female shop assistant said proudly when she heard her male god praise her.

"That's really an honor."

The man smiled, then took out a knife and fork, gently helped his girlfriend to cut the cake, and then scooped a small piece with a spoon.

"Come on, try it."

Seeing this loving scene, the female shop assistant blushed and left here as if fleeing.

"Windsor, what happened?"

When the female clerk returned to the back of the shop, her companion noticed her and asked curiously.

"I just saw an enviable couple."

The female shop assistant named Windsor said with a blushing face that a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl already had an ignorant longing for love, and the man sitting outside perfectly matched all the characteristics of the Prince Charming in her dream.

Unfortunately, he already has someone he likes.

Windsor was a little discouraged.

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