Pirate Family

Chapter 794 Different Paths

"The taste is not bad, not as sweet as expected."

Garrett opened her mouth, carefully tasted the small cake that Lorne fed, then wiped her mouth with a paper towel, and said lightly.

"It's a very novel feeling."

"After sugar was invented, many people called it the taste of happiness, and desserts were born from this." Lorne picked up his own piece of cake and slowly tasted it.

"But later, desserts gradually developed, and many people began to pursue higher sweetness, but forgot what the original purpose of desserts was invented."

"It's about making people feel good."

Garrett understood Lorne's character quite well, and helped him say what he wanted to say.


Lorne snapped his fingers and said slowly.

"So, being in a good mood is why you let them go?"

Garrett put down the cake, looked into Lorne's eyes, and asked slowly.

"Of course," Lorne smiled, "They gave me an excellent performance, so I give them the right to live."

In fact, the ship that Peter Parker saw coming from afar at the port was a battleship of the Vinhill family, but his perception was distorted by Lorne, making him think it was a pirate ship that came to attack here.

Therefore, everything that happened after the ship docked was an illusion created by Lorne.

He wanted to see how strong the justice in Bee Parker's heart was.

And the answer Peter Parker gave him made him very satisfied.

"Bee Parker is a rare talent. After he masters the two-color domineering, he will be a difficult opponent. Should we let him leave here like this?"

Garrett picked up the cup next to it, which contained the fruit juice that went with the dessert. She took a sip, then joked to Lorne.

"The strong will not be afraid of their opponents. Without an opponent, it is a rather boring thing."

As Lorne said, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and the coldness was overwhelming.

The light only lasted for a moment, and then disappeared, just like a lion accidentally opened its sleepy eyes.

"I'll give him time to come to me."

"Besides, this time, I discovered something more interesting."

Lorne tapped the table lightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He didn't expect that Oya would hide here, in his territory. Moreover, the little girl adopted by Aoya has actually mastered the ability of the fruit of the operation.

This is a rather unexpected thing.

"You are really boring."

Garrett said so.

"But that's not why you let them go." Garrett looked into Lorne's eyes and told her intuitively that this was not Lorne's real thoughts.

Because the Vinhill family has stood on this sea for so many years and has encountered countless opponents, but she has never seen Lorne show mercy to anyone.

not even one.

Although, kindness and softness are never good words for a pirate.

"Sure enough, it was discovered by you."

Lorne was silent. After a while, he looked into Garrett's eyes and asked slowly.

"Are we good people?"

"We're not good people in every sense of the word."

Garrett said without hesitation, "If you are a good person, then the navy in the Navy Headquarters will be the embodiment of justice."

"you are right."

Lorne nodded, but he did not refute what Garrett said. Because words like good man are a kind of irony for a pirate.

The vast majority of pirates who are associated with "good guys" often don't live long.

"Along the way, our hands have been stained with an unknown amount of blood. No matter how we wash it, we can't wash it clean."

Lorne asked, and before Garrett could answer, he muttered to himself again.

"My name will definitely be engraved in history."

Jia Lei nodded. You know, Lorne is only twenty years old now, and he is still very young for a person. Everyone believed that he would be one of the most powerful contenders for the Pirate Throne, and his future achievements would not be inferior to that of Roger.

Such a person will definitely leave a strong mark in the history textbook.

"But no matter what I do, I can't change the fact that this reputation will not be a good one."

After all, he personally released the group of monsters imprisoned in the advancing city, and rose rapidly, stirring up countless bloody storms in this sea. Such a thing was unimaginable in the era before Roger.

Even the craziest pirate, the man named Rocks, hadn't done it.

Lorne asked himself, he was definitely not a good person.

"There are too few people like Bee Parker. If there are more people like him, this sea will be different."

"So I let them go."

Lorne said so. In fact, before that, Bi Pake and Oya had completely fallen into his illusion. If he wanted to kill two people, it would not be much more difficult than crushing an ant.

"So, are you going to make atonement?"

Garrett asked in surprise. This was the first time she had seen such a Lorne, such... a special Lorne.

"of course not."

Lorne stood up, picked up the hat on the table, and put it on his head.

"They and I have completely different paths, and this path will lead us to completely different ends."

The setting sun swayed on his shoulders, adding a sense of mystery to him.

"I am Lorne, Vennhill Lorne, there is nothing in this sea that makes me afraid!"

"I just want to make this sea more interesting."

"Is that...?"

Garrett looked at Lorne and nodded slowly.

Facing the setting sun, Lorne walked slowly towards the port. Garrett clapped her hands, and a man with long wavy hair and rivets on his clothes slowly walked in front of her.

This man has been standing here since Lorne and the others sat down.

"You did a good job. I allow you to fly the flag of the Vinhill family on your ship in the future."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Queen!"

MacArthur shouted excitedly. He never dreamed that he won the favor of the Vinhill family just by cooperating with others in a play.

Flying the flag of the Vinhill family means one thing, that is, at least a quarter of the waters of the New World, he will be unimpeded.

After doing all this, Garrett lifted her skirt and chased after Lorne with small steps.

At this time, Pipac and Oya are still in Lorne's illusion, and under the cover of night, they escape from Jiujiuqi Island.

And she and Lorne will also take a boat and leave this place facing the setting sun.

The two groups headed for different destinations.

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