Pirate Family

Chapter 810 Meeting

Castle in the sky, castle hall.

High-level meeting of the Vinhill family.

The door opened slowly, and a shirtless man with short yellow hair walked in slowly and said in a lazy tone.

"What's going on, you're so anxious to find me back, I want to play with those little pirates for a while longer."

Enilu said lazily that he was teasing the pirates who had just entered the new world on a certain island in the new world just now, and immediately put down his work after receiving Lorne's order. Transformed into a thunderbolt, he flew back towards the sky city.

He was covered with tiny thunderbolts. Even though he had eaten the thunderous fruit and possessed the second speed of this sea, crossing half of the sea in such a short period of time was still very exhausting for him.

"Everyone is here."

Lorne tapped the table lightly, then said slowly.

"Then, I'll be straight."

The senior cadres of the Vinhill family looked at Lorne in unison. It had been a long time since Lorne showed such a serious expression, in their impression. The last time Lorne was so serious was when he learned that Garrett had been attacked after returning from Elbaf, the kingdom of giants.

"I'm going to attack Kaido."

Lorne said so. His tone was flat, not a discussion, but an order.

The entire hall was extremely silent, and after a while, Enilu frowned and said.


He didn't ask Lorne why, because he knew Lorne's character very well. This was not a discussion, but an order.

There was bound to be a battle between the Vinhill family and Kaido, and Lorne only slightly advanced this war for a while.

"Soon. I'm going to send troops immediately after finishing the family affairs."

"And the personnel?"

Enilo asked, he didn't expect Lorne to be so urgent, he licked his lips with some excitement, and fought against Kaido, just thinking about it was exciting.

"Some people need to stay in the family's territory to prevent some forces from taking advantage of this opportunity to invade the family." Lorne said slowly.

"So, this time, I'm not going to bring everyone over."

"Is that so?"

Among the crowd, Jody said with some disappointment that his right hand was shining with silver-white metal light. This is the arm he entrusted Lola to re-customize for him after he came back. He won't let it happen a second time.

Although he is very warlike and wants to join this war, he is more aware of one thing, that is, his own strength can no longer keep up with the pace of the family. It is a bit difficult to get on the front-line pirates.

In the war against a top pirate like Kaido, his strength is of no help at all. It was understandable for Lorne not to let him go.

"So, except that Fat Tiger stays in Sdio and Mooreman stays on Bubble Island."

"Others, follow me." Lorne stood up and scanned the hall.

"I want to take Kaido's head!"

Lorne's tone was flat, without agitation or rhetoric, as if he was just stating a fact.

A coming fact as well.

But no one questioned Lorne's words, because everyone in the Vinhill family believed in one thing, that is, Lorne had the ability to say these words and turn them into facts.

There is no other reason, just because he is Lorne.

Garrett stood silently behind Lorne without saying a word.

After the war between Whitebeard and Kaido, everyone thought that the sea would be calm for a long time.

But they couldn't guess that a bigger vortex was brewing.

A vortex, enough to engulf the entire new world, is brewing.


At the end of summer in 1510 of the sea calendar, after the war between Whitebeard and Kaido ended, there was a brief peace in the sea of ​​the New World.

But this peace didn't last long. The Vinhill family, which had just defeated the Golden Lion Shiji and secured the throne of the Four Emperors, suddenly began to gather troops.

No one knows what this crazy family wants to do, but everyone knows that this sea, the hard-won peace, is terribly about to be broken.

After all, apart from a few allies, there were only two or three opponents who could make the mighty Vinhill family so serious.

The great route, a certain sea area.

An isolated island with a dense jungle.

A pirate ship slowly docked. The sea wind blows, and the flag of the pirate ship flutters with the wind.

It was a skull flag with crossed knives. The most striking thing was that there were three deep scars on the left eye of the skull.

"Is this where the man lives? It's really simple."

A man with red hair stepped off the boat, looked at the dense jungle, and sighed.

"It's just that a place where a banquet can be held is a good place."

Behind him, a man with wavy long hair seemed to sense something. He raised his eyebrows, turned his head and looked behind him, frowning and said.

"There seem to be some mice following behind, are you sure to ignore it? Captain."

"Since it's a mouse, there's no need to bother with it."

In front of the man with long curly hair, there was a man smoking a cigar. He exhaled a puff of smoke.

"The meeting between the captain and that man cannot be concealed."

"It's just a brief touch with an old friend. Those people are so excited."

At the front of the crowd, a slovenly man stretched out his hand and stroked his eye-catching red hair. Said slowly.

At this time, some rustling sounds came from the depths of the dense forest. The man frowned, and with his right hand, he drew out the western sword attached to his waist.

"It seems that this dense forest doesn't seem to welcome us very much!"


A huge baboon jumped out from the depths of the dense forest. It held up a long sword several meters long and slashed at the red-haired man.

Long knife brandished. There is even a thin layer of domineering covering it.

"Even the animals here are armed and domineering?"

The red-haired man muttered to himself.

"As expected of the place where that man lives."

The long knife slashed at the man's neck, but the red-haired man didn't even have the slightest intention of avoiding it. His companions also looked at him lazily, without any movement to help him.

The moment the long knife slashed down, the man's pupils suddenly dilated, and an almost condensed sense of oppression pressed on the baboon's body. The baboon couldn't bear the pressure, dropped the weapon in his hand, and knelt down at the man's feet.

"It's just that there is still a little distance between me and me."

The red-haired man said slowly.

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