Pirate Family

Chapter 796 Witness to History

"According to the most popular strength test standard in this sea, the physical strength of this experiment is over 2000 Dao!"

"After joining Adam's bloodline, he possesses quite terrifying resilience and learning ability. He can learn most of the martial arts in this sea in a very short period of time, and convert them into his own combat power."

"And, they have one of the biggest advantages."

Gage stretched out his hands to Lorne, just like in religious legends, the God who just finished creating the world and smiled at his creations.

"That means it can be mass-produced!"


Lorne took a deep breath and looked at the experimental subject in the petri dish. In his perception, the strength of this experimental body is very strong, this kind of strength is pure, overwhelmingly powerful in terms of pure physical strength.

According to his estimation, at least most of the pirates with a bounty of less than 100 million will not be the opponent of this experimental body.

You must know that the pirates with a bounty of 100 million are well-known and strong in the world. Even in the first half of the great route, Paradise can still get the title of supernova.

But now, Jia Zhi told him that he can easily mass-produce a strong man of this level!

"Cost, time."

Lorne calmed down and said two words to Gage.

These two things are what he cares most about. If all the strength of the Vinhill family can only be used to produce a few such experimental subjects, then this matter will lose his greatest significance. And Lorne couldn't wait until his own death, these clones hadn't been created yet.

"I knew you would ask these two things a long time ago."

Gage snapped his fingers with the expression that he expected you to ask, and his assistant sent a document to Lorne.

"In fact, this level of experimental body is not my limit, but the time and cost performance required to create a stronger experimental body is too low. I guess you won't like it, so I gave it up. "

"The cost required to manufacture a standard 2,000-power experimental body is about the same as a naval warship, which is between 150 million and 200 million Berries."

"As for the time."

Lorne picked up the document in his hand, looked at it for a while, and then said in surprise.

"It only takes a year?!"

"Yes, it only takes one year for you to have an army composed entirely of strong men. By then, this sea will be nothing more than your possession."

"Good job, you have lived up to my previous investment in you."

Lorne put down the documents in his hands. This research by Gage is enough to overturn all the patterns of this sea. When all the pirates are still worrying about how to supplement the search lost due to the war, Lorne already has a Strong army too.

This army is enough to send him to the supreme throne that belongs to pirates!

The throne that all pirates desire.

But now, Lorne needs only time!

For a year, he could afford to wait.

"There is one more important thing."

Gage's voice brought Lorne back to reality.

"What's up."

"About this original experimental subject, you still need a name." Gage waved his hand and said slowly to Lorne.


Lorne frowned slightly, he had never done such a thing as naming.

He raised his head and saw that in the petri dish, there was no expression in the eyes of the experimental subject, as cold as a robot.

"I see."

"Born for war, let's call you a War maniac."

He didn't know how much the name he casually named would have an impact on this sea.

At this point, the war fanatics, an army that can make future generations of pirates tremble, was born in the laboratory of the Vinhill family.

Lorne, on the other hand, became a bystander of history for the first time.


"Damn it! You must tell Xia Lan quickly!"

The new world, the country of martial arts.

A female knight was running in the street, her armor was covered in blood and traces of battle. A huge hole almost ran through her entire shoulder.

Blood dripped down her arm and onto the ground.


She almost fell to the ground, but she stood up tenaciously. He ran towards the depths of the island.

Blood, as she ran, swayed all the way.

"I invited Pope Ariel of the Church of the Holy Truth to come here to spread the teachings of the Church of the Holy Truth. Their ship should be arriving at the port of the country of martial arts soon."

In the palace, a woman in red knelt on a round carpet and said slowly to the crowd.

"It's time to get up and meet them."

The woman got up, and a waitress who had been waiting at the side hurriedly walked over, put a red robe on her, and then put a crown on her.

"Your Majesty is honorable. It would be inappropriate to greet others in person like this."

A courtier in white frowned. He had always disliked the current emperor's domineering and domineering behavior.


The woman turned around, a trace of heroism flashed in her eyes.

"Is there anything in this world that Xia Lan dare not do?"

Her tone was flat, but she possessed an undeniable dominance. An astonishing intimidation centered on her and spread to all directions. Everyone, unable to resist this intimidation, fell to their knees on the ground involuntarily.

"My king Shengming!"

Everyone said in unison. The courtier who questioned him earlier also couldn't hide the fear in his tone.

The country of martial arts is based on martial arts. Every emperor may not be the wisest, but he must be the strongest in the country.

Ciaran is no exception.

The strongest person with the highest power will only cause one consequence, that is, she alone has the final say on the entire country.

No one can stop the emperor's will.

Fortunately, Xia Lan is not the kind of arrogant and unreasonable person. Apart from her religion, she has never done anything excessive.

"very good."

Seeing the courtiers prostrate in front of her, Xia Lan nodded in satisfaction. At this time, the shivering maid beside her had already finished dressing her.

But at this moment, a figure in silver-white armor stumbled into the hall.

Blood stained the white tiles of the hall red.

"What's going on, Ann!"

Xia Lan recognized the seriously injured knight and hurried over to help him up.

An, Xia Lan's right-hand man, the Great General of the Kingdom of Martial Arts, also this time, she sent out to meet the people of the Holy Truth Church.

An uneasy premonition emerged in Xia Lan's heart.

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