Pirate Family

Chapter 797 The Valkyrie's Pride

"His Majesty Pope Ariel's ship has been attacked!"

An grasped Xia Lan's arm and said struggling.

"All the warriors have already died in battle! His Majesty Pope Ariel, and the first knight, Larsia, were captured by the enemy and disappeared!"

An coughed up a mouthful of blood and said weakly.

"Then who is the enemy!"

Xia Lan said coldly, she did not lose control, but suppressed her inner anger, and asked Ann.

An is definitely not weak. In fact, An, who has the strength to kill more than 500 million big pirates, can be regarded as a well-known strong man even in the entire new world.

The forces that can defeat her, together with the ships of the entire Holy Truth Church, must be extraordinary.

"The enemy is..."

An coughed up a big mouthful of blood again, and the pattern in her eyes became more and more blurred. In the previous battle, all the bones in her body were crushed, and it was already very difficult to be able to walk here.

"The enemy is..."

Ann's consciousness gradually became nothingness, but before the consciousness completely dissipated, she still did not say the name of the enemy.

The next moment, An's consciousness was completely turned into darkness, but before that, she heard an angry roar.

Xia Lan... angry?

This was Ann's last thought.

"Find me the best doctor, and I must save Ann."

Xia Lan gently helped An up, and said slowly to a maid behind her. Then, she turned her head and said to the courtiers who were kneeling at her feet behind her.

"Give you ten minutes, I want to know what happened."

Her tone was cold and filled with killing intent.

Ann is her best friend, and she will never let anyone who hurts Ann go.

It's been a long, long time, and no one has made her angry like this.


"His Majesty."

A man in a suit walked up to Xia Lan, and he said with a stiff face.

"The incident about General An and the attack on Pope Ariel has basically been investigated."

He is the chief intelligence officer of the Kingdom of Martial Arts, and all information must go through his hands, so give him ten minutes to speak most of Xia Lan's words.


Xia Lan was wearing a red armor. At this time, she was ready to fight.

She wanted to let that enemy know what the people of Wu Zhi Guo used to build their country.

"The enemy..." The man hesitated for a while, finally gritted his teeth, and said slowly.

"Four Emperors, Kaido!"

"It turned out to be him!"

Xia Lan's pupils constricted. She had guessed a lot, but she never expected to get such a result.

Kaido, the Four Emperors, stands on the top of this sea, one of the four most powerful big pirates.

The king of kings, the king of beasts, the man who is called the strongest life form.

Even though Xia Lan claims to be powerful, when facing an opponent like Kaido, she still loses her peace of mind.

"Not only that, according to intelligence, there are traces of Kaido's army in all directions. Any ship that wants to enter the country of martial arts will be intercepted by Kaido's ship in advance and cleaned up."

"The entire country of martial arts has been surrounded by Kaido's army!"

The man knelt in front of Xia Lan, and said with a look of fear.

This is anyone's first reaction when facing Kaido.

"They were aggressive, like, revenge."

Plop, plop, plop.

When the man finished speaking, the entire lobby was silent, and some people even knelt down on the ground.

There is no other reason, just because Kaido's name is really terrible.

In this sea, there are many pirates of the same level as him, but none of them are as cruel as Kaido. Any opponent, once targeted by him, often has only one path to perish.

"Why did Kaido follow us?"

Xia Lan paced back and forth in front of the throne, her beautiful brows were tightly frowned, deeply puzzled.

She didn't understand why Kaido sent troops to besiege this place.

"Perhaps it was related to the war between Whitebeard and Kaido before."

At this time, the man in the suit said slowly.

"The war between Whitebeard and Kaido lasted for several months, and both sides suffered heavy losses. It was not until Whitebeard was forced to retreat in the previous period that the situation was relieved."

"With Kaido's character of vengeance, after suppressing Wano, he will definitely retaliate wildly."

"And we are one of Whitebeard's allies!"

The man said so.

Xia Lan was silent. The alliance between the Kingdom of Warriors and the Whitebeard Pirates was a matter of time ago. The Whitebeard Pirates were responsible for protecting the Kingdom of Warriors, and the Kingdom of Warriors also became a sharp thorn for Whitebeard to penetrate into the new world. This was originally a matter of mutual benefit, but with Whitebeard's sudden retreat, the country of martial arts was completely exposed in front of Kaido.

His revenge is also inevitable.

"Kaido, it's not something we can resist."

The man said slowly, "The only ones who can stop Kaido are those pirates of the same level as him!"

"Now, we must get Whitebeard's support!"

The man's words rekindled hope for everyone present. Wu Zhiguo is Whitebeard's ally after all, and with Whitebeard's character, he will never betray his ally.

As long as Whitebeard sends troops, the threat of the Kingdom of Martial Arts can be easily resolved!

There was a wry smile on Xia Lan's face. Things were not as simple as these people thought.

As her identity, knowing some unknown inside stories, Whitebeard's retreat was not because he and Kaido were in a stalemate and had no choice but to retreat.

Instead, there were some problems with his own body.

Whitebeard has fought in the sea for so many years, his body has already accumulated countless hidden injuries, but he has been suppressing these injuries with his strong physique.

But with the battle with Kaido, these injuries finally broke out together. Completely dragged down that powerful man.

If it wasn't for the captain of the first team, Marco, who found out in time and immediately chose to retreat. I'm afraid Kaido has discovered the problem with Whitebeard's body.

However, despite this, with Kaido's suspicious character, it is impossible not to notice the strangeness of this matter, and the siege of the country of martial arts may be his temptation.

Once he finds that the Whitebeard Pirates have lost their backbone, he will definitely attack aggressively, taking advantage of this opportunity to annex Whitebeard's territory completely!

This is an event that can affect the direction of history, and this time, Wu Zhiguo stands on the cusp of the times.

Xia Lan's choice may completely change the pattern of this sea!

The empress was silent for a while, and then slowly drew out her sword.

"The Kingdom of Martial Arts has never had the habit of asking for help from others."

"It didn't happen before, and it won't happen in the future either!"

"Since Kaido declares war on me, let's fight!"

Never give in, this is the pride of her, the Valkyrie.

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