Pirate Family

Chapter 795 Gaji's Discovery

"The navy is gathering forces, I don't know what they are planning."

Garrett held a document and said softly while turning it back and forth in front of Lorne.

"It seems to be a special operation, and even three admirals are involved in it."

"Is it such a mobilizing action?" Lorne sat on the chair and stretched. Then he said slowly.

"It seems that the navy is making a big move."

"Should we be wary of them?"

Garrett put the documents in her hands on the table, propped her hands on the table, leaned forward, looked at Lorne, and said slowly.

The perfect figure is exquisitely set off by the dress.

Xiaojia's development is getting better and better.

Lorne took a deep breath to calm down the restlessness in his heart, then took out a box of cigars from his arms, lit it, took a deep breath, and said slowly.

"Unless the highest level of the world government issued a death order, otherwise, with the calm personality of the old guy in the Warring States Period, if there were no changes in us, he would not rashly move our forces."

Lorne is very confident, because most people in this world follow a rule, a rule called interests.

If there is not enough interest, they will not take risks.

Everyone in the world is for profit, and all are for profit. As long as you control the line of profit, it is equivalent to controlling the pulse of the world.

"Really boring."

Garrett muttered, a little discouraged.

Since Lorne's return, the Vinhill family's operation has gradually stabilized, and they are also free.

The previous incident of Bee Parker was just a small episode in their ordinary life, and soon it was forgotten in the back of their minds.

Now, Garrett finally understands why Lorne let Bee Parker and the others go. If the future is still as dull as it is now, she really doesn't know how to live.

"I really want some pirates who don't have long eyes to challenge us,"

Garrett clenched her small fist and waved it wildly towards the air.

"Then I will teach them a good lesson!"

"There are not many such short-sighted pirates, and as the family grows, there will be fewer and fewer."

Lorne exhaled a big mouthful of smoke rings and said with a smile.

The balance of the new world is controlled by their emperors. But in the current situation, none of the emperors can do anything to each other. As long as they don't take the initiative to raise troubles, the balance of the new world will always be maintained.

In theory... yes.

After several months of long war, Whitebeard and Kaido chose to withdraw their troops, but judging by Whitebeard's temper, he didn't intend to just let it go.

After returning from Lorne, the Vinhill family has developed rapidly and grown secretly. The Charlotte family is also led by that woman, taking advantage of the war between Whitebeard and Kaido, they are constantly encroaching on the territory of the New World, and they are secretly growing.

Some other small forces are also secretly fighting, but on the bright side, they still maintain the rare peace of the new world.

But Lorne knew that this peace would not last long.

And the person who broke this peace was either the navy returning from all over the world, or... the vicious trial that attacked the golden lion Shiji.

Lorne did not believe that the purpose of establishing this powerful force was only to avenge Shiji. Lorne still remembered their bold words when they were in Bislan.

"Step into the ranks of the immortals? It's really crazy."

Lorne suddenly said to himself. A smile appeared on his mouth.

I don't know if it's admiration or a sarcastic smile.

"Remember those guys?"

Garrett noticed Lorne's smile, pulled her hair, and asked with some doubts.

"Yes, with their restless characters, they should be hiding somewhere in this sea, planning something."

Lorne smiled and said that he was looking forward to this group of forces that crushed Shiji's ambition.

"I hope they can give me enough surprises."

Garrett wanted to say something, but at this moment, the phone on Lorne's desk suddenly rang. She picked it up, frowning slightly at first, but after a while, her lovely beauty gradually unfolded.

"Is it good news?"

Lorne asked, at this time, he didn't strengthen his five senses with his perception ability, so he couldn't hear the words in the phone bug.

It's just that this phone bug is his personal phone bug, and the only people who can get here are the senior cadres of the family, except for a few allies.


Jia Lei nodded, "Sister Agatha called."

"She said that Mr. Gage's experiment seems to have made a breakthrough!"


"You will never believe what I found!"

After seeing Lorne pass by, Gage said excitedly. He wiped his palms, and then led Lorne to a place covered with a black cloth.

"After I got Shiji's research report on IQ, I was inspired. The drug called IQ can accelerate the growth of living organisms and strengthen their physical fitness. Can I use it in my bloodline? factor studies."

"The result is obvious!"

Gage spit all over the place, which was not in line with his rigorous scientific research spirit, but Lorne understood it very well.

For people like Gaji, nothing is more important than getting closer to their dreams.

"During the cultivation process of the clone, I tentatively added a little IQ element, and as a result, the cultivation process of the clone was shortened by 80%!"

"Oh!? So powerful?"

Lorne raised his eyebrows and said in surprise.

Originally, it took at least two years to train a standard fighter. Most of the fighters now serving in the family were trained when Lorne first entered the new world two years ago.

Now it has been shortened by 80%, that is to say, it only takes less than half a year to train a new batch of fighters!

He didn't expect that Shi Ji's relics would surprise him so much.

"And not only that!"

A mysterious expression appeared on Gage's face.

"The subject that has been bothering me before is that I can easily create individuals with super combat power, but due to energy limitations, these individuals cannot be awakened at all!"

"Vegapunk and I call this restriction God's shackles."

"But now, we have broken through this shackle!"

Gage shouted excitedly at Lorne, and then pulled up the black cloth next to him.

A man with a perfect figure was lying quietly in a petri dish.

The moment the black cloth was pulled away, the man slowly opened his eyes to Lorne.

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