Pirate Family

Chapter 809 Future

The contemporary Pope of Holy Truth, Ariel is Lorne's good friend.

The two once had a hazy relationship that surpassed that of friends, but in the end they did not develop to the point of lovers.

Later, during the Battle of Balan, Lorne personally defeated the Blood Pope Ratzinger, and then modified the memories of the people present, so that everyone thought that Ariel led the people to overthrow the violent Ratzinger. Surrounded by the Patriarchs, Ariel ascended to the Pope's position.

Lorne, on the other hand, hid in the dark, silently supporting Ariel.

Although these years, the Vinhill family and the Theocracy Balaam have not had much intersection. But Lorne has always regarded Ariel as his family.

And Kaido's attack this time was on Lorne's reverse scale!

No matter what his reasons are, Lorne will not forgive him if he touches Lorne's family!

Lorne is such a person, brutal and unreasonable.

Great route, Steo.

The black-haired Lorne, who was dealing with government affairs, suddenly opened his eyes, and a murderous intent flashed in them.

Thick, almost condensed killing intent.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, the gate of the castle was suddenly opened, and Garrett walked in anxiously, as if she had learned something important and had to mention it to Lorne.

"Lorne, there is one very important thing..."

"Stop it, I know."

Lorne slowly stood up from his seat and said coldly.

"Since Kaido wants to commit suicide, don't blame me."

His tone was flat, as if he was not evaluating one of the Pirate Emperors who ruled the sea, but just an unknown person.

But no one questioned Lorne, because Lorne had such strength.

"You know all about it."

Garrett opened her mouth wide, because she only found out about this matter just now. She didn't think about where Lorne got the information, but continued.

"I know what you think, but you must calm down now, Kaido doesn't know the relationship between Ariel and us, maybe we can take other ways to save Ariel..."

She understands the plan of "Ascension to the Gods". What the family needs most now is time. At this time, it is really inappropriate to have a conflict with Kaido.

"There's no time, Kaido won't give us time to prepare. I don't know if Ariel is alive or dead now, I can't wait."

Lorne said,

"There must be a battle between me and Kaido, but now, it's just advancing this battle."

"Besides," Lorne walked up to Garrett, touched her head lightly, and said with a smile.

"If this happened not to Ariel, but to you, or anyone in the family, I would choose to take action without hesitation."

Garrett was at a loss for words, of course she knew that Lorne was such a person.

When he was attacked at the beginning, Lorne abandoned everything without hesitation, directly chose to go to war with the World Government, and attacked Mariejoa, the holy land of the Tianlong people. Made that killing.

Someone like him would definitely do something like this.

"I see."

Jia Lei nodded, she knew she couldn't stop Lorne,

In other words, no one on this sea can stop Lorne.

"I'll go make preparations right away and gather all the cadres in the family who don't have tasks yet."

Lorne nodded without speaking. Slowly walked out of the hall.

Garrett looked at Lorne's back and only had one thought in her mind.

A war, an unprecedented war that would engulf the entire sea, might be about to happen.

And this time, the Vinhill family is the protagonist of this war!


Mary Gioia, a treasure trove.

In the middle of the treasure house was a huge block of ice, and a woman was lying quietly in the ice block. As if frozen in general.

Her appearance is beautiful, like a deep sleep.

In front of Ice Cube, there was a thin figure sitting quietly on a throne. In front of the throne, there were many reward lists.

These reward lists are all famous big pirates in this sea. Among them, the reward lists of Lorne and Kaido are placed in the most conspicuous positions.


Vinhill Lorne.

Bounty, 2,000,000,000 (two billion) Baileys

Demons, chaos makers, outlaws.



Bounty, 4,611,100,000 (4,611,100,000) Bailey

Beasts, Pirate General.

This is the bounty list of two people. Judging from the bounty, there is still a huge gap between Lorne and Kaido, but if the two are put together, no one will question whether Lorne is qualified.

Because Lorne's record along the way has already proved his strength.

The man looked at the bounties offered by the two men, and frowned slightly, as if lost in thought.


The ice block suddenly shattered, and the woman who was sleeping in the cold ice seemed to wake up, walked out of the ice block, looked at the man, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"It's rare to see you with such a sad face. It seems that this time you wake up, the choice is right."

Her voice is soft, but full of vicissitudes, like a whisper that has traveled through hundreds of years of time and space.

"It's just that you really can hold your breath. The little guy from the Vinhill family led people to beat Mary Gioia, but you haven't attacked him yet. This doesn't suit you at all. Character. Im."

The woman walked up to the man, and after seeing the reward list he put on the table, she joked.

"History cannot be changed, just like that kingdom will perish, and I will rule the world."

"It cannot be changed, it cannot be reversed."

The man said slowly.

"And the appearance of this little guy who broke history is just to add a bit of fun to our eternal life."


The woman said with a light smile.

"At the beginning, when you were injured by Caesar, you didn't say that."

"Didn't you grit your teeth and say that you would destroy the entire Vinhill family?"

"Ordinary people beyond the age, there will be a few at a time, and Caesar is just the best of them."

After leveling the reward list on the table, the man said so.

"But now, that Caesar should be hiding somewhere in this sea, looking for his own graveyard. He is about to die."

"But that's not why you haven't been ready to attack that little guy."

The woman shook her head and said slowly.

Before, he obviously had the opportunity to attack the Vinhill family, but through the world government, he assigned the navy to the East China Sea to wipe out that revolutionary army.

The best time was missed. Let Lorne relax.

"Because," the man took out a sharp dagger and stabbed at the table.

The dagger penetrated the table and nailed Lorne's bounty list to the table.

"I saw the future."

"Lorne, will die in Wano Country."

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